NRAO Algorithm Research and Development Group (ARDG) Welcome to the Algorithm Research and Development Group (ARDG) page on NRAO Wiki. The Algorithms Research a...
Software/Algorithms Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Software/Algorithms web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferen...
SKA Calibration and Imaging Workshop, 2016 The workshop has completed! Our thanks to all the participants for making it a very vibrant and scientifically useful ...
Algorithm Development List This version is preparatory for development during Q4 of 2009. Priorities are (per Main.StevenMyers et al.): 1. Essential 2. High...
Algorithm Research and Development Group (ARDG) Operation Goals The Algorithm R D Development Group (ARDG) will provide a forum to coordinate algorithms needed f...
Algorithm Development List This is preliminary. Main.GarethHunt extracted this table from the list prepared by Main.FrazerOwen for EVLA development and one prepar...