Tool: msplot Plot data from MeasurementSet via Glish
Method: msplot Construct a msplot tool
Method: open * \n Set a MeasurementSet \n *
msname string String : measurement set name, including path
Method: setdata * \n Select a subset of the measurement set to operate on. \n Examples: fieldIndex=1, fieldIndex=[0,1]\n antennaNames='3'\n correlations='RR', correlations='RR LL'\n *
antennaNames string Vector of strings : antenna names
antennaIndex intArray Vector of ints : antenna index
spwNames string Vector of strings : spectral window names
spwIndex intArray Vector of ints : spectral window index
fieldNames string Vector of strings : field names
fieldIndex intArray Vector of ints : field index
uvDists string Vector of strings : uv distance expressions
times string Vector of strings : times
correlations string Vector of strings : correlations
Method: plotoptions * \n Set the plot options and labels.\nOptions: subplot = three digit number (ny nx panel) \n subplot=212 (lower panel of 2 on frame) \n subplot=223 (lower left panel of 4 on frame) \n plotsymbol = matplotlib plotsymbol (e.g., \n '-' = solid line \n '.' = points \n 'o' = circles \n '' = combined dash dot line with red circles\n *
overplot bool To do overplot or not.
subplot int Three digits number:first digit for nx,second for ny, last for pannel number.
plotsymbol string string for the plot symbol.
nxpanel int nember of x panels
nypanel int nember of y panels
windowsize double window size of the plot
aspectratio double aspect ratio of the window size of the plot
fontsize double font size of the labels for the plot
xlabels string string for the X -lable of the plot
ylabels string string for the Y -lable of the plot
title string string for the title of the plot
column string which column of data in the MS : can be DATA,CORRECTED_DATA, MODEL_DATA
Method: uvcoverage * \n Plot the the UV coverage of a MeasurementSet (or its subset if the user called setdata() ).\n *
Method: array * \n Plot antenna distribution in local reference frame. \n X - toward local east; Y - toward local north.\n *
Method: uvdist * \n Plot quanties versus uv distance.\n Options: column -'data','model','corrected'\n what - 'amp','phase'\n *
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String: Antenna1, Antenna2, Feed1, Feed2, Field_id, Scan_number, Time, Spectral Window/Polarization_id( not available yet )
Method: vistime *\n Plot visibility amplitude, phase, etc. versus time.\nOptions: column - 'data','model','corrected' \n what - 'amp','phase'.\n iteration - 'antenna', 'baseline' \n *
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String, iteration axis name: baseline, antenna, channel( not available yet )
|Method: vischannel|*** \n Plot visibility amplitude, phase, etc. versus channel ( or frequency or velocity -not currently enabled).\n Options: column - 'data','model','corrected' \n what - 'amp','phase'.\n iteration - 'antenna', 'baseline', 'time' \n ***||
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String, iteration axis name: baseline, antenna, time ( not formmated yet )
Method: plotxy * \n Plot X verus Y.\n *
X string X-axis, column name in MAIN table of MS and derived quantities
Y string Y-axis, column name in MAIN table of MS and derived quantities
iteration string iteration axis name
what string String, needed if X or Y is data quantity: amp, phase
|Method: baseline|*** \n Plot amplitude, phase, etc. versus baseline. \n Options: column - 'data','model','corrected' \n what - 'amp','phase'.\n ***||
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String: Antenna1, Antenna2, Feed1, Feed2, Field_id, Scan_number, Time, Spectral Window/Polarization_id( not available yet )
Method: hourangle * \n Plot amplitude, phase, etc. versus hour angle. \nOptions: column - 'data','model','corrected' \n what - 'amp','phase'.\n iteration - not enabled\n *
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String: baseline, antenna, channel
Method: parallacticangle * \n Plot amplitude, phase, etc. versus parallactic angle. \nOptions: column - 'data','model','corrected' \n what - 'amp','phase'.\n iteration - not enabled\n *
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String: baseline, antenna, channel
Method: azimuth * \n Plot amplitude, phase, etc. versus azimuth. \nOptions: column - 'data','model','corrected' \n what - 'amp','phase'.\n iteration - not enabled\n *
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String: baseline, antenna, channel
Method: elevation * \n Plot amplitude, phase, etc. versus elevation. \nOptions: column - 'data','model','corrected' \n what - 'amp','phase'.\n iteration - not enabled\n *
column string String, column name in MAIN table of MS: data, corrected, model, residual
what string String: amp, phase
iteration string String: baseline, antenna, channel
Method: setspectral * \n Select a subset of the measurement set. Prior to plotting, it will do the averaging as designated by the method parameters.\nNote: Remember that the start channel is 0-based!\n *
nchan intArray Vector of ints : channel numbers.
start intArray Vector of Int : starting channel numbers, corresponding earch spw.
width intArray Vector of ints : width of channel numbers( average range ). corresponding to each spw.
Method: iterplotstart * \n Initialize plotting with an iteration axis. \n *
poption any Record: plot options
labels stringArray List of strings : Title,Xlabel,Ylabel
datastr stringArray List of TaQL strings : X coordinate,Y coordinate
iteraxes stringArray List of strings : Iteration axes
Method: iterplotnext * \n Start/Continue plotting.\n *
Method: iterplotstop * \n Stop plot iterations.\n *
Method: markflags Mark a rectangular region to flag
nrows int Number of rows of panels
ncols int Number of columns of panels
panel int Panel number
region doubleArray [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] bounding box
Method: flagdata * \n Flag Data for selected flag regions. Flags are not written to disk unless diskwrite=true (or diskwrite=1) is set.\n *
diskwrite int 1 to write flags to the table on disk, 0 to set dummy flags
rowflag int 1 to set a row-flag in addition to individual data flags, 0 to ignore row flags if individual flags exist
Method: clearflags * \n Clear all flags in the table. Note: This clears *all flags and should be used with caution. \n **
Method: close * \n Close the current MeasurementSet so that the user can open another one. \n *
Method: done * \n Close the current MeasurementSet so that the user can open another one. \n *

-- WesYoung - 17 Jul 2006

This topic: Software > WebHome > LegacyCASA > Issues > ProposedNames > ExistingToolParameters > MsplotTool
Topic revision: 2006-07-17, WesYoung
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