NGVLA SAC Telecon (27/03/18) Present: Alberto Bolatto, Brenda Matthews, Eric Murphy, James Di Francesco, Joe Lazio, Dominik Reichers 1) Progress on Registration for Meeting - 41 abstract submissions by this meeting. There is an underabundance of invited speakers who have registered so far, and this may be somewhat discouraging others from registering themselves - Oral contribution deadline is April 2, early registration deadline is May 1, also the "discounted accommodation deadline" - Poster abstracts accepted after this April 2 deadline - Eric will send out another e-mail to the SWGs tonight or tomorrow - Alberto to ask SAC members to send out reminder e-mails to their own departments - April deadline could be extended to ALMA deadline (April 19) since SOC is not going to be looking at submissions until then anyway. - delay of JWST Cycle 1 proposal deadline may free up some time for people to think of this meeting - only people presenting at the meeting will receive financial assistance - SAC can decide to push the deadlines back as needed. Karen needs to change any dates today since she's not in tomorrow. - We decide to change the oral abstracts deadline to April 6, due to the JWST proposal delay and the Easter holiday weekend 2) Science Book Submissions - Alberto submitted his chapter, at least one of Brenda's will be late, Dominik reports of various statuses of his chapters - Joe reports that Galactic Center case is coming together, will send in a case by Saturday morning - quick look at chapters submitted so far shows they seem "substantial" - who will referee these chapters? Up to SWG chairs to suggest primary and secondary referees. Or, Alberto and Andreas will figure something out. Will be referred primarily by the SAG but will go out of the SAG if needed - Eric will make accounts for people to log into a dedicated website to act as a wiki for the science book contributions, will migrate previous wiki to new place allowing us to put all of our material so far into one place - Refereed chapters will be posted on astro-ph by Eric, if no one else does it first - Alberto to send Eric e-mail to profile the meeting highly in the April NRAO e-Newletter, maybe also send an e-mail to the mailing list itself. 3) AOB - what if the decadal survey is delayed? No idea...will keep working on NGVLA project until money becomes available. 2023 might be possible as it would come after the planetary community's decadal survey. NRAO may push to get a prototype together. NSF just got a 5% increase in its budget.