Updates to GBT User Guides


How to update the observer guide: https://staff.nrao.edu/wiki/bin/view/GB/ObserversGuideUpdates

GBT Observer Guide

Edits remaining

ALERT! = action required

Contact Suggested by Chapter Page number Description of edit
  Ellie 1 1 Add reference to MUSTANG2 chapter, once it's added
Dave Ellie 2 4 In Table 2.1, in the row labeled "Slew Rates," might want to note that below 16 degrees Fahrenheit, the azimuth slew rate is halved. Need to verify if it is 17 or 18 deg. / min; Dave:half Az slew rate is 17.6 deg/min.
Dave Ellie 2 4 In Table 2.1, in the row labeled "Pointing accuracy", the blind pointing accuracy is given as 5" -- it has been found that blind pointing (without applying LPCs) accuracy is closer to 9", but pointing with LPCs in place is as good as 1.2", when calibrations are performed on a source within 10 degrees of the target and within an hour of the science observation. All-sky relative pointing accuracy (i.e., the accuracy you would achieve by performing a single APF at the beginning of a multi-hour, all-sky observing run) is close to 5", however. Ask Dave about how to approach this. Dave: I would recommend blind pointing of roughly 10 arcsec and offset pointing of 1-2" to roughly 5" depending on how close the pointing source is to the target and cite the White+2022 paper.
Ryan Ellie 2 7 In section, it says VEGAS "can be configured in any one of 29 modes". Should probably update this to something like: "[VEGAS] can be configured in any one of 29 standard spectral line modes or in any one of [xx] pulsar modes"
Toney Ellie 2 9 In section 2.2, are there any language changes we should make in reference to COVID-19, i.e. about remote observing certification, etc.?
Toney Ellie 2 9 In Step 5, where it discusses remote observing, VNC sessions are mentioned, but FastX is not -- should we mention FastX here?
Toney Ellie 2 10 In Step 8, it says to kill your VNC session. Referring to the suggestion above, if we mention FastX in Step 5, should tell observers to close their FastX session in Step 8.
Christine Ellie 2 10 Does NRAO or GBO help with page charges? Currently it says NRAO will help with page charges; if it is actually GBO, will need to update this, if not, it's fine as-is.
  Ellie 3 14-15 The screen shots of DSS are outdated in Figures 3.1 and 3.2; the links across the top don't match what currently appears when you open the DSS. In particular, "Docs" and "Support Center" are no longer direct links as shown in the observer guide; they now appear in a drop-down menu under the "Help" tab. Additionally, "Preferences" now appears under the user's name on the home page rather than in the top menu.
Toney Ellie 3 17 Change this statement: "Please note that students should be trained on site by GBT staff, not off site by others" to account for the fact that observers can now be trained remotely by GBT staff. May need to modify the statement: "In general, astronomers must observe at least once in Green Bank before being certified for remote observing" as well.
Software? Ellie 4 20 Is it still accurate that configurations are validated from a simulated environment in Online (monitor) mode? (This also comes up on page 26).
Dave? Anika 4 30 Section 4.6.2: the AS Zernike Thrm. Model definition seems to duplicate the AS FEM Model definition (also, the phrase "FEM Model" is redundant). Dave: yep this was poorly written, feel free to clean up; the FEM model has nothing to doe with the Zernike Thrm model.
  Ellie 4 31-32 In section 4.6.6, the observer guide lists a value labeled: "TAC-GBT_VLBA dt". This value is no longer labeled that way in Astrid; it is now labeled: "GPS-GBT_VLBA dt". The text in section 4.6.6 and the screen shot in Figure 4.8 should be replaced to reflect this.
Ryan Ellie 4 32 In section 4.6.7, under the field "Mode Name", it says that each VEGAS bank can be configured in one of 29 modes. This does not take into account the pulsar modes; perhaps update the text to reference the pulsar modes (and perhaps reference the pulsar mode table as well).
  Ellie 4 33 In section 4.6.8, deal with: "The Intermediate Frequency path (IF path) firstplural in use are always displayed in the last section of the GBT status screen" -- formatting issue, will take a bit of troubleshooting.
?? Ellie 4 33 In Figure 4.8, there are fields in the IF Status section of GbtStatus that follow the format: PF#; however, it is not explained what PF# means in section 4.6.8. Would be good to add a definition for PF#.
  Ellie 4 33 In section 4.6.8, it says that the DCR port will appear as "DCR-Port#", but it actually appears as "DCR:A_#" (where A might be able to be replaced by other letters, not sure on that). Correct the syntax in the guide so it matches what appears in Astrid. This may also be an issue with Radar-Port#, but have not been able to verify this.
Dave Ellie 5 35 In first paragraph, what is the difference between a "sub-scan" and a scan? This is slightly unclear. Dave: remove "sub-" from scan. GFM display is per scan. No reason to say sub-scan.
Dave Ellie 5 36 Section 5.1.3: Should the word "azimuth" be replaced with "cross-elevation" in this section (after providing a definition of cross-elevation and noting that the scans are mislabeled as azimuth in the data display?) My understanding from discussions while writing the GBT pointing paper is that the pointing scans are taken in cross-elevation, not azimuth, but I could be wrong. Ask Ron and Dave. Dave: The offsets are in cross-elevation, but can leave the word azimuth since we cannot change all the software labels easily and since moving in along azimuth. When azimuth is first mentioned instead of cross-el include for clarity [cross-elevation, i.e., Az*cos(dec)]. We are measuring the "Az2" offset which is cross-El. There is also a Az1 offset which is not generally used (Az1 and Az2 are CLEO labels GFM calls cross-elevation Azimuth).
Dave Ellie 5 40 Section 5.1.4: Here it is stated that you should do an AutoOOF above 30 GHz. In section, however, it recommends using the AutoOOF above 40 GHz. Which do we use? Ask Dave. Dave: we recommend AutoOOF above 40 GHz for science observations, but users can correct the surface with OOF corrections for lower frequency with marginal improvements.
?? Anika 5 40 Move some of the details about AutoOOFs from section 5.1.4 to Chapter 7.
Dave Ellie 5 41 Section "Surface rms residuals < 400 um" -- may want to make note that if the residuals exceed this value a bit but everything else looks ok, it may still be all right to accept the OOF? Dave: Yes, the Surface rms residual value is not that useful. If it is really large e.g., 1mm then yes something is wrong, but 400 microns can be just fine.
Brenne Ellie 5 49 Section 5.2.4: Is it still true that people are discouraged from using the GBT status window when observing remotely?
Ryan? Ellie 5 50 Section 5.3.1: Is the VEGAS data display still in use? If not may want to remove this section.
  Ellie 6 53 Why does the "execfile" definition refer to section 9.2.1, which only describes pulsar mode configurations? Same question about "Configure" definition? Anika: Because of duplicate labels. I have corrected this and now it points to the correct sections.
  Ellie 6 53 Why does the "Balance" definition refer to section 6.5 (Balance is not defined in this section)? Should instead refer to section
  Ellie 6 54 In section 6.1.1, it again refers to section 9.2.1 for information about writing configurations; see questions above about this.
Larry? Anika 6 60 The "Multiple Spectral Lines, KFPA Observations" example gives the impression that you have to have each beam can have only 1 spectral window each -- this seems misleading and should perhaps be updated
Toney? Ellie 6 63 Might want to check over Table 6.1 to make sure it is still accurate.
Ryan? Ellie 6 64 Should we add BTL backend to Table 2?
Ryan? Ellie 6 64 Table 6.3 seems out of date, check over it with others.
  Ellie 6 64 Remove GUPPI row from Table 6.3
Dave Ellie 6 67 Check the note on the Ka-band receiver at the bottom of the page for accuracy -- page 67 or 68? Dave: The language in both places is not completely accurate/somewhat confusing as written. The issue is complete accuracy here causes a lot of confusion. For polarization, Ka-band is linear polarization with one beam seeing X and the other Y where the polarization angle is rotated by 45 deg in comparison to other receivers. Since parts of the software treats the system as a single beam dual circular polarization system (instead of an actual dual beam single linear polarization system, if you want the noise diodes on for both beams you can select pol="LR"). However, they updated the software here and I believe Melinda's software now defaults to the proper default of turning the noise diodes on both beams without this special keyword. In terms of beam setting, use you can use beam='1' or beam='B1' since the software thinks there is only one beam in places, but this software was updated such that you always configure both beams (since it thinks it is configuring both polarizations).
Ryan? Ellie 6 68 Under the nchan paragraph, is the passage about the usage of string values still accurate or is it obsolete?
  Ellie 6 81 Replace Figure 6.1 with up-to-date screenshot of JPL Horizons website.
  Ellie 6 82 Replace Figure 6.2 with up-to-date screenshot
  Ellie 6 85 Neither the NASA nor the AMSAT link in the first paragraph works, so either remove or replace them.
Dave? Ellie 6 87 Verify that Table 6.6 is up to date. Dave: Software controls the Auto defaults (in their code and not sure where this is -- I would just ask Melinda when needed -- it is useful to confirm with software every so often. The higher frequency entries appear ok, but not 100% sure for some of the inputs.
Dave Ellie 6 90 Correct the AutoOOF discrepancy between whether you should OOF above 30 or 40 GHz and correct the text if necessary. Dave: 40 GHz is the recommendation
  Ellie 6 92 What is the default start, focusLength, and scanDuration for the Focus scan? Dave: Defaults here set in a ObsFocus.conf
  Ellie 6 93 What is the default endOffset, scanDuration, and/or startTime and stopTime for the Tip scan?
Ryan Ellie 6 95 In Table 6.7, check if other Scan Types are compatible with Pulsar mode in addition to those already listed.
Dave? Ellie 6 98 In Nod, why does beamName1 list '1', '2', etc. as options while beamName2 lists 'C', '1', '2', etc.? Dave: Because whoever edited this last did not know what they were doing. In the past, both parameters were listed as 1,2,C, MR12. See the Oct 2019 version for the appropriate words.
Dave? Ellie 6 98 Update SubBeamNod documentation to include updates made in MR1Q316 with beam1, beam2, and receiver keywords which is needed for Argus and KFPA. Dave: yep, update here based on what was deployed in the MR.
  Ellie 6 111 In section 6.5.7, may want to clarify what happens if the specified time has passed and is not within the last 30 minutes.
Ryan? Ellie 6 117 Section 6.7: Why does it say to use configuration examples from 9.2.1 when those are only pulsar configurations and the examples here are for a variety of configurations? Anika: Duplicate labels caused the confusion. I fixed that when moving the document to overleaf and removing all errors/warnings/badboxes.
  Ellie 6 118 Script 6.71: One of the comments says "configure the GBT IF system for frequency switch..." -- change this to: "configure the GBT IF system for position switching"
  Ellie 6 120 Script 6.73: "# Frequency Switched Observations where we loop through a list of sources" should be changed to: "# Frequency Switched Observations where we perform on-the-fly (OTF) mapping"
Dave Ellie 7 123 Section 7.2: Resolve the 30 vs 40 GHz AutoOOF discrepancy. Dave: 40 GHz
Dave? Ellie 7 127 Table 7.1: Why are some of the wind limits so unreasonably high? Dave: not how I would have done this here. These values are from the DSS which are based on a formula, and are higher than the actual physical wind limits of the telescope at low frequency.
?? Ellie 8 131 Paragraph 2: In the sentence: "However, the integration time, switching period, and the frequency switch must be the same", what does "frequency switch" mean, and is this a typo? The term "frequency switch" used in this way comes up again in the third paragraph.
?? Ellie 8 134 Section 8.3: "Single beam receivers or multi-beam receiver that has been configured" -> "Single beam receivers or a multi-beam receiver that has been configured"
Thomas? Ellie 8 137 Not clear if VEGAS Data Display actually still works.
Ryan Anika 9 141 Might move information about VEGAS consisting of eight CASPER ROACH2 FPGA boards and the sentence about HPCs / GPUs to original VEGAS chapter?
Ryan Ellie 9 141 Is this still accurate: "eight high performance computers (HPCs) equipped with nVidia GTX 780 GPUs"?
  Ellie 9 143 9.2.1: Fix: "discussed in detail in Chapter ." issue so it links to the right section. Anika: Duplicate labels caused the confusion. I fixed that when moving the document to overleaf and removing all errors/warnings/badboxes.
  Ellie 9 149-150 Script 9.4: the variable for the source is referred to first as "source" then as "src" -- make this self-consistent. Same issue in Scripts 9.5 and 9.6.
  Ellie 9 153 9.3.3: Add the vpmStatus figure and fix the "Figure ??" issue. Anika: Appears to be fixed already.
  Ellie 9 153 9.3.5: In the sentence: "This page is shown in Figure 9.3.5." note that Figure 9.3.5 doesn't exist -- either add the figure or remove this sentence. Anika: Appears to be fixed already.
  Ellie 9 153 9.3.6 In the sentence: "This page is shown in Figure ??." note that this figure doesn't exist -- so you need to either add the figure and update the figure number or remove this sentence. Anika: Appears to be fixed already.
Larry Ellie 11 171 Is this still accurate: "The maximum instantaneous bandwidth for the receiver is currently 1.8 GHz. An experimental “broadband” mode allowing 7.5 GHz of instantaneous bandwidth is also available for single beam observations using either beam 1 or 2."? Anika: Larry has fixed this.
Larry Ellie 11 172 Check if section 11.1.2 is up to date. Anika: Larry has checked this.
  Anika 11 172 11.1.2: "Broadband mode mode" -> "Broadband mode" fixed
Dave Ellie 12 175 12.1: "covers the frequency range of approximately 67-93 GHz"; this is inconsistent with Table 2.2, which gives the range as 67 to 92 GHz -- which is it? Dave: 67-93GHz is appropriate and consistent with the W-band/4mm documentation.
Dave Ellie 12 175 12.2: Verify that this is up to date: "The millimeter down-converter filters of the system limits the instantaneous bandwidth to 4 GHz for 73-93 GHz (filters FL2, FL3,FL4), while up to 6 GHz of total bandwidth is available for 67-74 GHz (filter FL1)" Dave: yep https://www.gb.nrao.edu/4mm/prop_12b.shtml
Anika and Dave Anika 12 176 12.3: In first bullet point, it recommends to AutoOOF on a source between 25-80 degrees elevation, but with Argus it's recommended that the range should be 30-80 degrees -- we should choose 1 of these two ranges and make it consistent. Dave: 25-80deg ok, except at half-slew rate, then may want 25-75deg
Dave? Anika 12 178-179 Swap the order of section 12.3.2 (pointing and focus) with section 12.3.3 (AutoOOF / Thermal corrections) Dave: ok
  Anika 12 179 12.4: "users can and reduce spectral line data" -> "users can reduce spectral line data"
Dave Ellie 13 181 Verify that 74 to 116 GHz range, and the 1.5 GHz instantaneous bandwidth value, is accurate. Dave: Yep.
Dave Anika 13 183 13.3: In first bullet, remove statement about default heuristics (point toward the section describing pointing / focus heuristics in more detail -- 4.2) and move the statement "Go online with control in Astrid" from the second bullet to the first bullet. The second bullet should then start with "Run the argus_startup script" Dave: Yep
  Anika 13 185 "need to in the on state" -> "need to be in the on state"
  Anika 13 188-189 13.6 -- make words before colon boldface
  Ellie xx 189 Add MUSTANG2 chapter
  Ellie 14 197 Figure 14.4: Not sure this is fixable, but if possible, change "analagous" to "analogous" (red text on image).
Frank / Pedro / Brenne? Ellie 15 199 Check paragraph 1 of section 15.2 to make sure it is up to date.
  Ellie 15 201 Table 15.1: double-check frequency ranges.
Dave Ellie 15 201 Table 15.2 recommendations don't agree with Table 7.1 recommendations. Dave: VLBI folks have their own recommendations, and I disgree with both of these tables.
  Anika 15 202 In 15.6.1 section heading, "3mm Receiver" -> "4mm Receiver"
Toney Ellie 15 203 The values given for the low-temp. azimuth slew rate are inconsistent -- in section 15.7, it says 18 deg. / min., and in section 15.8, it says 17 deg. / min.
Toney? Ellie 15 204 This link: http://gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov/solutions/ never loads, may want to take it out.
Ryan / Will Ellie 16 205 Table 16.1: what entries to add for VEGAS?
  Anika 16 205 16.1: "DTT" -> "DDT" (2 instances) -- also remove quotation marks. Put the abbreviation in parentheses instead of the long name as well.
  Anika 17 209 www.gb.nrao.edu/IPG does not work for Anika but does work for Ellie -- need to check this out.
Dave Ellie 18 212 18.2: Resolve 30 vs 40 GHz AutoOOF issue. Dave 40 GHz
Dave Ellie 18 212 Add period to end of this sentence, and verify the accuracy of the statement: "Use AutoOOF for daytime observing at 27 GHz or higher" Dave: I would not currently recommend AutoOOF during the day.
Toney? Anika / Ellie 19-22   Should we merge these chapters into one, titled "Observing Logistics" or something like that?
Toney Ellie 19 217 19.0.2: Update to reflect the fact that the observer periphery is in a new room now.
Toney Ellie 19 217 Should we add mention of FastX or not?
Mark / Toney / etc.? Anika 19 217 19.0.1: "BOS system" -> "GBORS"?
  Anika / Ellie 19 217 The sections are labelled 19.0.1, 19.0.2, 19.0.3 -- should change this to 19.1, 19.2, 19.3
Mark Ellie 21 222 21.4: Check if room rates are up to date, and either update them or link to an active page that lists the rates.
Toney / Mark Ellie 21 224 Is this still accurate? "If during normal working hours, just walk in." Seems like this has changed since COVID.
Ryan? Ellie App. A 229 Figure A.1: GUPPI is shown as part of the signal path; could we get a new diagram without GUPPI, or somehow indicate that GUPPI is no more?
Toney / Emily / etc. Anika App. A 229 MUSTANG -> MUSTANG2 (anywhere that MUSTANG shows up should probably be replaced by MUSTANG2). Also,
?? Ellie A 230-231 A.1 and A.2: Might want to double-check that the filter and LO frequency values are still accurate.
?? Ellie B 233 Is it accurate that some Gregorian receivers can achieve up to 4 GHz bandwidth? Also verify the prime focus bandwidth.
Toney Ellie F 246 Is this statement still accurate? "There is no intention to implement ”service observing” by GBT scientific staff."
  Anika G 248 Add definition of DSPN (Dynamic Scheduling Project Notes)
Ryan? Ellie H 251 What does "words" mean in this context, and is it a typo? "The outputs are interleaved to provide output words at the full conversion rate."
  Anika H 251 "the IF rack is balaned" -> "the IF rack is balanced"
Ryan? Ellie H 252 H.0.2.1: I am unable to ssh into VEGAS-HPC1 from planck or titania. Why is that?
Ryan? Ellie H 253 "In the next version of this guide, we will replace the mode 3 figure" -- should we do this?
  Ellie / Anika H 254 Figure H.2: Fix the caption so it is accurate and not cut off. Also, add mode label to the figures or use subfigure labelling.
Ryan? Ellie H 255 Section H.2 seems very out of date. Should we update it or leave it since the 2014 disclaimer is on the front of the chapter?
  Ellie H all Some of the material in Appendix H seems to duplicate material in Chapter 8, may want to look into removing some of it.
Dave? Ellie Gl. 259 Active Surface: "parabolic surface" -> "paraboloidal surface"? Dave: yep the surface is 2D
  Anika Gl. 25x Add DDT to glossary.
  Anika all   Change the color of words that link to glossary entries so readers know they can click on them.
Toney? Anika End of document   Include table summarizing document changes or link to this page.
  Anika General   Add a bibliography with links to specific memos, where to find the lists of memos, etc.

Edits completed

Chapter Page number Description of edit Approved by:
1 1 In the third bullet point, it says that Chapters 4 and 5 outline "the Astrid observing interface and other observing applications." Changed this to: "the Astrid observing interface, the CLEO utilities, and other observing applications."  
1 1 In the sixth bullet point, removed: "Chapter 10 for pulsar observing with GUPPI"  
1 1 In the sixth bullet point, added that Chapter 13 covers Argus.  
2 3 Asked Jason and verified that the number of panels is 2004. Changed instances where it appears as "2008" to "2004".  
2 4 Changed bullet point 4 from saying that the GBT achieves frequency coverage from 100 MHz to 115+ GHz to say that it achieves coverage from 290 MHz to 115+ GHz, to be consistent with the table.  
2 6 Added this sentence to the end of section "Note that the 450 MHz and 600 MHz PF1 feeds and the PF2 feed are unlikely to be considered for installation on the GBT."  
2 7 In section 2.1.4, changed "The spectral line backend is VEGAS. Pulsar observations can be done with GUPPI." to: "VEGAS is the backend for spectral line and pulsar observing."  
2 7 In section, there is a typo: "It provides a carefully optimized Radio Frequency (RF) (not an Intermediate Frequency (IF)) detector circuits". Removed the extraneous "a".  
2 7 In section, changed: "The VErsatile GBT Astronomical Spectrometer (VEGAS) is the spectral line backend for the GBT" to: "The VErsatile GBT Astronomical Spectrometer (VEGAS) is the spectral line and pulsar backend for the GBT." Or something like that.  
2 7 In section, it says "See chapter 8 for detailed information on VEGAS." Changed this to: "See chapters 8 and 9 for detailed information on VEGAS."  
2 7-8 Rewrote section to say only this: "GUPPI was previously the main pulsar backend for the GBT, but it is now retired and has been replaced by VEGAS Pulsar Mode (VPM)."  
2 8 Section Removed reference to the PFS since it is no longer in use.  
4 19 Added period to the second bullet, "Provides a real time display of GBT data".  
4 22 In section 4.3.4, when you click the "Tools" drop-down menu and then select "Options", the tabs are labeled: "Fitting Acceptance Criteria", "Heuristics", "Data Processing", and "Send Corrections". Changed "Fitting Heuristics" in text to "Heuristics" to match the tab name.  
4 31 Corrected Figure 4.8's caption from: "The top portion of the Astrid GbtStatus Tab. To see the rest of the status screen you will need to use the scroll bar." to: "The bottom portion of the Astrid GbtStatus Tab. To see the rest of the status screen you will need to use the scroll bar."  
5 36 Section Changed original sentence to: "The default behavior for observations below 27 GHz is to asssume that a pointing fit is bad if the FWHM differ from the expected value by more than 30% or if the pointing correction is more than twice the FWHM in magnitude; for observations above 27 GHz, the fit is bad if the FWHM differ from the expected value by more than 50% or if the pointing correction is more than three times the FWHM in magnitude" to avoid implying that standard heuristics are used for all frequencies, as the original text does.  
5 40 Section 5.1.4: (typo) Removed the extra "as" from: "Raw AutoOOF data at each focus position can be viewed as as a timestream"  
5 40 Section 5.1.4: (typo) Changed "Steps for validating and discerning appropriate solutions be found in the following sections" to "Steps for validating and discerning appropriate solutions can be found in the following sections" (added "can")  
5 41 Section (typo) Changed "Figure 5.8 shows examples acceptable and unacceptable OOF solutions" to "Figure 5.8 shows examples of acceptable and unacceptable OOF solutions" (added the "of")  
5 41 Section (typo) "raw timestram data" -> "raw timestream data"  
5 46 Section 5.1.7: Fixed two instances of backwards quotation marks in the "Plot Edit Tool" section.  
6 53 Updated Astrid's Python version from 2.6 to 2.7.2, per feedback from Paul Marganian  
6 64 Removed GUPPI from Table 6.2  
6 66 In deltafreq bullet point, "ommitted" -> "omitted"  
6 69 Removed the GUPPI keywords since GUPPI is defunct.  
6 74 Under the RA, HA, DEC, etc. heading, changed: "coordinates use degrees or arc" to "coordinates use degrees of arc"  
6 77 In Table 6.4 caption, changed the first sentence to: "The following Catalogs are present as of April 2022."  
6 78 Replaced the missing closed parenthesis in the PCALS 4.7 bullet point, and replaced the open parenthesis in front of arXiv with a comma so that the parenthetical now reads: "(Planck Collaboration, 2013, arXiv:1303.5088)"  
6 79 First paragraph: "lets" -> "let's"  
6 82 Changed first sentence from "Your entries in the 'Current Settings' should be:" to "Your entries should be:" since the "Current Settings" title no longer appears on the page.  
6 82 Changed Ephemeris Type to "Observer Table" rather than "OBSERVER"  
6 82 "Clicking on the blue [change] link will open ..." -> "Clicking on the blue Edit button will open..."  
6 82 Changed original sentence to: "To set the location to Green Bank, first click Edit, then type -9 in the search bar and press Search; the correct location should now appear."  
6 82 "Time Span" -> "Time Specification"  
6 82 "Table Setting" -> "Table Settings"  
6 82 Removed "Display / Output" line  
6 84 Script 6.30 caption: fixed issue with square brackets and removed the extraneous "for" in the sentence.  
6 86 In the Location paragraph, added in the missing closed parenthesis.  
6 86 In the beamName paragraph, "half way" -> "halfway"  
6 88 In the second sentence of the calSeq section, "vancal" -> "vanecal".  
6 91 "example is shown in Script 6.35" -> "example is shown in Script 6.35:"  
6 94, sentence 3: "Indivdual" -> "Individual", and removed mention of GUPPI.  
6 95 In Table 6.7, "OffOnSameHA" -> "OnOffSameHA"  
6 101 In the unidirectional field, replaced "boustrophedonically" by "boustrophedonic"  
6 107 In the coordMode field, replaced "generate" by "generates"  
6 112 In section 6.5.8, "ammount" -> "amount"  
6 112 In section 6.5.8, in the note under "attnchange", changed "attenuator settings is made to be" to "attenuator setting is made to be".  
6 114 In section 6.6.2, under sexagesimal values 1 & 2, changed "Represent" to "Represents"  
6 114 Section 6.6.2, field cosv: "sperical" -> "spherical"  
6 116 Section 6.6.4, under USAGE: changed "2007" to "2016" to be consistent with the script.  
6 121 Section 6.8: In the Multiple Configurations bullet point, added in the missing closed parenthesis.  
7 126 Section 7.3.1: in the second sentence of the second bullet point, "excceptional" -> "exceptional"  
7 126 Section 7.3.1: in the second paragraph of the second bullet point, "witha" -> "with a"  
8 131 Paragraph 2: Fixed missing closed parenthesis after "(see Figure 8.1"  
8 134 Section 8.3: Added a period to the end of the last bullet point.  
8 134 Section 8.4: Fixed spurious capitalization of the word "It" in the middle of a sentence.  
8 135 In note (e) of the caption for Table 8.2, removed the unnecessary period separating the phrase "when Doppler tracking" from the rest of the sentence.  
8 137 Section 8.6.1, first bullet: replaced "it's" with "its".  
8 138 8.6.2: Replaced: "you make use the SDFITS filler" with "you may use the SDFITS filler"  
8 138 8.6.2: Fixed the unclosed parenthesis around "lustre"  
8 138 8.7, first bullet point: removed the comma before the dash.  
8 139 8.7.1: Replaced: "either sided of the spike" with: "either side of the spike"  
8 140 8.8.3: Replaced "amplitued" with "amplitude"  
9 141 Replaced: "VEGAS can be used in pulsar observing modes (VEGAS pulsar modes, or VPM) that are similar to those available with the GUPPI backend (see Chapter )." with : "VEGAS can be used in pulsar observing modes (VEGAS pulsar modes, or VPM)."  
9 141 Removed the sentence: "VPM can be used in dual-backend mode with GUPPI with prior approval when using modes supported by both backends."  
9 142 Second paragraph: Edited reference to the chapter about receivers so it should say 2.1.3 instead of 2.2.  
9 143 9.2.1, bullet 2: Replaced "backend will be either VEGAS or VEGAS/GUPPI (see below)." with "backend will be VEGAS."  
9 144 9.2.1: Replaced "Experienced observers will recognize that these keywords are very similar to those used by GUPPI." with: "Experienced observers will recognize that these keywords are very similar to those used by GUPPI, the GBT's previous (now retired) pulsar backend."  
9 147-148 Removed section (about GUPPI / VEGAS dual mode).  
9 150 Replaced: "A number of tools have been designed to facilitate this, many of which are similar to those used for GUPPI." with: "A number of tools have been designed to facilitate this."  
9 150 Replaced: "Unlike GUPPI, VEGAS has" with: "VEGAS has"  
9 151 Last sentence of 9.3.1: removed extra period.  
9 151 9.3.2: Removed the following text: "replaces the guppi adc hist tool used for GUPPI."  
9 152 Figure 9.2 caption: removed extra period at the end.  
9 152 9.3.2: Replaced "Figure 5.21 shows the data monitor" with "Figures 5.21 and 9.2 shows the data monitor"  
9 153 9.3.3: Removed the sentence: "vpmStatus plays the same role as guppi _status."  
9 153 9.3.4: Removed the sentence: "vpmHPCStatus plays the same role as guppi _gpu _status."  
9 153 9.3.5: Removed the sentence: "This page plays the same role as www.gb.nrao.edu/guppi"  
9 153 9.3.6: Removed the sentence: "These tools play the same role as www.gb.nrao.edu/guppi/guppi_monitor and guppi monitor."  
9 155 9.3.7: Removed the sentence: "These log files play the same role as /tmp/guppi daq server.log, but they record output for all scans, both in incoherent and coherent dedispersion mode."  
9 155 9.4: Removed: "This format differs slightly from GUPPI, which does not have the element. This has been added to avoid corner cases where GUPPI file names may not be unique."  
9 156 9.6: "If you’re project requires flux calibration" -> "If your project requires flux calibration"  
9 157 9.7: Replaced: "Experienced pulsar observers will recognize that GUPPI and VPM observing are very similar..." with "Experienced pulsar observers will recognize that VPM and GUPPI (the previous, now-defunct GBT pulsar backend) observing is very similar..."  
10 159 Removed Chapter 10.  
11 172 11.1.2: "acheived" -> "achieved"  
11 173 11.2.1: "reseting" -> "resetting"  
12 175 12.1: "two beams are separation by" -> "two beams are separated by"  
12 175 12.1: "4mm system is broken into into four separate bands" -> "4mm system is broken into four separate bands"  
12 176 Figure 12.1, caption: "The wheel is rotates" -> "The wheel is rotated"  
12 176 12.3: "winds effect the Ka-band data" -> "winds affect the Ka-band data"  
12 177 12.3: "Rcvr68_92 cleo page" -> "Rcvr68_92 CLEO page"  
12 177 12.3.1: "syntax for the Calseq command" -> "syntax for the CalSeq command"  
12 177 12.3.1: "This input not needed for autocirc or manual modes is ignored in these modes if given." -> " This input is not needed for autocirc or manual modes and is ignored in these modes if given."  
12 178 Figure 12.2 caption: "Users can manual move the wheel" -> "Users can manually move the wheel"  
12 179 12.5: GBT Memo 302 link was broken, fixed it.  
13 182 Figure 13.2 caption: "input LO signal is goes" -> "input LO signal goes"  
13 183 13.3, first paragraph: "/home/astro-util/projects/argus/OBS" -> "/home/astro-util/projects/Argus/OBS"  
13 183 13.3, "for more accurate surface corrections^1" -> "for more accurate surface corrections^1."  
13 183 13.3, "The same astrid command" -> "The same Astrid command"  
13 184 13.3, first bullet on p. 184: fixed missing closed parenthesis in last sentence. Also capitalized YIG.  
13 184 13.3, sixth bullet on p. 184: "run vanecal observations be default" -> "run vanecal observations by default"  
13 185 13.4.1: removed space between end of sentence and period in the first sentence.  
13 185 13.4.1: Removed extra closed parenthesis at the end of the first paragraph.  
13 186 13.4.3: "Trouble shooting" -> "Troubleshooting" (2 instances)  
13 187 13.4.3: "Mangers" -> "Managers", and "cleo" -> "CLEO"  
13 188 13.4.3: "Mangers" -> "Managers" (again)  
13 188 13.6: Fixed broken GBT Memo 302 link  
14 191 "is summarized" -> "are summarized"  
15 199 15.2: "DAR rack, and Mark5A recorder have been retired. Mark5C recorder is also not in use anymore. Consequently, no proposals should request those hadware." -> "DAR rack and Mark5A recorder have been retired. The Mark5C recorder is also not in use anymore. Consequently, no proposals should request those hardware systems."  
15 200 15.4, bullet point 1, per Pedro's recommendation: "Allow about 30 minutes setup time at the beginning of a session before VLBI recording begins, except for the 3mm and 7mm receivers for which one hour setup time should be allowed." -> "Allow about 15-30 minutes setup time at the beginning of a session before VLBI recording begins, except for the 3mm and 7mm receivers for which 45 minutes to one hour of setup time should be allowed."  
15 200 15.4, bullet point 4: Added this parenthetical to the end of the last sentence: "(with the exception of the upcoming Ultrawideband Receiver (UWBR), which is a prime focus receiver and will cover a frequency range of 0.7 - 4.0 GHz)".  
16 205 16.1: Changed: "These are done in collaboration with the Arecibo Observatory which can transmit at 2380 MHz (S–band) or 430 MHz (P–band), and with JPL/Goldstone at 8560 MHz (X–band) or 7190 MHz (C–band)." to: "These are done in collaboration with JPL/Goldstone at 8560~MHz (Xband) or 7190~MHz (Cband), and formerly with the Arecibo Telescope, which could transmit at 2380~MHz (Sband) or 430~MHz (Pband) before its unfortunate collapse in 2020."  
16 206 Removed mention of the PFS from the text and Table 16.1. Changed: "The two backends, \gls{PFS} and JPL, are connected in parallel, so the following configuration works for either one" to say: "The following configuration works for the JPL backend".  
16 206 16.3: Fixed wrong directory issue in script: '/home/astro-util/GBTog/cats/asteroidephemexample.astrid' -> '/home/astro-util/radar/asteroidephemexample.astrid'  
16 206 16.3: Removed the unnecessary extra space from: "(Astrid )"  
16 207 16.4: Updated the JPL Horizons instructions per the edits for chapter 6.3.5.  
17 209 Added the following bullet point to the RFI chapter: "Additionally, the GBT RFI GUI is now available. This is a new software tool that generates RFI spectrum plots for a receiver and time frame specified by the user; to run it, log into any Green Bank Linux machine, open a terminal window, and type gbt-rfi-gui. More information is available here: https://greenbankobservatory.org/rfi-gui-user-guide/"  
18 211 Added a period to end of this sentence: " (Figure 18.1 is from Ries, PTCS project Note 68.1)"  
18 211 Fixed the open parenthesis issue here: "The Dynamic Scheduling System (DSS), see Chapter 3)"  
18 211 18.1: "scheduling, one" -> "scheduling, so one"  
18 211 Figure 18.1 caption: "Data from the year August 2008 to July 2009 are shown in blue" -> "Data from August 2008 to July 2009 are shown in blue"  
18 212 18.2: Fix open parenthesis here: "recommended to use AutoOOF () (see"  
18 213 18.3: Replaced the extra space here with a tilde, as the author seemed to intend: "( 0.008 nepers)"  
18 215 18.4.5: "if either: 1) the dew point" -> "if either: (1) the dew point  
19 217 19.0.3: Remove extra space here: "connect to our network via VNC ."  
20 219 Fixed broken GBTIDL link: "(see http://http://gbtidl.nrao.edu/)" -> "(see http://gbtidl.nrao.edu/)"  
21 221 21.1: Fixed broken GBO reservation system link: https://bos.nrao.edu/reservations (replaced it with: https://reservations.greenbankobservatory.org/app)  
21 222 Removed space at end of this sentence: "Do not turn onto unpaved roads !"  
21 224 "White Sulpher Springs" -> "White Sulphur Springs" (2 instances)  
21 225 Figure 21.2 caption: "NRAO, Green Bank" -> "Green Bank Observatory"  
22 227 22.3: "how long its has been" -> "how long it has been"  
22 227 Updated section 22.4 based on advice from Jill M.  
22 228 The previously-used link: http://www.nrao.edu/library/page_charges.shtml was broken. Replaced it with: https://library.nrao.edu/pubsup.shtml  
B 233 "The various IF filters are set to include the required range of frequencies in the local frame required by the radial velocity range" -> "The various IF filters are set to include the range of frequencies in the local frame required by the radial velocity range"  
B 233 "If dopplertrackfreq is not provided, the default value will be the first spectral window specified by the restfreq keyword will be used" -> "If dopplertrackfreq is not provided, the default value will be the first spectral window specified by the restfreq keyword"  
B 234 B.1: "following examples show of how to specify" -> "following examples show how to specify"  
B 234 B.1, example 1: "manor" -> "manner"  
C 235 "Furthermore, lets say" -> "Furthermore, let's say"  
E 243 "option is string" -> "option is a string"  
G 247 Fixed inconsistent capitalization in bullet headings  
G 248 "More than one range can be give" -> "More than one range can be given"  
G 249 "the the low opacity" -> "the low opacity"  
G 249 Last sentence: Attempted to correct the funky upside-down exclamation point issue in the equation.  
H 251 The sentence: "The precise method of calibrating the ADCs is still evolving; this description is correct as of December 2014" needs a period at the end.  
H 251 "(now Texas Instruments)ADC083000s" -> "(now Texas Instruments) ADC083000s"  
H 251 For clarity, may want to bold the paragraph headings instead of using quotation marks.  
H 251 "The ADC clock is driven by the FPGA on the Roach II card.The “MMCM phase calibration”, consists" -> "The ADC clock is driven by the FPGA on the Roach II card. The “MMCM phase calibration” consists"  
H 251 H.0.2: "the IF system system" -> "the IF system"  
H 252 H.0.2: "requantizer balannce" -> "requantizer balance"  
H 252 H.0.2: "We have found that using when using" -> "We have found that when using"  
H 252 H.0.2.1: "Observer’s should not normally need" -> "Observers should not normally need"  
H 253 "Secondary ripples (10MHz wide) are visible in the mode 3 bandpass shown in the upper right of Figure H.2." -> "Secondary ripples (10MHz wide) are visible in the mode 3 bandpass shown in the second plot to the top in Figure H.2."  
H 253 "The ripples in the mode 2 image (upper left)" -> "The ripples in the mode 2 image (top plot)"  
H 255 H.2: Add missing closed parenthesis: "the “spikes” (see § 8.7.1 calibrate away"  
H 255 H.3: Remove extra copy of this sentence: "In overly simplistic terms, the spurs are caused by the leaking of the FPGA clock into the four interleaved ADCs."  
H 256 Add concluding periods to footnote 1 and the captions of Figures H.3 and H.4  
Glossary 259 Analog Filter Rack: "A rack in the GBT IF system that provides contains filters to provide GUPPI and the DCR with signals of the proper bandwidth." -> "A rack in the GBT IF system that contains filters to provide the DCR with signals of the proper bandwidth."  
Gl. 259 Beam switching: "gain uctuations" -> "gain fluctuations"  
Gl. 259 Converter Rack: "recieves" -> "receives"  
Gl. 260 Added a GBO entry.  
Gl. 260 GUPPI: "An FPGA + GPU backend for use with GBT pulsar observations." -> "A (now retired) FPGA + GPU backend previously used for GBT pulsar observations."  
Gl. 261 KFPA: "recevier" -> "receiver"  
Gl. 261 LO: "stable, constant frequency, radio signal" -> "stable, constant-frequency radio signal"  
Gl. 262 NRAO: "The organization that operates the GBT, VLA, VLBA and the North American part of ALMA" -> "The organization that operates the VLA, VLBA and the North American part of ALMA, and formerly operated the GBT until the GBO became a separate entity in 2016."  
Gl. 262 Removed the PFS entry since it is no longer available.  
Gl. 262 Position switching: "observing an object of interest period of time" -> "observing an object of interest for a period of time"  
Gl. 263 RFI: "polution" -> "pollution"  
Gl. 263 total power: Close this set of parentheses: " (for example, as edge pixels in a map,"  

GBT Proposer's Guide

Edits remaining

Contact Suggested by:Sorted ascending Chapter Page no. Suggested edit
Toney Ellie 0 i - iii Update "News for Proposers"
Jason Ellie 1 1 Table 1: Check the accuracy of the intra-panel RMS.
Dave Ellie 1 1 Table 1: Elevation limits entry does not include information about the keyhole -- should we add this?
Dave Ellie 1 1 Table 1: Slew rates does not mention reduced slew rates in cold weather, should probably add this.
Toney Ellie 2 2-3 Update proposal call link in both places.
Toney Ellie 2 3 Make sure joint proposal links are up to date. Should we add a note about SOFIA's retirement?
Toney Ellie 3 3 Should we add a note about increased maintenance time due to upcoming infrastructure work, or not yet?
Toney Ellie 3 4 3.5: check if any of this text needs updating.
Dave Ellie 4 5 4.1.2: Here it says the AS must be on above 4 GHz, the Observer Guide says 8 GHz. Which is it? Similar question about the AutoOOF guideline.
Andrew Ellie 4 7 Check accuracy of L-Band's listed RF filters. Also verify if notch filter is still installed.
Andrew Ellie 4 7 Check accuracy of S-Band's listed RF filters. Also verify if notch filter is still installed (pretty sure it is).
Will Ellie 4 7 Check accuracy of C-Band's listed maximum instantaneous bandwidth.
Larry / Will Ellie 4 7 Check accuracy of X-Band's listed IF filters. Also, when is new X-Band receiver being installed? If soon, should update this section further or at least add mention of it.
Larry Ellie 4 8 Check accuracy of Ku-Band's listed IF filters.
Larry Ellie 4 8 Check accuracy of KFPA's listed maximum instantaneous bandwidth and experimental mode.
Dave Ellie 4 8 Check accuracy of Ka-Band's listed maximum instantaneous bandwidth. Also may want to specify whether or not Ka can do freq. switching.
Dave Ellie 4 8 Check accuracy of Q-Band's listed IF bandwidth.
Dave Ellie 4 8 Check accuracy of W-Band's listed IF frequency ranges.
Emily Ellie 4 8 Is this statement about MUSTANG2 still true: "This expected performance is uncertain, subject to astronomical verification."
Emily Ellie 4 9 Mustang2: Rewrite this sentence to be less ambiguous: "only observations collected between 3 hours after sunset, and sunrise, are astronomically useful."
Steve? Ellie 4 9 Table 2: May want to check this with someone, or it may be fine as-is, not sure.
all Ellie 4 10 Need to check Table 3, especially the Max. Instantaneous Bandwidth column.
all? Ellie 4 13 Check the accuracy of Table 4.
Toney Ellie 4 19 Table 9 -- check for accuracy. Looks like column 1, row 1 is wrong; signal should be routed directly from the receivers, not through the IF rack, if I understand correctly.
Ryan Ellie 4 19-20 Update the last paragraph on p. 19-20 for UWBR expansion.
Dave Ellie 5 22 5.1: Update this statement: "Currently the pointing accuracy is 5" for blind pointing and 2.2" for offset pointing."
Dave Ellie 5 22 5.1: "two sweeps in Azimuth" -- isn't it two sweeps in cross-elevation?
Dave / Toney? Ellie 5 23 5.1: Is this accurate: "The use of AutoOOF now makes it possible to schedule Ka and Q band projects during the day."
Dave Ellie 5 23 5.1: Check the AutoOOF frequency cutoff convention.
Dave Ellie 5 23 5.1: "surface is accurate to within an RMS of 300 microns" -- this disagrees with the 250 um value in Table 1.
?? Ellie 5 25 5.4: Why does it refer to section 4.2 about system temperature when section 4.2 doesn't talk about system temperature?
Toney Ellie 9 28 The link: http://www.naic.edu/~%7B%7Dastro/School/Talks/salter_prop.pdf doesn't load. Is this the right one? https://science.nrao.edu/facilities/gbt/single-dish-school-lectures/sds-2015/writing-effective-telescope-proposals-talk
Toney Ellie B 33 Table 12: The links: http://www.naic.edu/~%7B%7Dastro/School/Talks/salter_prop.pdf, and http://greenbankobservatory.org/gbt-observers/radio-interference-2/ are broken.

Edits completed

Chapter Page no. Changes Approved by:
0 iv - vii Fixed inconsistent section heading capitalization in Table of Contents  
1 1 Table 1: "Offaxis" -> "Off-axis"  
1 1 Table 1: Removed the lines about "intra-panel RMS" and the f/D ratio for the 208~m parent paraboloid on Dave's recommendation.  
1 1 Table 1: Updated the information about pointing accuracy to say: "10 arcsec. blind, 5 arcsec. all-sky offset, and 1-3 arcsec. with local corrections," per conversation with Dave.  
1 2 "cooperative agreement by Associated Universities Incorporated." -> "cooperative agreement by Associated Universities Incorporated (AUI)."  
2 3 2.4: "lease refer to" -> "please refer to"  
3 4 3.2: "one 8.5 hours maintenance day" -> "one 8.5-hour maintenance day"  
3 4 3.3: "shutdown for 36 hours between at midnight UTC at the beginning of Thanksgiving day" -> "shut down for 36 hours at midnight UTC at the beginning of Thanksgiving day"  
3 4 3.5: "GBT Gregorian receivers may only be available..." -> "Some GBT Gregorian receivers may only be available..."  
4 6 4.1.3: Fixed broken link to Ron's memo, both in chapter 4 and appendix B.  
4 8 KFPA: "only internal switching modes is frequency switching" -> "only internal switching mode is frequency switching"  
4 9 4.2.3: "respected band-passes" -> "respective band-passes"  
4 9 Table 2 caption: "This list is not completen (measurements have not been made for C-band, KFPA, Ka, Q, W and ARGUS." -> "This list is not complete (measurements have not been made for C-band, KFPA, Ka, Q, W and ARGUS)."  
4 10 Table 3 caption: "GBT Receivers’" -> "GBT receivers’"  
4 11 Figure 3 caption: "Expected Tsys the GBT for typical weather conditions" -> "Expected Tsys for the GBT for typical weather conditions"  
4 12 Figure 4 caption: "System Equivalent Flux densities the GBT for typical weather conditions." -> "System Equivalent Flux densities for the GBT for typical weather conditions."  
4 13 Table 4 caption: "GBT Receivers’" -> "GBT receivers’"  
4 13-14 Capitalized all instances of "stokes"  
4 16 Table 7, Col. 4 and 5 notes: "frequency switch" -> "frequency switched"  
4 18 4.3.2, bullet 2: "Four" -> "four"  
4 19 4.3.3: Removed the obsolete first sentence about VEGAS pulsar modes.  
4 19 4.3.3: "VEGAS can duplicate all the capabilities of the GUPPI backend" -> "VEGAS can duplicate all the capabilities of the (now-retired) GUPPI backend"  
4 20 4.3.3: Replaced: "When a single spectrometer bank is used VEGAS operates very similarly to the GUPPI backend. This setup is recommended for..." with: "A single spectrometer bank setup is recommended for..."  
5 25 5.4: Fixed "bf Confusion" issue.  
5 26 5.6: "The devices that can support polarization observations are VEGAS." -> "VEGAS can support polarization observations."  
5 26 5.7: Changed: "A total recording bandwidth of 1024 MHz is supported." to: "A total recording bandwidth of 1024 MHz is supported when using a single polarization; when recording with both polarizations, 512 MHz of bandwidth is supported." on the basis of feedback from VLBA analyst Anthony Sowinski.  
7 27 "Overhead time is defined as time not spend" -> "Overhead time is defined as time not spent"  
9 28 9.1: "mention in your proposal, any RFI" -> "mention in your proposal any RFI"  
10 31 Added Anika and I (Ellie) to the support list.  
10 31 Table 11: Swapped out Tapasi's name with Pedro's for VLBI  
4 6 Verified that PF1 and PF2 listed bandwidths are correct. (Ryan)
4 12 Verified accuracy of statements about allowed bandwidths in the second paragraph. (Ryan)
4 14 Verified that Tables 5-8 are accurate. (Ryan)
4 19-20 Verified that the information about possible bandwidths with various VEGAS pulsar set-ups is accurate, except for the UWBR upgrade (Ryan).

Progress updates

  • March 11, 2022: Chapter 1 and 2 edits drafted (Observer Guide)
  • March 14, 2022: Chapter 3 and part of Chapter 4 edits drafted (Observer Guide)
  • March 15, 2022: Remainder of Chapter 4 edits drafted. (Observer Guide)
  • April 19, 2022: Chapter 5 edits drafted, started on Chapter 6 edits (Observer Guide)
  • April 22, 2022: Worked on Chapter 6 edits (Observer Guide)
  • April 25, 2022: Worked on Chapter 6 edits, made it to p. 99 (Observer Guide)
  • April 26, 2022: Finished Chapter 6, Chapter 7, and Chapter 8 draft edits, and started drafting Chapter 9 edits. (Observer Guide)
  • April 27, 2022: Finished drafting Chapter 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,and 22, and Appendix A, B, and C edits. (Observer Guide)
  • April 28, 2022: Finished drafting Appendix D, E, F, G, and H edits, and Glossary edits. (Observer Guide)
  • April 29, 2022: Finished drafting Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 4 edits of the Proposer's Guide, and started drafting Chapter 5 edits.
  • May 2, 2022: Finished drafting remainder of Proposer's Guide edits.
  • May 2-3, 2022: Finished first pass of edits on Chapters 1-8 and part of Chapter 9. (Observer Guide)
  • May 4, 2022: Finished first pass of edits to remaining chapters of the Observer Guide.
  • May 5, 2022: Finished first pass of edits to Proposer's Guide.

-- EllieWhite - 2022-03-11
Topic revision: r46 - 2022-10-26, AnikaSchmiedeke
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