#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # makedefs: Installation-specific definitions used by AIPS++ makefiles #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 1997 # Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: # Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. # Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office # National Radio Astronomy Observatory # 520 Edgemont Road # Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This GNU makefile is read in by the makedefs file in the directory above # this. That "default makedefs" file defines default values of each and # every variable required by the AIPS++ makefiles. Those default values are # overridden where necessary by redefining them in this file. # # DO NOT MODIFY THE DEFAULT MAKEDEFS FILE - # # MODIFY THIS FILE INSTEAD # # Certain of the defaults in the default makedefs file are expressed in # terms of another default using "recursively expanded" variables (defined # with '=') rather than "simply expanded" (defined with ':='). For # example the TeX variables are defined in terms of "TEXROOT". This may # allow this makedefs file to redefine a whole set of variables, for # example all of the TeX variables, simply by redefining one, TEXROOT. # However, # # ALWAYS USE "SIMPLY EXPANDED" VARIABLES WITHIN THIS FILE # # That is, always use ":=" to make the assignments. # # $Id: makedefs,v 1.37 2001/05/08 15:42:10 rmarson Exp rmarson $ #============================================================================= # General external libraries. #---------------------------- # X11. X11ROOT := /usr/X11R6 X11LIBD := $(X11ROOT)/lib READLINELIBD := $(READLINEROOT)/lib # Motif MotifROOT := $(X11ROOT) MotifLIBD := $(X11LIBD) MotifLIB := -lXm -lXpm -lXp # XPM (X Pixmap) library XPMROOT := $(X11ROOT) XPMLIBD := $(X11LIBD) # TCL (version 7.6 or later). TCLROOT := /usr TCLLIB := -ltcl -ldl TCLINCD := TCLLIBD := $(TCLROOT)/lib # PGPLOT (FORTRAN plotting package). PGPLOTROOT := /usr PGPLOTLIBD := $(PGPLOTROOT)/lib PGPLOTINCD := XmPGPLOTINCD := XmPGPLOTLIBD := #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilation and linkage variables #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The C++ compiler. C++ROOT := /usr C++INCD := C++LIBD := # Preprocessor flags for system debug/optimized compilations. CPP64BIT := C++64BIT := CPPSTD := -DAIPS_USEATM -DAIPS_LINUX -DAIPS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DAIPS_STDLIB -DAIPS_NO_LEA_MALLOC -D_GLIBCPP_DEPRECATED -DAIPS_AUTO_STL -DAIPS_USEMATPLOTLIB -DAIPS_NEEDS_RETHROW $(CPP64BIT) $(QT4DEFS) CPPOPT := $(CPPSTD) # C compiler flags for system debug/optimized compilations. CC := $(C++ROOT)/bin/gcc CSTD += -DHAVE_LINUX_GLIBC -Wall COPTLVL := -O2 -fno-strength-reduce # C++ compiler flags for system debug/optimized compilations. C++ := $(C++ROOT)/bin/g++ -Wno-deprecated $(C++64BIT) C++STD += -pipe -Wall -Wno-non-template-friend -Woverloaded-virtual -Wcast-align -Wno-comment -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE $(CPP64BIT) C++OPTLVL := -O2 # FORTRAN compiler - using gcc (gfortran) F77ROOT := $(C++ROOT) F77LIB := -lgfortran F77INCD := F77LIBD := FC := $(F77ROOT)/bin/gfortran FCOPTLVL := -O2 -fno-second-underscore FCOPT += -fPIC JNILIBD := $(JNIROOT)/jre/lib/i386 JNIINCD := $(JNIROOT)/include $(JNIROOT)/include/linux JCLASSPATH += $(JCLASSPATH):/usr/share/java/java3d/vecmath.jar:/usr/share/java/java3d/j3dcore.jar:/usr/share/java/java3d/j3dutils.jar # Python PYTHONROOT := /usr/lib/casapy CCMTOOLSROOT := /usr/lib/casapy PYTHON := $(PYTHONROOT)/bin/python2.5 PYTHONVER := 2.5 PYTHONPATH := $(PYTHON) PYTHONINCD := $(PYTHONROOT)/include/python$(PYTHONVER) $(PYTHONLIBD)/python$(PYTHONVER)/site-packages/numpy/core/include PYTHONLIBD := $(PYTHONROOT)/lib PYTHONLIB := -lCCM_Python -lpython$(PYTHONVER) PYTHONDEFS := -DPYTHONPATH=\"$(PYTHONPATH)\" -DPYTHONVER=\"$(PYTHONVER)\" -DPYTHONLIB=\"$(AIPSARCH)/lib:$(AIPSARCH)/libexec/python\" -DPYTHONROOT=\"$(PYTHONROOT)\" -DCASAPYROOT=\"/usr/lib/casapy/20.0.5654-001\" ## ## these are substituted into python scripts ## PYTHON_TASKD := /usr/lib/casapy/20.0.5654-001/lib/python2.5 PYTHON_LIBD := /usr/lib/casapy/20.0.5654-001/lib/python2.5 ARCHLIBS := #ARCHLIBS := -L$(PYTHONLIBD) $(PYTHONLIB) -lWX_Utils_types -L$(AIPSARCH)/lib -lgraphics -lmir -lwcs -lm # Link flags for system debug/optimized compilations; passed to g++. LDSTD += -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker $(AIPSARCH)/lib:$(PYTHONLIBD):$(C++ROOT)/lib:$(X11LIBD) LDOPT := $(LDSTD) # Lapack stuff LAPACKROOT := /usr/lib/casapy LAPACKINCD := LAPACKLIBD := $(LAPACKROOT)/lib QTROOT := /usr/lib/qt2 QTINCD := $(QTROOT)/include QTLIBD := $(QTROOT)/lib MOC := $(QTROOT)/bin/moc QT4ROOT := /usr QT4LIBD := $(QT4ROOT)/lib QT4INCD += /usr/include/qwt MOC4 := /usr/bin/moc-qt4 $(CPPSTD) $(QT4DEFS) UIC4 := /usr/bin/uic-qt4 RCC4 := $(QT4ROOT)/bin/rcc # Boost BOOSTROOT := /usr/lib/casapy BOOSTDEFS := BOOSTINCD = $(BOOSTROOT)/include BOOSTLIBD = $(BOOSTROOT)/lib BOOSTLIB := -lboost_python -lboost_regex -lboost_program_options # External libraries required by particular AIPS++ packages. #----------------------------------------------------------- # CFITSIO (required by ATNF). CFITSIOROOT := /usr CFITSIOINCD := $(CFITSIOROOT)/include/cfitsio CFITSIOLIBD := $(CFITSIOROOT)/lib # RPFITS (required by ATNF). RPFITSROOT := /usr RPFITSINCD := RPFITSLIBD := $(RPFITSROOT)/lib ATMROOT := /usr ATMINCD := $(ATMROOT)/include/ATM ATMLIBD := $(ATMROOT)/lib ATMLIB := -lATM WCSLIBLIB := -lwcs # Control table for building AIPS++ libraries. Four keywords are recognized: # defeat: The library will not be built (and if an old version exists it # will be deleted). # static: The static library is built and is the one linked to. # shatic: The static and shared libraries are built but the static library # is the one linked to. # shared: The static and shared libraries are built and the shared library # is the one linked to. # # C++ C FORTRAN # dbg opt dbg opt dbg opt # ------------- ------------- ------------- LIBcasa := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBcasac := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBscimath := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat shatic LIBtables := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBmeasures := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat shatic LIBfits := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBmsfits := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBgraphics := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBlattices := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBcoordinates := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBcomponents := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBimages := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBms := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBmsfits := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBmsvis := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBcalibration := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBionosphere := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat shatic LIBflagging := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBdish := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBsimulators := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBsynthesis := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBcasajni := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBcasaqt := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBatmosphere := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBvlbi := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBcontrib := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBdisplay := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBalma := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBatnf := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBbima := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBhia := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBjive := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBnfra := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBnpoi := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBnral := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBnrao := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBtifr := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat LIBxmlcasa := defeat shatic defeat defeat defeat defeat #=========================================================================== # What auxiliary packages to build (contrib trial). AUXILIARY += casaqt contrib # What consortium packages to build (atnf bima hia nfra nral nrao tifr). CONSORTIA := nrao alma atnf xmlcasa XLIBLIST_shared_scimath := CCMTOOLS LAPACK PGPLOT F77 X11 XLIBLIST_shared_display := CCMTOOLS LAPACK QT4 CFITSIO MIRLIB WCSLIB F77 PGPLOT X11 XLIBLIST_shared_alma := $(XLIBLIST_shared_display) BOOST XLIBLIST_shared_atnf := LAPACK RPFITS MIRLIB WCSLIB CFITSIO F77 XLIBLIST_shared_graphics += PGPLOT XLIBLIST_shared_xmlcasa += ATM X11 # Absolute pathname of perl-5 executable PERL5 := /usr/bin/perl PERL4 := /usr/bin/perl # TeX, dvips, and MetaFont paths. #-------------------------------- # TeX, dvips, and MetaFont paths. #-------------------------------- TEXBINROOT := /usr/bin TEXROOT := /usr/share/texmf # The font finding stuff is faster without setting TEXFONTS here. TEXFONTS := TEXFORMATS := .:$(TEXROOT)/web2c #>TEXINPUTS := .:..://net/sngldsh/export/sngldsh/aips2mgr/latex2html/texinputs//:$(TEXROOT)/tex//:$(TEXROOT)/dvips// TEXINPUTS := .:..:$(TEXROOT)/tex//:$(TEXROOT)/dvips// TEXPOOL := .:$(TEXROOT)/web2c # The font finding stuff is faster without setting TEXPKS here. TEXPKS := MFBASES := .:$(TEXROOT)/web2c MFINPUTS := .:$(TEXROOT)/metafont//:$(TEXROOT)/fonts/source// MFPOOL := .:$(TEXROOT)/web2c #>LATEX2HTML := /net/sngldsh/export/sngldsh/aips2mgr/latex2html/latex2html -init_file $(AIPSROOT)/code/install/docutils/latex2html-init # Variables which tell the makefiles what to do and how to do it #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We do NOT do the docs for the AOC # DOCSYS := DOCEXTR := # Set these variables to get local icons in the html files generated by # latex2html ICONSERVER := http://www.nrao.edu/icons/latex2html XTRNLIBS_rpath := -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/casapy/lib:/usr/lib/casapy/20.0.5654-001/lib:/usr/lib:/lib