Tool: imagertask tool for imager tasks
Method: imagertask Construct an imagertask tool
Method: clean Perform clean operations
vis string name of input visibility file (MS)
alg string Algorithm to use (clark, hogbom, csclean, csfast). Default is clark.
niter int Number of iterations. Default=1000.
gain double The minor iteration loop gain. Default is 0.1.
threshold double Threshold flux level at which to stop cleaning (in Jy). Default is 0.Jy.
residual stringArray name of residual image. Default is model name concatenated with ".residual".
image stringArray name of restored image. Default is model name concatenated with ".restored".
model stringArray name of model image. No value.
mask stringArray name of mask image. No value.
mode string Type of processing (channel or velocity)
nchan intArray With mode, this defines the number of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
start intArray With mode, this defines the starting channel for mapping of visibilities to image channels
width intArray With mode, this defines the width of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
step intArray With mode, this defines the step of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
imsize intArray The size of the output image (pixels).
cell intArray The image cell size (arcseconds).
stokes string Stokes params to image. Default is 'I'. Allowed: I, IV, IQU, IQUV
fieldid intArray Field IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available field ids.
spwid intArray Spectral Window IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available spectral window ids.
weighting string Type of weighting (natural, uniform, briggs, radial). Default is uniform.
rmode string Mode of Briggs weighting ('norm', 'abs', 'none'). Default is 'none'.
robust double Parameter in briggs weighting. Range -2.0 to 2.0. Default is 0.0.
Method: feather Perform feather operation
vis string name of input visibility file (MS)
featherimage string name of output image
highres string name of high resolution (interferometer) image
lowres string name of low resolution (single dish) image
lowpsf string image of the single dish beam
Method: invert Perform invert operation
vis string name of input visibility file (MS)
map string name of output dirty map (image)
beam string name of output beam file (image)
mode string Type of processing (channel or velocity)
nchan intArray With mode, this defines the number of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
start intArray With mode, this defines the starting channel for mapping of visibilities to image channels
width intArray With mode, this defines the width of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
step intArray With mode, this defines the step of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
imsize intArray The size of the output image (pixels).
cell intArray The image cell size (arcseconds).
stokes string Stokes params to image. Default is 'I'. Allowed: I, IV, IQU, IQUV
fieldid intArray Field IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available field ids.
spwid intArray Spectral Window IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available spectral window ids.
weighting string Type of weighting (natural, uniform, briggs, radial). Default is uniform.
rmode string Mode of Briggs weighting ('norm', 'abs', 'none'). Default is 'none'.
robust double Parameter in briggs weighting. Range -2.0 to 2.0. Default is 0.0.
Method: mosaic Perform mosaic operation
vis string name of input visibility file (MS)
alg string Algorithm to use (mfclark,mfhogbom). Default is 'mfclark'.
niter int Number of iterations. Default=1000.
gain double The minor iteration loop gain. Default is 0.1.
threshold double Threshold flux level at which to stop cleaning (in Jy). Default is 0.Jy.
residual stringArray name of residual image. Default is model name concatenated with ".residual".
image stringArray name of restored image. Default is model name concatenated with ".restored".
model stringArray name of model image. No value.
mask stringArray name of mask image. No value.
mode string Type of processing (channel or velocity)
gridfn string Type of gridding function (spheroidal wave, box car, primary beam
grid string Type of gridding mosaic or ft (standard interferometry)
nchan intArray With mode, this defines the number of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
start intArray With mode, this defines the starting channel for mapping of visibilities to image channels
width intArray With mode, this defines the width of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
step intArray With mode, this defines the step of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels
imsize intArray The size of the output image (pixels).
cell intArray The image cell size (arcseconds).
stokes string Stokes params to image. Default is 'I'. Allowed: I, IV, IQU, IQUV
fieldid intArray Field IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available field ids.
reffieldid int Reference Field IDs to use. Default is 1.
spwid intArray Spectral Window IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available spectral window ids.
weighting string Type of weighting (natural, uniform, briggs, radial). Default is uniform.
mosweight string Type of weighting used for the mosaic. T means that each field will be weighted individually.
rmode string Mode of Briggs weighting ('norm', 'abs', 'none'). Default is 'none'.
robust double Parameter in briggs weighting. Range -2.0 to 2.0. Default is 0.0.
minpb double Minimum PB level to use. Default is 0.1.
scaletype string Image plane flux scale type ('NONE', 'SAULT'). Default is 'NONE'.
stoplargenegatives int Stop large negatives. Default=-1.
cyclefactor double Cycle factor. Default=1.5.
cyclespeedup double Cycle speedup. Default=2.

-- WesYoung - 17 Jul 2006
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-07-17, WesYoung
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