#!/bin/csh #run the pipeline with arguments specified #HISTORY # 110209 GIL use dbcon.py and mapDefault.py # 110206 GIL revise for new pipeline arguments # 101020 GIL produce a temperature map # 101013 GIL change default location of python code # 101006 GIL complete execution of pipeline # 100929 GIL try all w51 data on gbtpipeline # 100325 GIL revised for existing SDFITS file setenv pipehome /home/sandboxes/gbtpipeline setenv gbtpipeline /opt/local/bin/gbtpipeline-test set you=`whoami` #Use AIPS with a public number setenv NUMBERS `$pipehome/contrib/aipsNumber $you` #Due to strange prompt issues, strip out last 5 digits only setenv AIPSNUM `id -u | awk '{print substr($0,length($0)-4,length($0))}'` echo '--------------------------------------------------' echo ' Your ('$you') pipeline AIPS number: '$AIPSNUM echo '--------------------------------------------------' #select NH3 (1,1) scans for this map $gbtpipeline -i /home/sdfits/TKFPA_29/TKFPA_29.raw.acs.fits -m 14:24 \ --refscan1=13 --refscan2=26 --units=Tmb -v 4 \ --imaging-off --max-processors=8 -n 4.0 --clobber # --allmaps ########################## Set your data merge script name here set merge=dbcon.py #Transfer the python/ParselTongue scripts to local if (! -f "$merge") then cp $pipehome/contrib/$merge . endif set doImage=$pipehome/doImage #Merge all data into a single trimed data set $doImage $merge $AIPSNUM *.sdf ########################## Set your data mapping script name here set image=mapDefault.py #Transfer the python/ParselTongue scripts to local if (! -f "$image") then cp $pipehome/contrib/$image . endif #Produce the cube, continuum and baselined images (average 3 channels) $doImage $image $AIPSNUM 3 #Sum channels to compute Line integration if (! -f "sumLine.py") then cp $pipehome/contrib/sumLine.py . endif #Sum line channels for W51 NH3 (1,1) #v=60 km/sec, line FULL width 20 km/sec $doImage sumLine.py $AIPSNUM W51-NH3-11 23694.506 60. 20. casaviewer *NH3-11.fits & #Look at NH3 (1,1) line output #Next sum the NH3 (2,2) transition $doImage sumLine.py $AIPSNUM W51-NH3-22 23722.6336 60. 20. casaviewer *NH3-22.fits & #Compare NH3 (2,2) #Sum channels to compute Line integration if (! -f "tempNH3_1122.py") then cp $pipehome/contrib/tempNH3_1122.py . endif #Produce a temperature map for source Velocity 60 km/sec, width 20 km/sec $doImage tempNH3_1122.py $AIPSNUM W51 60. 10. .2 casaviewer W51*T_11_22.fits & #Examine the temperature map