MIRIAD -- CASA dictionary

This appendix provides a list of common Miriad tasks, and their equivalent CASA tool or tool function names. The two packages differ in both their architecture and calibration and imaging models, and there is often not a direct correspondence. However, this index does provide a scientific user of CASA who is familiar with MIRIAD, with a simple translation table to map their existing data reduction knowledge to the new package.

%BEGINTABLE{label="tbl:MIRIADCASA" caption="MIRIAD - CASA dictionary"}%
MIRIAD Task Description CASA tool/function
atlod load ATCA data atcafiller
blflag Interactive baseline based editor/flagger mp raster displays
cgcurs Interactive image analysis qtviewer
cgdisp Image display, overlays qtviewer
clean Clean an image im
fits FITS image filler ia.imagefromfits
gpboot Set flux density scale cb.fluxscale
gpcal Polarization leakage and gain calibration cb with 'G' and 'D'
gpcopy copy calibration tables not needed
gpplt Plot calibration solutions cp.plot
imcomb Image combination im
imfit Image-plane component fitter ia.imagefitter
impol Create polarization images ia.imagepol
imstat Image statistics ia.statistics
imsub Extract sub-image ia.subimage
invert Synthesis imaging im
linmos linear mosaic combination of images im
maths Calculations involving images ia.imagecalc, ia.calc
mfcal Bandpass and gain calibration cb with 'G' and 'B'
prthd Print header of image or uvdata ia.summary, ms.summary
restor Restore a clean component model im
selfcal selfcalibration of visibility data im, cb
tvclip automated flagging based on clip levels af
tvdisp Load image to TV display qtviewer
tvflag Interactive TB data editing mp
uvaver Average/select data, apply calibration ms.split
uvfit uv-plane component fitter cb
uvflag Command-based flagging af
uvgen Simulator sm
uvlist List uv-data tb
uvmodel Source model computation im.ft
uvplt uv-data plotting ms
uvsplit split uv file in sources and spectral windows ms.split

-- JosephMcMullin - 27 Sep 2006
Topic revision: r3 - 2013-02-13, PatrickMurphy
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