Sanjay Bhatnagar | Scientist | Group Lead | |
Mingyu (Genie) Hsieh | Software Engg-IV | ||
Felipe Madsen | Software Engg | ||
Preshanth Jagannathan | Assoc. Scientist | ||
Members At-large | |||
Brian Kirk | NRAO Reber Fellow/PhD Student | Reports to thesis supervisor (U. Rau) | |
Hendrik Mueller | Jansky Post-doctoral fellow | NRAO Scientific Services and Research | |
Srikrishna Sekhar | Assistant Scientist | The CASA Group/NRAO Scientific Services and Research |
Reference | Author(s) | Date |
Synthesis Imaging with CASA | P. Jagannathan | Mar. 24, 2022 |
A to Z Solver Methodology | P. Jagannathan | Jan. 5, 2022 |
A Systems approach to Imaging and Calibration (a talk in the RCI Seminar Series) | S. Bhatnagar | Feb. 12, 2021 |
Algorithms R&D Update: Retrospective 2019 + Proposed plan 2020 | S. Bhatnagar | Jan. 22, 2020 |
Understanding and using the AWProjection algorithm | S. Bhatnagar | Sept. 7, 2018 |
Foundations of radio interferometric observations | Details of the measurement process in theory and in practice | MM/DD/YY |
Demystification of post-processing: Understanding RA calibration and indirect imaging | Simplified description of the theoretical framework for calibration and imaging | MM/DD/YY |
Quantization in the measurement chain | Understanding the effects of the inevitable quantization at various stages of the measurement, calibration & imaging process | MM/DD/YY |
User-level understanding the algorithmic framework implementation in CASA | Mapping the theory to the data processing operations most users are familiar with | MM/DD/YY |
Understanding connections between algorithms, imaging performance and computing load | Impact on run-time of the algorithmic choices, estimating what's needed when | MM/DD/YY |
Deconvolution through the ages | A review and comparison of deconvolution algorithm formulations over the past 20yrs. | MM/DD/YY |
Spectral Line Deconvolution | State of the art in line search algorithms and the need for joint deconvolution algorithms | MM/DD/YY |
RFI mitigation | ngVLA study and other ideas to pursue at the VLA. Review of what other observatories do | MM/DD/YY |
Faraday Rotation Synthesis | Review of methods and what would be useful to adopt here | MM/DD/YY |
Wide-field Imaging | Review of methods such as AW-Projection, Different types of DD-cals, Using spherical geometry for W-term, etc | MM/DD/YY |
Single Dish and Interferometer Combinations | State of the art and outstanding problems/requirements | MM/DD/YY |
Generic HPC solver frameworks | Moving beyond our standard chi-square minimization and major/minor cycles for next gen algorithms | MM/DD/YY |
Primary Beam Models | CASA's models, Zernicke models for ALMA/VLA/MeerKAT, Review of other approaches, guidelines for what a good model is | MM/DD/YY |
Full Mueller Imaging | Review of methods, explanation of Full Mueller Imaging vs what is usually described as Full-Stokes Imaging | MM/DD/YY |
Machine Learning Applications | Do we have use cases where Machine Learning and AI will halp ? | MM/DD/YY |
Pipeline Heuristics | Invite SRDP/ALMA/VLA pipeline folk to describe top heuristics they depend on plus unsolved algorithmic problems they face | MM/DD/YY |
Simulations in CASA | Going beyond simobserve. | MM/DD/YY |
I | Attachment | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
(Advanced) Synthesis Imaging with CASA.pdf | manage | 1 MB | 2022-03-25 - 06:49 | PreshanthJagannathan | Talk at the NRAO webinar series | |
A2Z Solver.pdf | manage | 1 MB | 2022-03-25 - 06:53 | PreshanthJagannathan | Talk at URSI on the aperture to zernikes methodology | |
ARDG_ManagementPlan_Final.pdf | manage | 537 K | 2018-09-24 - 15:27 | SanjayBhatnagar | ARDG/Proposal Mangement Plan (2018) | |
ARDG_Original_Proposal.pdf | manage | 20 K | 2009-03-19 - 18:23 | GarethHunt | Original Proposal | |
ARDG_VLASS_Imaging_Report_v2.pdf | manage | 1 MB | 2018-09-28 - 11:20 | SanjayBhatnagar | VLASS Imaging Test Report (June-Aug 2018) | |
AWPDesign.pdf | manage | 297 K | 2022-04-30 - 12:49 | SanjayBhatnagar | Design of the AWProject framework | |
AtoZSolver.pdf | manage | 5 MB | 2019-02-26 - 16:50 | PreshanthJagannathan | Building an aperture illumination model using zernike polynomials | |
HPCForUsers.pdf | manage | 2 MB | 2011-08-19 - 17:04 | KumarGolap | HPC talk | |
HetArrayNote.pdf | manage | 930 K | 2022-03-25 - 07:00 | PreshanthJagannathan | Heterogeneous array pointing corrections in AW Projection | |
ImagingWithAWProject.pdf | manage | 6 MB | 2018-09-24 - 15:16 | SanjayBhatnagar | Using and understanding AWProjection algorithm | |
LectureAutoFlagSummary.pdf | manage | 28 K | 2011-08-07 - 20:25 | SanjayBhatnagar | Thrusday Lecture Series, Lecture 3.1: Summry of auto-flagging algorithms | |
LectureBasicsIntro.pdf | manage | 1 MB | 2011-08-07 - 20:22 | SanjayBhatnagar | Thrusday Lecture Series, Lecture 1: Introduction | |
LectureCalibration.pdf | manage | 1 MB | 2011-08-07 - 20:27 | SanjayBhatnagar | Thrusday Lecture Series, Lecture 3.2: Calibration | |
LectureWideBand.pdf | manage | 5 MB | 2011-08-07 - 20:23 | SanjayBhatnagar | Thrusday Lecture Series, Lecture 1: Wideband Imaging | |
LectureWideField.pdf | manage | 2 MB | 2011-08-07 - 20:24 | SanjayBhatnagar | Thrusday Lecture Series, Lecture 1: Widefield Imaging | |
Mosaicking_aoc.pdf | manage | 692 K | 2011-08-12 - 10:58 | KumarGolap | Mosaic presentation slides | |
Roadrunner.pdf | manage | 527 K | 2022-05-19 - 11:50 | SanjayBhatnagar | ||
SummaryImagingRadioInterferometry.pdf | manage | 365 K | 2018-10-11 - 12:16 | UrvashiRV | Summary of Image Reconstruction Algorithms in RI (as of summer 2018) | |
WAsp.pdf | manage | 2 MB | 2022-09-12 - 16:43 | GenieHsieh | wide-band implementation of of the Asp-Clean algorithm | |
WedLunch_15Jan2020.pdf | manage | 12 MB | 2020-01-22 - 16:50 | SanjayBhatnagar | Slide deck | |
ardg_aspclean.pdf | manage | 5 MB | 2022-03-21 - 10:25 | SanjayBhatnagar | Narrow-band implementation of the Asp-Clean algorithm | |
ngvla_wasp.pdf | manage | 3 MB | 2022-09-12 - 16:45 | GenieHsieh | Memo for ngVLA-38: Recommended Developments Necessary for Applying WAsp to ngVLA |