FY2017 Q4 Observatory Metrics

July 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017

Collected Data

Note: Charts 2 and 4 are allocated by PI only.

  • Chart 1: Telescope Usage (Observed, Downtime, Maintenance, Test/Calibration, Unscheduled, Shutdown)
  • Chart 2: Telescope Usage by Observing Hours Expended
    • In terms of US/Foreign Observers
    • In terms of Astronomical Community/Graduate Students/AUI Staff
  • Chart 3: Telescope Usage by Science Category
  • Chart 4: Telescope Usage by Geography of Project Team
  • Chart 5: Breakdown of Proposals Submitted for 18A (1 August 2017)
  • Chart 6: Volume of Information and Data Served
  • Chart 7: Archive Data Retrievals


FY17Q4 Chart1.png
Chart 1: Telescope Usage
FY17Q4 Chart1N.png
Chart 1: Telescope Usage. OpenSkies and Sponsored
FY17Q4 Chart2A.png
Chart 2: Telescope Usage by Observing Hours. 2A: US/Foreign Observers
FY17Q4 Chart2B.png
Chart 2: Telescope Usage by Observing Hours. 2B: Astronomical Community/Graduate Students/NRAO Staff
FY17Q4 Chart3.png
Chart 3: Telescope Usage by Science Category
FY17Q4 Chart4A.png
Chart 4: Telescope Usage by Geography of Project Team. 4A: Including USA
FY17Q4 Chart4B.png
Chart 4: Telescope Usage by Geography of Project Team. 4B: Excluding USA
FY17Q4 Chart4S.png
Chart 4: Telescope Usage by Geography of Project Team. 4S: US States
FY17Q4 Chart5.png
Chart5: Breakdown of Proposals Submitted for 18A
FY17Q4 Chart6.png
Chart6: Volume of Information and Data Served
FY17Q4 Chart7.png
Chart 7: Archive Data Retrievals

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I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
FY17Q4_Chart1.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart1.png manage 495 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart1N.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart1N.png manage 343 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart2A.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart2A.png manage 192 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart2B.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart2B.png manage 222 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart3.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart3.png manage 275 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart4A.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart4A.png manage 116 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart4B.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart4B.png manage 144 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart4S.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart4S.png manage 157 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart5.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart5.png manage 307 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart6.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart6.png manage 427 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
FY17Q4_Chart7.pngpng FY17Q4_Chart7.png manage 702 K 2017-10-24 - 15:37 JaredCrossley  
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-10-24, JaredCrossley
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