* aipsCalibration_2.txt: Updated AIPS reduction script

* miriadImaging_2.txt: Updated miriad imaging script; has lowercase naming convention!

In the AIPS script, I changed the CALRD task so that it reads calibrators in to disk 1. That way, all the catalog index numbers will be the same for the different reduction step components (ie, the split file is always number 5). This changes for the second observation of the same galaxy. All the getn/geto numbers will be increased by 5.

In the miriad script, I changed the naming convention to lowercase, but that's it. -- AdrienneStilp - 06 Aug 2008

* aipsCalibration_2.txt: Latest AIPS Reduction Script
* miriadImaging_2.txt: Latest MIRIAD Imaging script

miriad issues

Here's some space to add any issues you may have with miriad and the handling of large datasets. JO
I will forward them to Mark Wieringa at ATNF. Actually, I will meet him in early September, so it would be good to have the list ready by then.

* reading in fits files with 'fits' become truncated about 3h worth of data

* 'blflag' does not show all the points. also the 'nofqav' option in 'uvplt' does not show all points either (some channels with high amps)

* issues with invert?

-- JuergenOtt - 07 Nov 2008
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
aipsCalibration.txttxt aipsCalibration.txt manage 35 K 2008-07-28 - 14:26 UnknownUser Latest AIPS Calibration script
aipsCalibration_2.txttxt aipsCalibration_2.txt manage 35 K 2008-08-06 - 13:35 UnknownUser Updated AIPS reduction script
miriadImaging_1.txttxt miriadImaging_1.txt manage 8 K 2008-07-21 - 14:20 UnknownUser Latest MIRIAD Imaging script
miriadImaging_2.txttxt miriadImaging_2.txt manage 8 K 2008-08-06 - 13:36 UnknownUser Updated miriad imaging script; has lowercase naming convention!
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-11-07, JuergenOtt
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