# Extragalactic HI with the GBT Spectrometer # GBT REU Summer Observing Project # Tim Pennucci, Brian Sacash, Delia Mocanu, Anthony Woody # June 25/26th, 2008 # Script adapted from example HI scripts by Frank Ghigo (GBT Wiki) and Jim Braatz c = Catalog([path]/T_REx.cat) # T_REx Catalog srclist=[""] #Needs to be in a good order... source = "" Comment("Configuring...Total Power ACS for L-Band, 50 MHz Bandwith centered on 21cm...") Execfile("[path]/T_Rex.init") #When/should we obtain measurements for flux density calibration? print source, c[source]["RA"], c[source]["DEC"], c[source]["VELOCITY"] Comment("Go-Go gadget GBT...slewing...") Slew(source) Balance() Break("Check IF Rack power levels and Spectrometer duty cycles...Balance ok?") OnOffSameHA(source, 180) Comment("Scans complete for " + source + ".")