Documentation/Listing of tasks in analysisUtils (including some from analyzemscal and analyzemsimage)

The analysisUtils python package provides numerous (over 1300) analysis utilities written in python that are useful for ALMA (and in many cases VLA) data reduction. All the commands listed below exist in the current package, and there are links for pages that contain help and (sometimes) example usage. If the link is not found, it simply means that I have not created a help page yet. The commands are simply shown alphabetically, though they should really be sorted into categories at some point. Commands preceded by "amc." are inside, while commands preceded by "ami." are inside, and commands preceeded by "vo." are inside The rest are in A subset of these commands is included in the help text at the CASA guide for analysis utilities (which contains a download link for the analysis_scripts tarball). The tarball is also available for download at Zenodo. As a quick mental reminder, a list of a superset of these commands can be obtained at any time from inside CASA (or python) by typing Also, to find all functions containing a specified string in the name, use the command. For, example:'asdm'). The argument is case-insensitive. There is a companion python file that contains more generic, non-ALMA-specific code, called toddTools, which is not yet publicly available.

Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y

  1. accumulateImfitResults -- Appends the results from a multi-component imfit result into a dictionary list
  2. addAxesToImage -- Adds a Stokes and (optionally) a frequency axis to an existing CASA image
  3. addDateToPlot -- Adds the current date/time to the bottom right of a plot
  4. addDoubleQuotesToFieldList -- Converts ['src0','src1'] or 'src0,src1' into '"src0","src1"', which is needed for the field parameter of pipeline PPRs
  5. addFrequencyAxisAbove -- Adds an upper x-axis label in frequency units to an existing plot
  6. addGaussianToFITSImage -- Adds a source with a 2D Gaussian profile to a 2D FITS image
  7. addGaussianToImage -- Adds a source with a 2D Gaussian profile to a 2D CASA image
  8. addLabelToPng -- Adds a text label to the top of a png.
  9. addPhasecalsToFluxcsv -- Adds entries for calibrators missing from flux.csv
  10. addToStateTable -- Adds a row to the STATE table of a measurement set
  11. adjustStartTimeInSysCal -- adjusts the TIME column in the SYSCAL table
  12. airmassToElevation -- Convert an airmass to elevation in degrees
  13. alignFunctions -- Takes any two functions and returns spline-fit versions sampled onto a common grid
  14. almaAntennaDiameter -- Converts an ALMA antenna name to a diameter (in meters)
  15. almaAntennaDiameters -- Converts a list of ALMA antenna names to a list of diameters (in meters)
  16. almaCycles -- Converts a date to ALMA observing cycle
  17. almaPadnameToObservatoryName -- Returns ALMAOSF if padname begins with 'TF' (for test facility pad)
  18. almaPrimaryBeamCorrection -- Computes the ratio of the current CASA primary beam correction scheme (10.7m Airy disk) to the current best ALMA Gaussian primary beam model
  19. almaToGeo -- Convert the local (horizontal) coordinates for ALMA pads into geocentric coordinates
  20. alternateRefantInPipelineTask -- Searches CASA log for use of an alternate refant in a specified pipeline task
  21. amendMaskForCoCCoA -- For channels with strong emission in .residual, expands the mask for that channel
  22. amendMaskForCube -- For channels with no clean mask, generates a clean mask from the pb and a specified intensity limit
  23. amplitudeClosureRelationships -- Returns number of amplitude closure relationships for a specified number of array elements
  24. amplitudeSolutionOutliers -- Finds amplitude solutions that are more than 10 sigma from the median
  25. analyzecontsub -- Compares line-free cubes generated in two ways: imsub and uvcontsub
  26. amc.analyzemscal -- Generates the Cycle 0 QA2 plots for a pipeline-reduction and displays on a webpage side-by-side with the manual reduction
  27. ami.analyzemsimage -- Compares images created by the pipeline with their manually-generated counterparts
  28. angleToSun -- Compute the angle between the Sun and another object at a specified time (default=now) or within a measurement set
  29. angularOffsetUncertainty -- Computes the uncertainty in the angular separation of two positions
  30. angularScaleBaseline -- Computes the baseline length corresponding to the specified angular scale at the specified frequency.
  31. angularSeparation -- Computes the angular separation of two RA/Dec coordinates entered as four decimal values in degrees
  32. angularSeparationOfAllPlanetsFromSun -- Computes the angular separation of all major planets from the sun
  33. angularSeparationOfDirections -- Accepts two direction dictionaries and returns the separation in radians.
  34. angularSeparationOfDirectionsArcsec -- Accepts two direction dictionaries and returns the separation in arc seconds.
  35. angularSeparationOfFields -- Computes the angular separation of all (or specified) fields in an ms
  36. angularSeparationOfFieldsFromASDM -- Computes angular separation of the first source of two intents
  37. angularSeparationOfFieldsFromSource -- Computes the angular separation of all fields associated with a source ID from the source positions
  38. angularSeparationOfPB -- Computes the angular separation between the peak of the primary beam image and the phase center of the specified field name2018/01/05/10:03:54.479
  39. angularSeparationOfPlanets -- Computes the current separation of two planets or a planet and a fixed target, at the specified date/time, or at the time of a particular scan in an ms
  40. angularSeparationOfScans -- Computes the slew angle (both on-the-sky, and in each antenna axis) between scans of a measurement set
  41. angularSeparationOfStrings -- Computes the angular separation of two RA/Dec coordinates entered as single strings
  42. angularSeparationOfStringsFromFile -- Computes the angular separation of a list of RA/Dec coordinate pairs in a file
  43. angularSeparationRadians -- Computes the angular separation of two RA/Dec coordinates entered as four decimal values in radians
  44. angularSeparationRadiansTuples -- Computes the angular separation of two RA/Dec coordinates entered as two tuples in units of radians
  45. angularSeparationOfTwoFields -- Computes the angular separation of two field IDs of a measurement set
  46. antennaEfficiency -- Computes efficiency equation from page 114 of the ALMA technical handbook
  47. antennaEllipsoidalHeight -- Returns the height above the Earth ellipsoid model in meters of the pad of an antenna in a specific measurement set
  48. antennaEllipsoidalHeightFromASDM -- Returns the height above the Earth ellipsoid model in meters of the pad of an antenna in a specific ASDM
  49. vo.antennasInvolved -- Finds a minimum list of (bad) antennas that can explain a list of (bad) baselin
  50. antposcorrmm -- Converts a list of antenna position corrections for gencal into human-readable millimeters
  51. antposFromCasalog -- Reads number of antenna position corrections in a CASA log
  52. antposFromPipelineCasalog -- Reads number of antenna position corrections in a pipeline CASA log (after finding it)
  53. applyProperMotion -- Subtracts the proper motion of a source in a measurement set to infer its position in the J2000 epoch
  54. applyQA0FlagsToCaltable -- Creates a list of flag commands from the FLAG_CMD column of a measurement set and applies them to a caltable
  55. applySetjyToPipelineRestoration -- Applies the setjy commands from a casa_commands.log to a pipeline measurement set
  56. approximateBarycentricCoordinatesOfEarth -- computes approximate coordinates of Earth for the specified date
  57. asdmbits -- Computes the percentage of data in an ASDM that is 16 bits vs. 32 bits
  58. asdmbitsHistogram -- Plots a histogram from the dictionary created by asdmbits
  59. asdmExport -- Sets up the correct bash path and runs asdmExportLight on an NRAO CV Lustre node on one (or more) ASDMs
  60. asdmExportFromPPR -- Reads all ASDMs from a PPR and exports them from the archive using asdmExport
  61. asdmExportImport -- Sets up the correct bash path and runs asdmExportLight followed by importasdm and listobs on an NRAO CV Lustre node for one (or more) ASDMs
  62. asdmsFromPPR -- Gets the list of ASDMs from a PPR
  63. asdmspwmap -- Generate a list that maps the spw number in an MS to the corresponding value in the ASDM xml files
  64. Atmcal -- A class that examines the atmospheric calibration scans and can re-compute Trx and Tsys
  65. atmcalScansFromASDM -- Gets list of scans with CALIBRATE_ATMOSPHERE intent
  66. availableMasks -- Returns the list of values in the masks keyword of a CASA image header
  67. averageAntPosResults -- Takes multiple results from tc_antpos and generates a new XML file with weighted mean corrections
  68. averageTheRepeatedValues -- Accepts paired lists and averages the entries that have the same x value
  69. azelSeparation -- Computes azimuth and elevation separation between scans of different intents
  70. baarsTaperFactor -- Converts a taper in dB to the constant X in the formula FWHM=X*lambda/D for a parabolic illumination pattern.
  71. bandforspw -- Determines the ALMA receiver band for a specified spw of a measurement set (or msmd instance)
  72. bandNumberFromSpwName -- Parses the receiver band from the spw name
  73. bandpasscalScansFromASDM -- Gets list of scans with CALIBRATE_BANDPASS intent
  74. bandpassPreAverage -- Computes the recommended frequency solint for bandpass calibration
  75. bandToFreqRange -- Converts ALMA band number to frequency range (in integer GHz)
  76. bandwidthsForField -- Returns the bandwidths of all spws used to observe the specified field
  77. beamCorrectionFactor -- Equation 14 and 15 of Gordon, Baars and Cocke
  78. beamSolidAngle -- Computes the effective solid angle of a Gaussian beam.
  79. blcTrcToLineSegments -- converts a BLC and TRC pixel to a list of line segments that outline the rectangle sides
  80. brightestMosaicField -- Uses meanVisibility to find the brightest field from among a list of mosaic fields
  81. build_amc_exec_list -- Builds a list of analyzemscal commands corresponding to a list of ms's in a pipeline test results area
  82. build_ms_list -- Builds a list of ms's in a pipeline test results area for use in scripting additional casa commands
  83. buildConfigurationFile -- Creates a .cfg file of antenna pad positions (useful for simobserve) for the specified ALMA or VLA ms.
  84. buildHybridMask -- Takes a 3D mask and a flat mask, and puts the flat mask into any channels that are blank
  85. buildMinorPlanetPlot -- queries JPL Horizons (or CASA) for the position of a list of solar system bodies and creates a Gildas ASTRO script to plot their elevation vs. LST at ALMA, EVLA, GBT, CARMA or Mauna Kea
  86. buildPdfFromPngs -- takes a list of .png files and concatenates them into a multi-page PDF
  87. buildtarfile -- builds a tar file of the minimum number of files needed to distribute analysisUtils for use in casa
  88. calcAndPlotAtmosphere -- simply way to overlay atmospheric curve an any plot that is vs. frequency
  89. calcAtmTransmissionforImage -- given an image, computes the atmospheric transmission vs channel
  90. calibratorService -- Accesses the prototype JAO calibrator flux density server
  91. calLibraryCaltables -- Return a list of caltables mentioned in a cal library file
  92. caltableOutlierSNR -- Reports outlier solutions in a caltable based on the SNR column
  93. casaEphemeris -- Reads information about an specified ephemeris table in the CASA data repository
  94. casalogClockTime -- Reads the timestamps from first and final line of a casa log and computes interval
  95. casaVersionFromCaltable -- Reads the CASA version string from the keywords of a caltable
  96. casaVersionFromLogfile -- Reads the CASA version string from the top of a CASA log file
  97. casaVersionFromWeblog -- Reads the CASA version string from a pipeline weblog
  98. celsiusToKelvin -- Adds 273.15 to the value
  99. centralObstructionFactor -- Computes the scale factor of an Airy pattern as a function of the central obscuration of an antenna
  100. changeSourceFrame -- Relabels the frame of the sources in the SOURCE table (e.g. 'ICRS' or 'J2000')
  101. channelAverageChannels -- Computes the channels used by ALMA to define the channel-average spws
  102. channelSelectionArrayToRangeString -- Converts a list of channels into a CASA channel selection range string
  103. channelSelectionRangesToIndexArray -- Converts a CASA channel selection range into a list of channels
  104. channelsForPreBandpass -- Compute the channel range corresponding to the central bandwidth of an spwprojects/cbrogan/From_Lustre/G358_data/2018.A.00031.T/Band6_lowres_2019.29_1stB6/CONTINUUM
  105. channelsInBandpass -- Reads bandpass table and returns middle element of the numpy.shape for the specified spw
  106. checkALMALogs -- Downloads and searches the ALMA computing logs over a specified time range or dataset execution
  107. checkAntennaPositionFiles -- Shows the most recent entries in the antennaMoves.txt and almaAntPos.txt
  108. checkDelays -- Checks for delay jumps and large delays on an integration-by-integration basis by running gaincal('K')
  109. checkFieldTable -- Checks whether any fields in the FIELD table are associated with multiple source IDs
  110. checkGeodetic -- Checks the final date in all the Earth Rotation Service files stored in CASA
  111. checkGeodeticTableDate -- Checks the keyword values (including VS_DATE) in one specified Earth Rotation Service file stored in CASA
  112. checkLogsForDelayJumps -- Runs checkALMALogs in search of late-arriving delay commands
  113. checkLogsForSubarrays -- Runs checkALMALogs in search of Array creation events
  114. checkOrder -- Takes two lists, and if the first list is in decreasing order, then it inverts both lists
  115. checkSamplers -- Compares channel 0 to adjacent channels in the TDM spectral windows and reports large ratios
  116. checkScienceSpwIFRanges -- Compares spw edges to baseband edges and returns dictionary of those within a threshold
  117. checkScienceSpws -- Compares science spw ID numbers between multiple measurement sets and reports if any differ
  118. checkScienceSpwSamplerRanges -- Returns a dictionary of all spws that lie within 30 MHz of the 2 or 4 GHz edge of the baseband
  119. checkScienceSpwsFromASDM -- Compares science spw ID numbers between multiple ASDMs and reports if any differ
  120. checksourceOffset -- Examines an ALMA pipeline working directory for check source images and draws their offset vectors on an RA/Dec plot centered on science target
  121. checksourceOffsetUncertainty -- Computes uncertainty in the position offset of the check source (or any point source whose image has been fit)
  122. checksourcePresent -- Returns True or False depending on presence of checksource observation in a dataset
  123. checkSourceTimeRatio -- Returns the fraction of time on check source intent compared to phase intent
  124. checkVirtualSpwsNeeded -- returns a list of pipeline runs in specified directory that require virtual spw mechanism in at least one EB
  125. check_for_time_gaps -- Checks for time gaps in the ALMA TMC database for a specified monitor point on a specified date
  126. clearPointingTable -- Removes all rows from the POINTING table of a measurement set.
  127. clearSpwFlags -- Clears channel-based flags in a specified spw and field ID
  128. clearTable -- Removes all rows from the specified table of a measurement set.
  129. coldMultiplier -- Returns cold multipler harmonic for ALMA receiver band
  130. columnStatistics -- Computes basic statistics on one column from an ASCII file
  131. combineConfigs -- Concatenates multiple antenna config files, discarding duplicate entries
  132. commonAntennas -- Find the antenna names common to two (or more) measurement sets
  133. compareAntennaPositionCorrections -- computes the difference between two sets of antenna position corrections meant for gencal
  134. compareAntPosResults -- compiles results from a bunch of baseline runs onto per-antenna plots
  135. comparedASDMSizeToCalibratedMS -- computes the size ratio of *.ms to ASDMs in a pipeline run
  136. compareCalLibraries -- compares the parameters of each line of two cal libraries
  137. compareFlagFiles -- Prints differences between two files
  138. compareFlags -- Compares the count of flags in two similar measurement sets
  139. compareFluxcsv -- Compares the contents of flux.csv file between two pipeline runs
  140. compareGfluxscaleCommands -- prints the shorthand for all the gaincal calls in the hifa_gfluxscale tasks of two pipeline runs
  141. compareGfluxscaleflagCommands -- prints the shorthand for all the gaincal call in the hifa_gfluxscaleflag tasks of two pipeline runs
  142. compareHanning -- Compares online-Hann window weighting in correlator with offline hanningsmooth function
  143. compareHeaders -- Compares two dictionaries, key by key
  144. compareMeanVisibility -- Compares the mean visibilities between two measurement sets
  145. comparePdfs -- Compares each individual pair of pages of two multi-page PDFs using the ImageMagick compare command
  146. comparePipelineTaskExecutionTimes -- Compares the task split time and running elapsed time of two pipeline runs
  147. comparePipeRuns -- Compare information about pipeline runs pickled with picklePipeRun (R. Indebetouw)
  148. comparePngs -- Compares two pngs images using the ImageMagick compare command.
  149. compareRFandIFRanges -- Prints RF and IF ranges of science spws, and computes differences between EBs
  150. compareScanTimesWithSysCal -- Makes a summary plot of scan times and validity intervals of Tsys scans
  151. compareTables -- Compares two CASA tables, column-by-column and reporting if they differ
  152. compareTAIUTC -- Compares the contents of the TAIUTC tables of two different CASA builds
  153. compareTimegaincalCommands -- prints the shorthand for all the gaincal calls in the hifa_timegaincal tasks of two pipeline runs
  154. compareTimesFromAnnotationTableToBandpassPreAverage -- Computes change in SNR if SSR determined times were to be used
  155. compareTimesFromCaltables -- Checks number of rows in two caltables and if equal, does statistics on the time differences
  156. compareTMCDB -- Gets current pad and antenna position values from the TMCDB, compares to what is in the ASDM and compute gencal command
  157. compareTsysSpectralWindowTableChanFreqsWithMS -- Compares the frequency grid in a Tsys table to its parent ms spectral_window table
  158. compareWeights -- Compares the weights between two measurement sets.
  159. complexToAmplitude -- converts a complex image into its amplitude
  160. complexToImaginary -- converts a complex image into its imaginary component
  161. complexToReal -- converts a complex image into its real component
  162. complexToSquare -- converts a complex image into its square (amplitude**2)
  163. computeAggregateBandwidth -- Computes the aggregate bandwidth for a specific list of spws of a measurement set.
  164. computeAvgchannel -- Computes the avgchannel values to use (e.g. in plotms) to display multiple spws smoothed to a common sensitivity bandwidth
  165. computeAzElFromRADecHourAngle -- Computes the Az/El for a specified Declination, hour angle, and observatory
  166. computeAzElFromRADecLST -- Computes the Az/El for a specified J2000 RA/Dec, LST, and observatory
  167. computeAzElFromRADecMJD -- Computes the az/el for a specified J2000 RA/Dec, MJD and observatory
  168. computeAzElForMS -- Computes the min/max/mean or median az/el for the aggregate of scans of a measurement set (optionally ignoring certain calibration scans)
  169. computesAzElForScan -- Computes the azimuth and elevation for the first integration of a specified scan in a measurement set
  170. computeClockTimeOfMS -- computes the elapsed time from the first through last scan
  171. computeDurationOfScan -- computes the number of subscans in a particular scan and their duration
  172. computeDurationOfScans -- runs computeDurationOfScan for a list of scans
  173. computeExpectedFWHM -- given a Gaussian beam and the diameter of a uniform disk, computes the expected observed FWHM
  174. computeIntervalBetweenTwoDays -- computes number of days between two YYYY-MM-DD strings
  175. computeITRFCorrection -- Computes the corrections to make to absolute geocentric coordinates XYZ (i.e. pad position) from an offset position given in local coordinates (i.e. antenna position).
  176. ComputeJulianDayFromUnixTime -- converts a unix time (in seconds) to Julian date
  177. ComputeLST -- Computes the LST time in hours for a specified MJD seconds and longitude
  178. computeLSTForElevation -- Computes the LST that an object passes the specified elevation
  179. ComputeLSTDay -- Computes the LST day, time, Julian day and time for a specified date/time and longitude
  180. computeMeanSpectrumFromMask -- Given a cube and a mask, returns the mean spectrum using ia.getprofile
  181. computeNBaselines -- Returns number of baselines for a specified number of array elements
  182. ALMA.ComputeNRAODopsetLST -- Computes the li of text that specifies the LST needed in an input file to NRAO dopset for a specific measurement set
  183. computePercentiles -- Computes the requested percentiles for an array and returns a dictionary
  184. computeRADecFromAzElMJD -- computes the J2000 ra/dec for a specified az/el, MJD and observatory
  185. computeRADecFromAzElUnixtime -- Reads an ASCII file with unixtime, azimuth and elevation and produces a new file with UT, RA, Dec, HA
  186. ComputeSolarAzEl -- Computes the azimuth and elevation of the sun for the specified time and observatory
  187. ComputeSolarRADec -- Computes the RA, Dec of the sun (in units of hours and degrees)
  188. ComputeSolarRADecRadians -- Computes the RA, Dec of the sun (in units of radians)
  189. computeStdDevMonteCarlo -- Computes Y and its uncertainty given uncertainties on a fitted slope and intercept, and a value of X
  190. computeTskyForSpw -- computes the sky temperature for the specified spw of a measurement set, using its PWV value.
  191. computeUTForElevation -- Computes the UT times that a specified source passes the specified elevation at your observatory
  192. computeUVThreshold -- Runs getCorrectedData and computes median and mad in uv bins
  193. computeYLimitsForXLimits -- Computes the Y-axis limits to autorange over the specified x-axis range
  194. computeYStatsForXLimits -- Computes the Y-axis statistics (mean, std, median, min, max) over the specified x-axis range, rather than over the whole range
  195. concatenateFiles -- Concatenates a list of text files and (optionally) deletes them
  196. configs -- List the .cfg files in the data/alma/simmos CASA directory
  197. configurationNearestNeighbors -- Finds the nearest neighbor antenna and distance for each antenna in a configuration file
  198. consolidateFlagCommandFile -- Reads a pipeline-generated flag command file and finds the union of all channel-based flags for a specific spw.
  199. consolidateFlagCommandFileByStage -- Calls consolidateFlagCommandFile() after first working out the name of the file to used based on the pipeline stage number.
  200. continuumDefault -- Returns the mean frequency of the continuum default tuning in the specified ALMA band
  201. convertAntennaDictionaryToPad -- Converts a dictionary keyed by antenna name to one keyed by pad name
  202. convertColonDelimitersToHMSDMS -- Converts HH:MM:SS.SSS, +DD:MM:SS.SSS to HHhMMmSS.SSSs,+DDdMMmSS.SSSs
  203. convertfieldframe -- Converts the frame of a field in the FIELD table (e.g. to 'J2000' or to 'ITRF')
  204. convertPadDictionaryToAntenna -- Converts a dictionary keyed by pad name to one keyed by pad antenna
  205. convertImageToDirectionType -- Converts a CASA image with Linear coordinate system type (e.g. ALMA astroholography) to Direction type
  206. convertTimeStamp -- converts a makeTimeStamp string to Julian day number
  207. convertTimeStamps -- converts a list of makeTimeStamp strings to a list of Julian day numbers
  208. copyflags -- Copies the flag and flag_row columns from one dataset to another
  209. copyTsys -- copies some or all of the Tsys values in a Tsys caltable from one antenna to another
  210. copyweights -- Copies the weights from the WEIGHT column (scalar) to the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column (vector)
  211. correlatorDatarate -- Computes data rate for ALMA in accordance with IST memo on "Estimated data rates for the WSU"
  212. countChannels -- Counts the number of channels in a CASA channel selection string
  213. countChannelsInRanges - Counts the number of channels in each subrange of a single spw selection string
  214. countflags -- count the percentage of flagged data in an MS
  215. countMaskedPixels -- returns the number of pixels in a CASA image that are masked
  216. countUnmaskedPixels -- returns the number of pixels in a CASA image that are not masked
  217. countrows -- count the number of rows associated with each spectral window in an MS
  218. countPagesInPDF -- counts the number of pages in a PDF
  219. countVisibilities -- counts the number of visibilities in a measurement set
  220. createTsysTable -- Creates a blank Tsys table using the cb tool
  221. crossCaiSelection -- Finds baseline names that cross the CAI=32 boundary for a specified measurement set (see also lowCaiSelection)
  222. cubeInfoFromWeblog -- Reads information on cubes from the hif_makeimages weblog
  223. cubeLSRKToTopo -- Convert cube's frequency range back to TOPO
  224. cycleTime -- Computes median time between visits to a specified intent (default: PHASE)
  225. dataratesForASDM -- Computes data rates for an ASDM
  226. dateFromDoy -- computes the date (time) string from a year and a day-of-year
  227. datasetsForMOUS -- gets the EBs for an MOUS, filtering by array type
  228. datasetsForProjectCode -- gets the EBs for a project code, filtering by array type
  229. dateStringListToMJDSecList -- converts a list of date strings ("yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss") to a list of MJD seconds
  230. dateStringListToPlotDate -- converts a list of date strings ("yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss") to a list of datetime structures suitable for pylab.plot_date
  231. dateStringDifference -- computes the number of minutes between two datestrings, as from a CASA log
  232. dateStringToMJD -- converts "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss" to MJD
  233. dateStringToMJDSec -- converts yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss to MJD seconds, which is needed to specify plotrange for time in plotms
  234. dateStringToUnixTime -- converts a UT date/time string to unixtime in seconds
  235. dateTimeListToMJDSeconds -- converts a list of datetime structures to a list of MJD seconds (inverse of mjdSecondsListToDateTime)
  236. decimate3DArrayByMean -- reduces the length of one axis of a 3D array
  237. deconvolveDiskFromBeam -- the inverse function of computeExpectedFWHM
  238. decrad2dms -- Convert radians of declination to sexagesimal DD:MM:SS
  239. defaultReceptorAngles -- Returns a dictionary of values per band, or the values for a specific band
  240. defaultSBGainsForBand -- Returns the default sideband gains for the signal and image bands used by TelCal
  241. deg2radec -- Convert a single RA/Dec position from degrees to a sexagesimal string
  242. degfile2radec -- Convert a list of RA/Dec positions in a file from degrees to sexagesimal strings
  243. delayCalculations -- Useful calculations for designing the next generation ALMA correlator
  244. detectNegativeTrx -- searches the SYSCAL table of the ms for negative receiver temperatures and reports them
  245. detectNegativeTsys -- searches the SYSCAL table of the ms for negative system temperatures and reports them
  246. differencePhaseSolutions -- takes the phase difference between two CASA gaincal tables
  247. differencePipelineContDat -- takes the difference between two cont.dat files (must match in number of ranges)
  248. directionList2radecDegrees -- convert a list of CASA direction dictionaries into a list of RA, Dec values in degrees
  249. direction2rad -- extracts the direction as a radian list from a CASA direction dictionary
  250. direction2radec -- converts a CASA direction dictionary to RA, Dec string in sexagesimal format
  251. direction2radecForSimobserve -- converts a direction dictionary to RA, Dec string in sexagesimal format that simobserve expects
  252. directorySize -- computes the size of a directory tree in bytes
  253. dminfo -- prints the contents of tb.getdminfo into a text file
  254. doubleIntervalInSysCal -- adjusts the INTERVAL and TIME columns of the SYSCAL table
  255. doyFromDate -- gets the day of year from the specified date time string
  256. DrawAntennaLegend -- writes colorized antenna names just outside the right side y-axis edge of a plot
  257. dutyCycle -- computes duty cycle of observing the science target in ALMA measurement set (ignoring subscan latency)
  258. editFieldname -- Change a field name in a measurement set (FIELD and SOURCE tables)
  259. editFieldnameASDM -- Change the field name in the ASDM (in all 4 xml files where it appears)
  260. editIntents -- change the intents for a specified field in an ms (based on John Lightfoot's pipeline script)
  261. editIntentscsv -- change the intents in a list of measurement sets based on a csv-text file
  262. effectiveAntennas -- converts a number of baselines into the equivalent number of antennas for sensitivity purposes
  263. effectiveBandwidth -- Reads the effective bandwidth of a channel of an spw from a measurement set
  264. effectiveBandwidthASDM -- Reads the effective bandwidth of a channel of an spw from an ASDM
  265. effectiveResolution -- Reads the effective resolution of a channel of an spw from a measurement set
  266. effectiveResolutionASDM -- Reads the effective resolution of a channel of an spw from an ASDM
  267. effectiveTaper -- Converts an observed value of the constant X in the formula FWHM=X*lambda/D into an edge taper in dB
  268. elevaitonSeparationOfFields -- computes global or per-scan mean elevation separation between all combinations of fields in a dataset
  269. elevationSeparationPhaseScience -- computes mean separation in elevation between first phase calibrator and each science target
  270. elevationToAirmass -- Converts an elevation in degrees to airmass
  271. emulateLowGainFlag -- Computes antenna/spw combinations that will be flagged by hif_lowgainflag
  272. epochToDatestring -- Converts year fraction to date/time string
  273. epochToJD -- Converts year fraction to JD
  274. epochToMJD -- Converts year fraction to MJD
  275. equivalentDiskDiameter -- Computes size of top-hat disk that would reproduced the measured size of a marginally-resolved object in an image
  276. estimateMRS -- Computes the MRS=LAS for a specified measurement set
  277. estimateMRSForConfig -- reads an antenna config file and computes the expected maximum recoverable scale for a specified frequency
  278. estimateOpacity -- converts a value of PWV and frequency to opacity as a function of observatory site
  279. estimateSynthesizedBeam -- reads a measurement set and computes expected beamsize
  280. estimateSynthesizedBeamForConfig -- reads an antenna config file and computes the expected beamsize for a specified frequency
  281. estimateSynthesizedBeamFromASDM -- read the max baseline and representative frequency from an ASDM and compute beamsize
  282. everOccupied -- determines if a specific ALMA pad has ever been occupied (as indicated by antennaMoves.txt)
  283. examineContext -- prints the science goal values from a pipeline context file
  284. exportAndGetWeatherStationPositionFromASDM -- exports ASDM if necessary, then returns the position of the first weather station containing the specified string
  285. extendIntervalInSysCal -- increases the value in the INTERVAL column in all rows of the specified caltable
  286. extractAzimuthalAverageFromImage -- uses azimuthalAverage to compute and write out the radial profile of 1..3 images
  287. extractCutFromImage -- extra a single row or column from a CASA image, and optionally run a Gaussian fit on it
  288. extractGaincalParameters -- extract key parameters for a list of gaincal task calls
  289. extractGfluxscaleResultsFromContext --
  290. extractMetadataFromContext --
  291. extractPipelineStage -- extracts the pipeline stage number from a pipeline-generated file
  292. extractPngListFromCSVFile -- extracts all the png filenames from a CSV-format file
  293. extractSensitivitiesAndBeams --
  294. extractSensitivitiesFromContexts -- gets image sensitivities from the per-stage saved_state results objects in the weblog dir
  295. extractSetJyCommandsFromCasaCommandsLog -- extracts all setjy calls from a casa_commands.log
  296. extractSpatialAxisValues -- extracts the array of RA or Dec values from a CASA or FITS image
  297. extractTcleanCommands -- extracts the tclean commands for a specified intent from a pipeline CASA log
  298. extractTcleanCommandsAndModify -- extracts the tclean commands for a specified intent from a pipeline CASA log, modifies them and writes them into a script
  299. extractTimegaincalCommandsFromCasaCommandsLog
  300. extractTimegaincalSummaryFromCasaCommandsLog -- extracts a shorthand list of gaincal calls (for debugging PIPE-1154)
  301. farfieldDistance -- Computes the Fraunhofer distance for a specified observation or combination of baseline length and frequency
  302. fieldsfornames -- Extends the msmd method fieldsforname to a list of names
  303. fillAsdmList -- Takes a list of ASDMs from the same array/night and fills in the missing leading characters where missing
  304. fillZerosInDate -- Add leading zeros to month and day in a date string
  305. filterAndDecimate -- Runs a low-pass filter and decimates a signal by an even factor
  306. filterAndDecimateFromFile -- Reads a 2-column ascii file and runs filterAndDecimate on the signal it contains
  307. filterDictionary -- Filters a dictionary so that it only has keys that are present in a second dictionary
  308. filterOutLines -- Removes all lines from a file that match a string
  309. findAzimuthOfNearestPadToPad -- Computes the azimuth vector from an ALMA pad to its nearest neighbor
  310. findChannel -- Finds the channel in a cube that is nearest in frequency to a specified channel in a different cube
  311. findConfigurationFile -- Searches for an antenna configuration file in the current directory, then the CASA repository
  312. findDaytime -- Finds the range of date values corresponding to daylight hours suitable for marking a pylab.plot_date plot
  313. findFindcontPlot -- Finds the findContinuum png in an ALMA imaging pipeline weblog for the specified science target cube
  314. findFindcontResidualCubes -- Finds the list of findcont cubes from a pipeline run
  315. findFindcontResidualJointMasks -- Finds the list of findcont joint masks from a pipeline run
  316. findFindcontStageDir -- Finds the html/stage26,28 directory for the hif_findcont stage of an ALMA imaging pipeline weblog
  317. findFindcontStageNumber -- Returns the stage number for the hif_findcont stage of an ALMA imaging pipeline run using its weblog
  318. findFWHM -- Finds the full-width at a specified fraction of the maximum from two lists (x,y)
  319. findImageSpwsFromCasalog -- Examines a pipeline CASA log file and finds the spws images on the science target
  320. findLineNumber -- Finds the line number of the first occurrence of a string in a file
  321. findLineNumberAndTimestamp -- Finds the line number and timestamp of the first occurrence of a string in a CASA log file
  322. findNearestField -- Find the entry in a list of RA,Dec's nearest to a specified RA,Dec
  323. findNearestFieldInVis -- Find the field in a measurement set nearest to a specified RA,Dec
  324. findNearestPadToPad -- Find the nearest neighboring pad to a specified ALMA pad
  325. findNearestPadToXYZ -- Finds the nearest ALMA pad to a specified ITRF position
  326. findNearestVLBISources -- Searches the Petrov catalog around a specified direction
  327. findNull -- Find the baseline length corresponding to a specified fractional peak amplitude of a uniform disk source
  328. findOffsetAxis -- Find which axis (or the length thereof) of a CASA image contains the name 'Offset' (as created by impv)
  329. findPipelineAmpCalTable -- Finds the name of the timegaincal amplitude table
  330. findPipelineCalibratorTcleanCommand -- Extracts the tclean command from casa_commands.log for specified calibrator intent
  331. findPipelineCalTable -- Finds a file matching a specified wildcard string
  332. findPipelineCasaCommandsLog -- returns the path to the casa_commands.log in a pipeline run
  333. amc.findPipelineCasaLogfile -- searches the specified directory tree for the newest casa log file, optionally containing an applycal call on a specified ASDM
  334. findPipelineCasaVersion -- Searches either the CASA log or the pipeline weblog to get the pipeline version string
  335. findPipelineCubes -- finds a list of all cleaned cubes in a pipeline working directory
  336. findPipelineImage -- finds the name of the image file in a pipeline working directory corresponding to the specified field and spw
  337. findPipelineImages -- finds all the image names made by the pipeline
  338. findPipelineRunCasaLogs -- Searches a pipeline execution directory and returns a list of casa log files, optionally containing a call to one of a list of tasks
  339. findPipelineTaskExecutionTimes -- Assembles a list of time intervals from a CASA log of a pipeline run
  340. findPipelineTsysCalTable -- Finds the path of the tsys caltable
  341. findPipelineTsysCalTablePlot -- Finds the path of the weblog plot for the tsys caltable for a specified spw and antenna
  342. findPixel -- Takes an image and converts a pixel to an RA,Dec and (optionally) the separation from a reference position
  343. findPixels -- Takes an image and converts a list of pixels to a list of RA,Decs and (optionally) the separation from a reference position
  344. findRADec -- Takes an image and converts an RA, Dec value to pixel value
  345. findSpectralAxis -- Finds the number of the spectral axis of an image cube
  346. findStokesAxis -- Finds the number of the Stokes axis of an image cube
  347. findWeblog -- Uses the unix find command to locate a weblog in a directory tree (i.e. faster if you start from /working)
  348. fitFitsBeam -- Fits a PSF image, which is useful if the header contains no beam
  349. fitLapseRate -- fits the temperature lapse rate measured by the oxygen sounder
  350. fitLapseRateAndScaleHeightASDM -- fits the lapse rate and scale height measured by the oxygen sounder for the start time of an ASDM
  351. fitLapseRateAndScaleHeightASDMs -- fits the lapse rate and scale height measured by the oxygen sounder for the start time of a list of ASDMs
  352. fitScaleHeight -- fits the water vapor density scale height measured by the oxygen sounder
  353. fixASDM -- Restores the missing newline character at the end of every .xml file of an ASDM
  354. fixBandwidthsInASDM -- Fixes the effective resolution and effective bandwidth of pre-Cycle-3 ASDMs
  355. fixBandwidthsInMOUS -- Fixes the effective resolution and effective bandwidth of a list of pre-Cycle-3 ASDMs
  356. fixConcatSigmaSpectrum -- Fix for CAS-9238 (concat not copying the sigma_spectrum column for subsequent ms)
  357. fixFeedTableTimes -- Copies the time in the first row of the FEED table to all rows
  358. fixMyDelays -- read the Delay solutions from the ASDM, and compute a caltable to correct them
  359. fixpointing -- converts the MS POINTING table from commanded positions to encoder positions (from CSV-2878)
  360. FixPosition -- a class with various methods to fix problems with the direction of sources in an ms
  361. fixReceptorAngles -- Changes the value of the receptor angle in the FEED table of a measurement set
  362. fixScanNumbers -- Detects times when the field name changes, and increments the scan number (for SMA data read with sma2casa).
  363. fixuvw -- Runs calcuvw of the imtool toolkit to recalculate the UVW coordinates of a measurement set
  364. fixvisPermissions -- Runs chmod on all subdirectories of a specified directory
  365. flagcmdplot -- Runs flagcmd(action='plot') for each reason code, one at a time, and builds a multi-page PDF
  366. flagDurations -- Computes the durations of all flag commands in the FLAG_CMD table of a measurement set
  367. amc.flagMatrix -- Runs the agent flagger on each baseline and generates a display of baselines that are fully (or mostly) flagged
  368. flagReasons -- Returns a unique list of flag reasons from an ASCII flag commands file
  369. flagReasonStats -- Returns a dictionary of the percentage of data flagged by online flags for each reason
  370. flagTsysFeature -- Flags the SYSCAL table for a specified antenna, field, spw, which can be done at the pipeline pause after import
  371. flagTsysTable -- Flags a Tsys cal table by antenna, spw or time
  372. flattenMask -- Builds a 2D image mask from a 3D cube mask
  373. flipSignDeclination -- Flips the sign of declination for a source ID in the FIELD and/or SOURCE tables of a measurement set
  374. flipSignDeclinationSourcexml -- Flips the sign of declination for a source ID in the Source.xml file of an ASDM
  375. fluxCalibrationAccuracy -- Prints the percent accuracy per band claimed in the ALMA Cycle 6 technical handbook
  376. fluxcalScansFromASDM -- Gets list of scans with CALIBRATE_FLUX intent
  377. fluxscaleMean -- Compute the uncertainty-weighted mean of the flux density measurements in a fluxscale dictionary
  378. fluxscaleLogMean -- Compute the mean and standard deviations of flux densities reported in a sequence of fluxscale log outputs
  379. fluxscaleParseLog -- Extract the spectral index fit parameters from the ASCII file produced by the casa task fluxscale as needed by setjy.
  380. frames -- convert an optical velocity into different optical and radio frames (LSRK, TOPO)
  381. freqToBand -- convert a frequency to an ALMA Band number
  382. gaincalMosaic -- Computes a list of field IDs that have a fraction of solutions above a threshold SNR
  383. gaincalSNR -- Computes the per-antenna SNR expected for gaincal(solint='inf') on a per-spw basis
  384. gaussianBeamOffset -- Computes the radius at which the response of a Gaussian beam drops to the specified level
  385. gaussianBeamResponse -- Computes the gain at a radial offset from the center of a Gaussian beam
  386. genImageName -- Generates an image name that follows the ALMA archive convention; used by NA manual imaging script template
  387. geoToAlma -- convert geocentric coordinates into local (horizontal ones)
  388. getAllBaselineLengthsFromASDM -- returns a list of the baseline lengths in an ASDM, by default sorted by length, with option to create a histogram
  389. getALMAFlux -- contacts ALMA calibrator catalog, computes the spectral index between Bands 3 & 7 and interpolates/extrapolates
  390. getALMAFluxcsv -- reads the initial pipeline-produced flux.csv file (and measurement set) and updates the flux densities into a new flux.csv file
  391. getALMAFluxForMS -- runs getALMAFlux for all fields in a measurement set
  392. getALMAFluxSMA -- Compare a list of SMA calibrator flux densities with the ALMA catalog and compute the statistics of the ratio.
  393. getALMASpectralIndex -- looks through history of calibrator catalog, computing spectral index for the closest Band 3/7 measurement(s)
  394. getALMASpectralIndexCycle6 -- looks through history of calibrator catalog, computing spectral index for the closest (with settable tolerance) Band 3/7 measurement(s)
  395. getAntennaIdsFromCaltable -- gets a list of unique antenna IDs that have solutions in a caltable
  396. getAntennaNames -- Returns the list of antenna names in the ANTENNA table of a dataset
  397. getAntennaNamesForObsID -- Returns the list of antenna names in a particular obsid of a dataset
  398. getAntennaNamesFromCaltable -- Returns the list of unique antenna names from a caltable
  399. getAntennaPadXYZ -- Gets the geocentric position of the pad holding the specified antenna ID in the specified measurement set
  400. getAntennaStationsFromCaltable -- Returns the list of unique antenna stations from a caltable
  401. getAntennaPads -- Returns a list of antenna station names from a measurement set
  402. getAntennaPadsForObsID -- Returns list or dictionary of pads for one portion of a concatenated measurement set
  403. getAntennaPadsFromASDM -- returns a dictionary of antenna/pad association for the specified ASDM
  404. getApexWeather -- retrieves weather for a whole day from the APEX telescope station
  405. getArrayIDs -- gets the list of ARRAY_ID for a measurement set
  406. getAtmcalStateIDsFromASDM -- reads the State.xml file of an ASDM and returns a dictionary
  407. getBand -- Converts a frequency in Hz to the ALMA band number (ambiguity in bands 2/3 overlap)
  408. getBandwidthFromCaltable -- Reports the bandwidth of an spw from the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table of a caltable
  409. getBasebandNumber -- Obsoleted by msmd.baseband
  410. getBasebandNumberFromASDM -- Gets the baseband number for an spw in an ASDM
  411. getBasebandNumbers -- Gets an array containing the baseband number of each spw in a measurement set
  412. getBaselineLength -- compute the baseline length between 2 antennas in an ms and its percentile for the configuration
  413. getBaselineLengthForStations -- compute the baseline length between 2 stations in an antenna config file
  414. getBaselineLengths -- returns a list of the baseline lengths in your ms, by default sorted by length, with option to create a histogram
  415. getBaselineLengthsMultiVis -- returns an aggregated list of the baseline lengths in a list of ms, by default sorted by length, with option to create a histogram
  416. getBaselineLengthsMultiVisMultiOUS -- runs getBaselineLengthsMultiVis for a list of pipeline runs in a directory
  417. getBaselinesInMainTable -- returns an array of tuples containing the antenna IDs of each baseline contained in the main visibility table
  418. getBaselineStats -- Compute statistics on the baseline lengths of the specified ms.
  419. getBaselineStatsFromASDM -- Compute statistics on the baseline lengths of the specified ASDM.
  420. getBaselineTsysFromCaltable -- returns a scalar value of Tsys for a baseline
  421. getCalibrationIntents -- Returns a list of calibration intents for a specified measurement set and field ID
  422. getCalibratorFromASDM -- Returns the name of the calibrator(s) observed for a specified intent from an ASDM
  423. getCalibratorFromASDMs -- Returns a dictionary of the calibrator(s) observed for a specified intent from a list of ASDMs
  424. getCalibrators -- Returns a list of calibrator names or source IDs from a measurement set.
  425. getCasaDataPath -- Finds data repository for current CASA
  426. getChanFreqFromCaltable -- Returns the frequency of the specified channel in the specified spw of a caltable
  427. getChannelAveragedScienceSpws -- Returns a list of channel averaged spws corresponding to the science spws
  428. getChannelAveragedSpw -- Finds the channel-averaged spw corresponding to a specified full resolution spw
  429. getChannelsWithBlankCleanMask -- Finds the list of cube channels with a mask and the list without a mask
  430. getChanRangeFromFreqRange -- written by Dirk Petry
  431. getChanWidths -- Return the channel widths of a specified ms and spw
  432. getChanwidthASDM -- Returns the physical channel width in Hz for an spw in an ASDM
  433. getChanWidthFromCaltable -- gets the width of a channel from one or all spws in a caltable
  434. getCOFA -- returns the center of the array for the specified ms, in XYZ and in longitude/latitude
  435. getCOFAForASDM -- returns the center of the array for the specified ASDM, in XYZ and in longitude/latitude
  436. getCOFAForObservatory -- returns the center of the array for the specified observatory name, in XYZ and in longitude/latitude
  437. getConfig -- Reads the configName value from the ASDM_EXECBLOCK table of an ms
  438. getConfigFromASDM -- Reads the configName value from the ExecBlock.xml file of an ASDM
  439. getConfigsForCycle -- Gets the list of configuration files containing "cycleX" in the name
  440. getCorrectedData -- Reads uvdist and corrected amplitudes
  441. getCorrelatorName -- reads the correlator name from the CorrelatorMode.xml file of an ASDM
  442. getCorrelatorNameFromMS -- reads the correlator name for the ASDM_CORRELATORMODE table, if it was imported
  443. getCryostatTemperaturesFromTMCDB -- reads the 6 cold cartridge temperatures from each receiver band
  444. getCurrentDate -- gets the current date in local time in the format 'YYYY/MM/DD'
  445. getCurrentMJDSec -- gets the current MJD in seconds
  446. getCurrentUnixTime -- gets current unix time from the system clock
  447. getDataColumnName -- gets the name of the data column of a measurement set
  448. getDataDescriptionID -- gets the DATA_DESC_ID for a specified spw (using tb tool instead of msmd)
  449. getDataDescriptionIDs -- gets the DATA_DESC_IDs for a specified list of spws (using tb tool instead of msmd)
  450. getDiameterForObservatory -- convert an observatory name to an antenna diameter
  451. getDistanceFromMedianPadLOCFromASDM -- gets the distance of each antenna from the median of all the pad locations in an ASDM
  452. getElevationStatsForIntentFromASDM -- gets the min/median/max elevation observed for a specified intent in an ASDM
  453. getEphemeris -- reads the ephemeris from the ASDM_EPHEMERIS table of a measurement set
  454. getEphemerisFields -- gets a list of ephemeris field names in a measurement set
  455. getEphemerisFieldsFromASDM -- gets a dictionary of ephemeris fields and their initial direction from an ASDM
  456. getEquinoxForField -- Gets the reference frame name for specified field in an ms (i.e. 'J2000' or 'ICRS')
  457. getExtremeBaselinePerAntenna -- computes min, mean, median, or max baseline length per antenna on an ASDM
  458. getExtremeSpws -- returns the spw ID for the spw containing the minimum and maximum frequency for the specified intent
  459. getFeedTableTimes -- Gets the unique values of the TIME column of the FEED table
  460. getFieldIDsForEphemerisID -- Returns a list of all field IDs that correspond to one ephemeris ID
  461. getFieldnameFromPipelineImageName -- Gets field name from an ALMA pipeline image name
  462. getFieldTime -- Gets the TIME for one cell of the FIELD table of an ms
  463. getFieldTimes -- Gets the TIME column of the FIELD table of an ms
  464. getFieldsFromASDM -- gets field IDs and names from an ASDM, as two dictionaries
  465. getFieldsFromCaltable -- gets a list of unique field IDs (of fields that have a solution) from a caltable
  466. getFirstScienceSpwBand -- Gets the band number of the first science spw (via the spw name string)
  467. getFitsBeam -- Extract the beam information from a FITS or CASA image.
  468. getFitsBeams -- Runs getFitsBeam for a list of images and prints a wiki table
  469. getFitsDate -- Extract the date information from a FITS or CASA image.
  470. getFlagdict -- Extract flagging dictionary using the af tool
  471. getFlagsFromCaltable -- Extract the number of flags from a caltable, or a dictionary of them
  472. amc.getFlagStatistics -- Uses the af tool to compute percentage of flagged data
  473. getFluxesFromAquaReport -- Used by plotGfluxscale to read derived and catalog flux from pipeline-generated aquareport.xml
  474. getFreqType -- Returns string TOPO or LSRK, etc. for a CASA image
  475. getFrequenciesFromASDM -- Get a list of the frequencies of each spw in the ASDM (extraneous WVR spws are skipped)
  476. getfwhm -- Directly estimate the actual FWHM of the CASA image provided, with no assumption about shape (Brian Mason)
  477. getfwhm2 -- An alternative to getfwhm which solves for radially-averaged zero crossing of (data-halfmax)
  478. getgain -- extract gain curve coefficients for a specified VLA antenna and band and make a plot vs. elevation
  479. getImfitEstimatesFixedString -- Reads the fixed parameter from each line of an imfit estimates file
  480. getIntegrationTime -- use the ms and msmd tools to get the integration time in a measurement set
  481. getIntegrationTimeFromASDM -- reads the Main.xml file to find the longest integration time
  482. getIntensityForPixel -- Gets the intensity at a single pixel of a CASA image.
  483. getIntentsForFieldID -- gets all the intents for which a field was observed
  484. getIntentsFromASDM -- Makes a dictionary with field name as key and intents as the value.
  485. getIterFromPipelineImageName -- Gets the iter value (0,1,2) from an ALMA pipeline image name
  486. getLineFromFile -- Returns the contents of the specified line number from the specified text file
  487. getListOfFilesFromFile -- Reads a list of ASDM or measurement set names from a text file and returns a list of names
  488. getLO1 -- Returns the LO1 frequency in Hz for first science spw of a measurement set
  489. getLOs -- returns a list of four lists containing the LO information from the ASDM_RECEIVER table of a measurement set
  490. getLOsFromASDM -- Returns a dictionary of the LO values for every spw in the specified ASDM
  491. getLoadTemperatures -- Reads the load temperatures from the ASDM_CALDEVICE table (if present).
  492. getLongestProjectedBaselineInMainTable -- Reads the UVW column from main table and computes largest value of specified coordinate combination
  493. getMajorIntentsForFieldID -- gets all the major intents for which a field was observed
  494. getMaxBaselineInUnitsOfL80 -- Returns dictionary of max baseline in units of L80 for specified measurement set(s)
  495. getMaxBaselineInUnitsOfL80FromASDM -- Returns dictionary of max baseline in units of L80 for specified ASDM
  496. getMeanFreqFromASDM -- gets the number and mean frequency of the spws for each sideband
  497. getMeanFreqOfSpwlist -- gets the mean of the mean frequency of a list of spws
  498. getMeanFreqOfSpwSelection -- gets the mean frequency of an arbitrary spw/channel selection string
  499. getMeanGainFromCaltable -- computes mean complex gain for a specified spw and field in a non-spectral gain table
  500. getMeanPosition -- computes the mean RA and mean Dec of a list of positions
  501. getMeanPositionFromOTPointings -- gets the mean RA and Dec direction of a list of pointings output by the Cycle 4 OT
  502. getMeanScienceFreqOfSidebands -- computes the bandwidth-weighted mean of the spws in each sideband
  503. getMeanWeights -- gets the mean of the WEIGHT column from a measurement set
  504. getMeanWeightsPerAntenna -- gets the mean of the WEIGHT column from a measurement set on a per-antenna basis
  505. getMeasFreqRef -- reads the MEAS_FREQ_REF column of a SPECTRAL_WINDOW table of an ms, which encodes whether the frequency frame is TOPO or LSRK, etc.
  506. getMeasurementSetFromCaltable -- get the name of the measurement set associated with a caltable
  507. getMedianBaselinePerAntenna -- computes median baseline length per antenna on an ASDM
  508. getMedianPadLOCFromASDM -- gets the median location (in ENU coordinates) of all the pads in an ASDM
  509. getMedianPWV -- computes median and standard deviation of PWV for the specified ms (or the CalWVR.xml file in the pwd)
  510. getMedianTsys -- gets the median Tsys from one or more datasets
  511. getMedianTsysForChannel -- Computes the median over all antennas of a single Tsys channel in one spw in one ASDM
  512. getMedianTsysPerSpw -- Computes the median Tsys value per spw in a measurement set
  513. getMedianWeatherFromAIV -- Computes the median weather from for a specific time range
  514. getMedianWeatherFromAIVForASDM -- Computes the median/Mad of weather values from per scan of an ASDM
  515. getMedianWeatherFromTMCDB -- Computes the median weather from the TMCDB for a specific time range or ASDM
  516. getMemorySize -- gets the total memory of the current machine
  517. getMJD -- computes the current MJD
  518. getMJDSec -- computes the current MJD in units of seconds
  519. getMJDSecFromCaltable -- computes the mean MJD in units of seconds of the solutions in a caltable
  520. getMostRecentMove -- searches the antennaMoves.txt file for the most recent move for a specified antenna
  521. getNChanFromCaltable -- gets the number of channels from one or all spws in a caltable
  522. getNearestNeighboringPadToAntenna -- gets the nearest neighboring pad to an antenna in a measurement set, without regard to whether that pad was occupied
  523. getNearestNeighborsToAntenna -- gets a list of the N nearest neighbors to an antenna in a measurement set, and the corresponding distances
  524. getNominalObservatoryPressure -- computes the nominal barometric pressure for the tabulated height of a specified observatory
  525. getNonScienceTimeRanges -- Gets a list of time ranges of the scans NOT of a specified field or intent
  526. getNumChanFromASDM -- gets the number of channels for each spw
  527. getObservationDateRangeFromASDM -- gets the start and stop date and time of an ASDM
  528. getObservationEndDateFromASDM -- Reads the stop time of the observation from an ASDM and report it in date + UT time and MJD seconds
  529. getObservationIDs -- gets a list of the unique observation IDs from a measurement set
  530. getObservationLength -- gets length of measurement set observations in minutes
  531. getObservationLengthFromASDM -- gets length of ASDM observation in minutes
  532. getObservationMJDSecRange -- gets beginning and end time of an ms in MJD seconds
  533. getObservationMJDSecRangeFromASDM -- gets beginning and end time of an ASDM in MJD seconds
  534. getObservationStart -- Read the start time of the observation from an ms and report it in MJD seconds.
  535. getObservationStartDate -- Read the start time of the observation from an ms and report it in date and UT time.
  536. getObservationStartDates -- Read the start time of the observation from a list of measurement sets and report a list of dates and UT times.
  537. getObservationStartDateFromASDM -- Read the start time of the observation from an ASDM and report it in date + UT time and MJD seconds.
  538. getObservationStartDateFromASDMs -- Runs getObservationStartDateFromASDM on a list of ASDMs and writes a text file
  539. getObservationStartDay -- Read the start time of the observation from an ms and report only the UT date (YYYY-MM-DD).
  540. getObservationStop -- Read the stop time of the observation from an ms and report it in MJD seconds
  541. getObservationStopDate -- Read the stop time of the observation from an ms and report it in date and UT time
  542. getObservationSummaryFromASDM -- gets the start and stop date and time, and a list of antennas from an ASDM (or a list of them)
  543. getObservatoryFromConfig -- reads the telescope name from an antenna configuration file
  544. getObservatoryLatLong -- reads the latitude and longitude of an observatory from the CASA repository
  545. getObservatoryName -- reads the observatory name from the OBSERVATION table of an ms
  546. getObservatoryNameFromASDM -- reads the observatory name from the ExecBlock.xml file of an ASDM
  547. getOnlineFlagsForScienceSpws -- inspects a flagging text file for lines that include science spw names
  548. getOUS -- read the OUS for an ASDM from the ExecBlock.xml file (note: it is not possible to get the project code from an ASDM)
  549. getOUSForUID -- retrieves the OUS name for an ASDM or measurement set without requiring that file
  550. getPadDistanceListForConfig -- compute distances to all pads from a reference pad
  551. getPadHeight -- gets the geocentric distance for one or all pads in a measurement set
  552. getPadHeightFromASDM -- gets the geocentric distance for one or all pads in an ASDM
  553. getPadLOC -- reads the local tangent plane coordinates for the specified pad name from the file AOS_Pads_XYZ_ENU.txt
  554. getPadLOCsFromASDM -- reads the pad position in ENU coordinates from an ASDM
  555. getPadPosition -- Gets a measures.position instance for the specified ALMA pad name
  556. getPadPositions -- reads the pad positions in geocentric XYZ coordinates from an ms
  557. getPadPositionsFromASDM -- Reads the pad positions in geocentric XYZ coordinates from an ASDM
  558. getPadsForConfig -- gets a list of pad names for the specified antenna configuration file
  559. getPadXYZ -- computes the XYZ geocentric coordinates any specified ALMA pad name in the file AOS_Pads_XYZ_ENU.txt
  560. getPadXYZFromASDM -- reads the XYZ geocentric coordinates for the specified ALMA pad name from the ASDM
  561. getPhaseCalibrators -- gets the field IDs of the phase calibrators in a measurement set
  562. getPhaseCenterForField -- calls getRADecForField and returns result in form amenable to tclean phasecenter parameter
  563. ami.getPipelinePBAndMask -- given the name of a pipeline image, determines the expected name for the corresponding pb and mask, returns them, and prints a warning if either one does not exist
  564. getPointingScans -- Gets a list of scans with pointing intent
  565. getPolarizationsFromASDM -- Reads the Polarization.xml file and reports the polarization products in each ID
  566. getPrimaryIntent -- Given a list of intents, return the fundamental intent
  567. getProjectedBaselines -- Uses ms tool to build a dictionary of mean projected baseline length, keyed by baseline name
  568. getProjectedBaselineStats -- Uses visstat to compute statistics of the projected baselines
  569. getProjectMOUSFromDir -- Gets the project name and MOUS from a pipeline execution directory path
  570. getRADecForField -- Returns the RA,Dec in radians for the specified field in the measurement set
  571. getRADecForFieldFromASDM -- Returns the RA,Dec in radians for the specified field ID in an ASDM
  572. getRADecForSource -- Returns the RA,Dec in sexagesimal for the specified source in the measurement set
  573. getRadialVelocityAtStart -- Reads RadVel from ephemeris attached to measurement set and returns entry nearest to start of measurement set
  574. getReceiverId -- Reads the ASDM_RECEIVER table of a measurement set and returns a single integer ID or list of IDs present
  575. getRegionCentroid -- computes centroid of a CASA region CRTF file
  576. getResampledWeatherFromDatabase -- Gathers and resamples weather values onto a common time series
  577. getSB -- Gets the UID of the schedule block for a measurement set
  578. getSBGain -- read the sideband ratio gains from the SYSCAL table of a measurement set
  579. getScanNumbersFromASDM -- Returns a list of scan numbers in an ASDM that have the specified intent
  580. getScansFromCaltable -- Gets the list of unique scan numbers from a caltable
  581. getScienceBasebandFrequencies -- Gets the center frequencies of the science basebands of an ALMA dataset (via the SQLD spws)
  582. getScienceBasebandIFRanges -- Gets the IF range of the science basebands of an ALMA dataset (via the SQLD spws)
  583. getScienceBasebandRFRanges -- Gets the RF range of the science basebands of an ALMA dataset (via the SQLD spws)
  584. getScienceBasebandSamplerRanges -- Gets the location of the science basebands in the sampler range (should always return 2-4 GHz if metadata are correct)
  585. getScienceChannelsInSameBaseband -- Returns the total number of channels in science spws in the same baseband as the specified spw
  586. getScienceFrequencies -- Gets a list of the central frequencies of science spws in a measurement set
  587. getScienceScans -- Gets a list of scans with specified intent
  588. getScienceSpwBandwidths -- Gets a list or dictionary of the bandwidths of the science spws
  589. getScienceSpwBasebands -- Gets a dictionary keyed by spw with values equal to their respective basebands numbers (1..4)
  590. getScienceSpwChanwidths -- Gets a list or dictionary of the channel widths of the science spws
  591. getScienceSpwFreqRanges -- Gets a dictionary of the frequency ranges (using getScienceSpws(returnFreqRanges=True))
  592. getScienceSpwIFRanges -- Gets the IF ranges of the science spws in an ALMA measurement set
  593. getScienceSpwNames -- Gets a list of the science spw full names
  594. getScienceSpwNChannels -- Gets a list or dictionary of number of channels in the science spws
  595. getScienceSpws -- Uses msmd to get a list of (full-resolution) science spws in a measurement set
  596. getScienceSpwSamplerRanges -- gets the location in the sampler range of 2-4 GHz of all science spws
  597. getScienceSpwTypes -- returns dictionary with number of 'FDM' and 'TDM' science spws
  598. getScienceSpwsForFrequency -- Gets a list of spws whose channels contain a specified frequency
  599. getScienceSpwsForScan -- gets a list of science spws recorded in a specific scan
  600. getScienceSpwsFromASDM -- Gets a list of spws that observed the science target (i.e. those with a velocity reference code)
  601. getScienceSpwSidebands -- Gets a dictionary keyed by science spws with values of 'LSB' or 'USB'
  602. getScienceSpwsInSameBaseband -- Gets a list of science spws that occupy the same baseband as the specified spw
  603. getScienceSpwsInSameBasebandFromASDM -- Gets a list of science spws that occupy the same baseband as the specified spw
  604. getScienceSpwTransitionsFromASDM -- Gets a dictionary of spectral line transition names for the science spws of an ASDM
  605. getScienceTargetFieldIDsFromASDM -- Returns a list of science field IDs for the nth science source of an ASDM
  606. getScienceTargetRADecsFromASDM -- Returns a list or dictionary of RA, Decs for the science fields of an ASDM
  607. getScienceTargetsFromASDM -- Gets an array of science targets from an ASDM
  608. getScienceTimeRanges -- Gets a list of time ranges of the scans of a specified field or intent
  609. getShadowedBaselines -- Gets list of projected baselines that are smaller than the antenna diameter during a scan
  610. getShortIntent -- Converts an intent name (like PHASE) to the pipeline image type abbreviation ('ph')
  611. getSourceFrame -- Reads the frame of the SOURCE table of a measurement set (e.g. 'J2000' or 'ICRS')
  612. ami.getSourceNameFromPipelineImageName -- Parses the source name from an ALMA pipeline image name
  613. getSourceTypeFromPipelineImageName -- Gets source type (bp,ph,flux,sci,chk) from ALMA pipeline image name
  614. getSpectralSpecNames -- Gets the list of unique spw name prefixes, that originate in the OT
  615. getSpwFromPipelineImageName -- Gets single spw ID from a single-spw ALMA pipeline image name
  616. getSpwImageSidebandFrequencyRange -- Computes the image sideband frequency range of a specified spw
  617. getSpwMeanFreqFromCaltable -- Gets the mean frequency for an spw from a caltable using its SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable
  618. getSpwSelForFreqRange -- written by Remy Indebetouw
  619. getSpwsForBaseband -- gets the spws associated with a specific baseband number
  620. getSpwsForBasebandFromASDM -- gets the spws associated with a specific baseband number
  621. getSpwsFromCaltable -- gets a list of the unique spws from a caltable
  622. getSpwsFromASDM -- Returns a dictionary of the spw information for an ASDM
  623. getSpwsFromSysCal -- gets a list of the unique spws in a SYSCAL table of a measurement set
  624. getStandardTemperature -- computes the 1976 U.S. Standard atmosphere barometric pressure for a specified height
  625. getStandardTemperature -- computes the 1976 U.S. Standard atmosphere temperature for a specified height
  626. getStartTimeForFieldFromASDM -- gets a list of start times (in MJD) for a specified field name in an ASDM
  627. getStyleFromPipelineImageName -- Given a pipeline image name, returns 'mfs', 'cont', or 'cube'
  628. getSubscanTimesFromASDM - reads the subscan information from the ASDM and returns a dictionary including integration time, and computes latency
  629. getTargetsForIntent -- gets the target names observed for a specified intent in a measurement set (using msmd)
  630. getTargetsForIntentFromASDM -- gets the target names observed for a specified intent in an ASDM
  631. getTelescopeNameFromCaltable -- reads the observatory name from the caltable's OBSERVATORY subtable
  632. getTimesFromCaltable -- gets a list of the unique timestamps from a caltable
  633. getTPSampling - computes the spatial sampling of a single dish measurement set containing a total power raster map
  634. getTsysBands -- gets the band numbers that have Tsys scans
  635. getTsysFromCaltable -- returns an array of Tsys spectra
  636. getTsysFromSysCal -- reads the Tsys values from a SysCal.xml table into a dictionary
  637. getTsysScans -- gets the list of unique scans contained in a caltable
  638. getTsysSpws -- gets a list of spws that measured Tsys
  639. getTsysSpwsForBand -- gets a list of spws of a specific band that have measured Tsys
  640. getTsysSpwsForScan -- gets a list of Tsys spws recorded in a specific scan
  641. getUnflaggedAntennas -- Uses the af tool to determine the list of unflagged antennas in a measurement set
  642. getUnflaggedScans -- Uses the af tool to determine list of unflagged scans for a specific spw and field
  643. getUT -- gets the current Universal Time in hours
  644. getvisdensity -- returns the average density of visibility points for the specified ms
  645. getxyFromFile -- Gets two columns of data from an ASCII file, as numpy arrays
  646. getWeather -- Gets weather information from a measurement set
  647. getWeatherFromAIV -- Retrieves weather values from
  648. getWeatherFromASDM -- Extracts weather values from an ASDM
  649. getWeatherFromTMCDB -- Extracts weather values from the TMCDB
  650. getWeatherStationNames -- Gets the weather station names from a measurement set
  651. getWeatherStationNamesFromASDM -- Gets the ALMA weather station names from an ASDM
  652. getWeatherStationPositions -- Gets the weather station positions from a measurement set
  653. getWeatherStationPositionsFromASDM -- Gets the weather station positions from an ASDM
  654. getWeightedMeanScienceFrequency -- Computes the weighted mean science spw frequency for a list of measurement sets, weighted by data weights on a per-spw, per-vis basis
  655. gfluxscaleMockup -- Generates plots of gfluxscale results and image peak and rms for each non-flux calibrator in each ms of a pipeline run
  656. gjincBeam -- compute the effective restoring beam obtained from the casa command sd_imaging using the GJinc gridding function
  657. goldsmithTaperFactor -- Converts a taper in dB to the constant X in the formula FWHM=X*lambda/D for a Gaussian illumination pattern
  658. grep -- Runs grep on a file in a subprocess 1 getExtremeBaselinePerAntenna -- computes min, mean, median, or max baseline length per antenna on an ASDM
  659. grepAntennaMoves -- Runs grep for a specific antenna on the antennaMoves.txt file distributed with analysisUtils
  660. gridSourceReport -- Builds a report of the age of the most recent measurement of the grid sources in each band
  661. headerToArcsec -- Convert any CASA angle quantity to arc seconds
  662. headerToDegree -- Convert any CASA angle quantity to degrees
  663. headerToRadian -- Convert any CASA angle quantity to radians
  664. help -- prints a list of all the functions defined at the top level of
  665. hmsToDegrees -- Converts string of "HH", "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" into floating point degrees
  666. hmsToHours -- Converts string of "HH", "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" into floating point hours
  667. hmsToInterval -- Converts string of "00d01h02m03s" to integer (or floating point) number of seconds
  668. hourAngleForField -- Computes the range and mean hour angle for a field in a measurement set
  669. hourAngleRangeFromWeblog -- Computes range of hour angle for a science target in a weblog
  670. hoursToHMS -- converts decimal hours to HH:MM:SS string
  671. hours2radec -- converts decimal RA hours and decimal Declination degrees to a sexagesimal string
  672. ICRSToJ2000 -- Converts an ICRS direction to J2000
  673. IERSeop2000lastDateComparedToVSDate -- computes difference in time (in days) between VS_DATE value and final MJD entry in IERSeop2000 file
  674. imageAntennaDiameter -- Attempt to infer antenna diameter for an image from its header
  675. imageAreaAbovePB -- Computes area of pixels above a specified level of an image
  676. imageBandwidth -- Reports total bandwidth in GHz for an image cube
  677. imageCenter -- returns the RA/Dec center of an image
  678. imageCenterVsFieldCenter -- Computes angular separation of phase center pixel from field direction in measurement set
  679. imageCentroid -- Computes statistics and centroid of a CASA image
  680. imageCentroids -- Runs imageCentroid for a list of images
  681. imageChannel -- Finds the channel in a cube that corresponds to a specified velocity
  682. imageChannelVelocity -- Finds the velocity of a specified channel in a cube
  683. imageChannelVelocityWidth -- Finds the velocity width of the first channel in a cube
  684. imageChannelFrequency -- Uses the ia tool to get the frequency of a specified channel of a cube
  685. imagesChannelFrequency -- Uses the ia tool to get the frequency of a specified channel of a list of cubes
  686. imageChannelFrequencyWidth -- Finds the frequency width of the first channel in a cube
  687. imageClip -- Clip an image at a specified intensity level
  688. imageClipAndRemove -- Clip and image at a specified intensity level and remove the result from the image
  689. imageCRValues -- Gets the axis reference values from a CASA image
  690. imageDate -- Reads the observation date of an image from its header
  691. imageEpoch -- Reads the observation date of an image from its header in fraction year units
  692. imageEquniox -- Reads the equinox (ICRS/ J2000) from a CASA image
  693. imageFitFluxAtPhaseCenter -- fits a Gaussian to the central 30 pixels of an image and reports flux density and uncertainty
  694. imageFluxSNR -- Uses imstat to compute the ratio of flux / scaledMAD
  695. imageFrequencyChannel -- determines the nearest channel to the specified frequency for a cube, with findcont ceil/floor option
  696. imageGaussianFilter -- Smooth an image by a circular Gaussian kernel
  697. imageHeaderToICRS -- Uses CASA imhead to set the equinox in a CASA image to ICRS
  698. imageHeaderToJ2000 -- Uses CASA imhead to set the equinox in a CASA image to J2000
  699. imageHistogram -- Plots a histogram of a CASA image
  700. imageHistory -- Prints the history records of a CASA or FITS image
  701. imageImstat -- Runs the CASA imstat command on an image/region and returns the specified keyword from the dictionary
  702. imageImstats - Runs imageImstat on a list of images and returns a list of values
  703. imageJD -- Returns JD for image date in image header
  704. imageMaxBaseline -- Infers the maximum baseline based on the resolution and frequency of an image
  705. imageMedian -- Uses imstat to compute median of an image
  706. imageMin -- Returns the minimum pixel value of a CASA image
  707. imageMJD -- Returns MJD for image date in image header
  708. imageModelResidual -- Given an image and a model image, compute the residual and plot all three side-by-side
  709. imageObservatory -- Attempt to read the observatory name from the header of an image
  710. imagePeak -- Returns the peak pixel value of a CASA image
  711. imagePeakPerChannel -- Returns an array of the peak pixel in each channel of a CASA cube
  712. imagePeaks -- Runs imagePeak on a list of images
  713. imagePercentile -- Computes pixel value corresponding to a specified pixel value
  714. ami.imagePixelsInMask -- counts number of pixels that are masked in an image
  715. imagePrimaryBeam -- Attemp to infer the primary beam size for an image from the telescope name in its header
  716. imageRejection -- computes relative integration times as image sideband rejection performance is improved (for FE/Digitizer WG report)
  717. imageRegister -- Runs imfit on a list of position in two images of the same field and finds the median pixel shift to bring them into alignment
  718. imageRegisterImfitDictionaries -- same as imageRegister but accepts a user-supplied pair of imfit dictionaries
  719. imageRestFrequency -- Reads the rest frequency stored in a CASA or FITS image header
  720. imageRotate -- Runs ia.rotate on a CASA image
  721. imageShape -- Returns an array of the shape of a CASA image
  722. imageSmooth -- Runs imsmooth on a list of images
  723. imageSNR -- Uses imstat to measure (peak-median)/scaledMAD in a CASA image, optionally on a channel-by-channel basis
  724. imageSnr -- Uses python to measure the peak/std in a CASA image
  725. imageSnrs -- Measures the peak signal to noise ratio in each image in a list of CASA images
  726. imageSource -- Gets the name of the source from a CASA image
  727. imageStd -- Measures the standard deviation (or MAD) in a CASA image
  728. imageStdPerChannel -- Measures and plots the standard deviation, rms, MAD, min and max in a list of channels in a CASA image
  729. imageStds -- Measures the standard deviation in each image in a list of CASA images
  730. imageStdsPerChannel -- Measures and plots the standard deviation, rms, MAD, min and max in a list of channels for each image in a list of CASA images
  731. imageStdVariation -- Measures how the image standard deviation varies across the image
  732. imageStokes -- Reads which Stokes parameters are contained in a CASA image
  733. imageSum -- Sums a list of CASA images into a new image using immath
  734. imageVelocityChannel -- Inverse function to imageChannelVelocity: finds channel that matches most closely to a specified velocity
  735. imfitparseDict -- Simplifies an imfit dictionary for a specified component to have just 6 keys
  736. imfitparse -- converts a dictionary returned by imfit into a formatted string (for a single component)
  737. imfitparseCLB -- alternative version of imfitparse
  738. imfitparseCLBs -- Runs imfitparseCLB on all the components that were fit
  739. imfitplot -- Calls the casa task imfit, then plots the model and residual images side-by-side on the same intensity scale.
  740. imheadlist -- Emulates imhead(mode='list') but is faster because it avoids looking through binary data for the min/max/minpos/maxpos values
  741. importandlist -- Calls the casa task importasdm followed by listobs on one ASDM, or a list of ASDMs.
  742. importasdm2 -- Runs importasdm but only for scans that match a specified intent
  743. insertBracketsIntoFlaglist -- Inserts square brackets around all the timerange entries in a file containing flag statements
  744. imshift -- Shifts a CASA image header in RA/Dec
  745. imstatCompare -- Runs imstat on 2 images and compares all the result for equality
  746. imstat_cas6745 -- Runs imstat using a work-around for CAS-6745
  747. imsubimageOnePlane -- Takes one plane from a 3-axis image, even if the type of the 3rd axis is undefined, as in SOFIA FORCAST images
  748. imviewField -- Plots a square portion of a CASA image specified in arcseconds using imview
  749. imviewFieldCubeEdges -- builds a multi-panel png of the edge channels of a cube
  750. imviewFields -- Calls imviewField for a list of images and builds a multi-page PDF
  751. imviewGaussianModels -- Overlay the 50% contour of one or more Gaussian models overtop an image
  752. intentsforfield -- Workaround for the bug in msmd.intentsforfield (CAS-12164)
  753. interpolateSpectrum -- Interpolates a spectrum onto a finer grid of frequencies.
  754. interpolateTable -- Performs a spline interpolation of any two columns in an ASCII data table
  755. interpretLOs -- returns the LO1 (and optionally LO2) information for each spw (assuming the ASDM_RECEIVER table is present)
  756. intervalDifference -- Computes difference between 2 or more time interval strings
  757. intervalRatio -- Computes ratio of two time interval strings
  758. intervalSum -- Computes the sum of two or more time interval strings
  759. intervalToHMS -- converts a number of seconds into a string interval of format 00h00m00s
  760. inverseTsysspwmapWithNoTable -- Determines a list of science spws that use a specified Tsys spw
  761. invertChannelRanges -- Inverts a CASA channel selection string (i.e. from line-free to line-full)
  762. isMosaic -- Determines if any science target was observed with multiple fields with science intent
  763. isSingleContinuum -- Checks if an spw in an ALMA measurement set was defined as Single Continuum in the OT by looking at the transition name for the first science spw
  764. isSingleContinuumASDM -- Checks if an ASDM contains a tuning that was defined as Single Continuum in the OT (by looking at Source.xml file)
  765. isSingleDish -- Checks if an ALMA measurement set is a single dish dataset
  766. isSingleDishASDM -- Checks if an ALMA ASDM is a single dish dataset
  767. isSpectralScan -- Checks if a measurement set was defined as spectral scan in the OT, by looking at the transition name for the first science spw
  768. isSpectralScanASDM -- Checks if an ASDM contains a tuning that was defined as spectral scan in the OT (by looking at the Source.xml file)
  769. J2000ToICRS -- Convert a J2000 direction to ICRS
  770. J2000ToICRSgrid -- Runs J2000ToICRS for a grid of positions on the celestial sphere and computes statistics
  771. janskyPerKelvin -- Computes the theoretical Jy/K for an ALMA single dish image based on its measured beamsize
  772. jdToMJD -- converts JD to MJD
  773. kelvinToCelsius -- Adds 273.15 to the value
  774. lightcurve -- Produce a light curve of an ALMA calibrator from the calibrator database extrapolated to a specified frequency
  775. lineSeparation -- computes IF location for simultaneous observations of a line in LSB and another line in USB
  776. linfit -- Uses scipy.optimize.leastsq to perform a linear fit to data accounting for measurement uncertainties in the dependent variable
  777. linfitFromFile -- A wrapper for linfit which will read column data from a text file and then fit it
  778. listazel -- Extracts the mean azimuth and elevation for the specified scan of an ms
  779. listBlankChannelsInImage -- Returns an array of channels of a cube whose min==max
  780. listconditions -- lists average weather, PWV and opacity (tau) during your ms
  781. listConditionsFromASDM -- lists average weather during your asdm
  782. listflagsSlow -- list all row numbers in an ms that have flagged data, and report statistics (slow!!)
  783. es.listobs2 -- ALMA qa2 function that produces a more readable listobs and antenna configuration plot
  784. listobsasdm -- Performs casa-like listobs on an ASDM
  785. listobslist -- Runs listobs on a list of measurement sets, which can be alternately be specified by a string containing wildcard characters
  786. listPhaseSolutions -- list phase solutions by antenna, sorted by absolute value (useful for examining selfcal solutions)
  787. listscans -- lists the summary (time and intents) of each scan in an ASDM and the total time on each source
  788. long2xyz -- Wrapper for simutil.long2xyz to convert a longitude,latitude,elevation to an ITRF position
  789. longs2xyz -- Converts a list of longitude,latitude,elevation to a list of ITRF positions
  790. ami.lookForFile -- Accepts a file path with wildcards and returns the newest file
  791. ami.lookForNewestFileContainingStrings -- Accepts a file path with wildcards and a list of strings and finds the newest matching file
  792. lowCaiSelection -- Finds baseline names that reside below the CAI=32 boundary for a specified measurement set (see also crossCaiSelection)
  793. lowTransmissionChannels -- Finds ranges of channels that are below a specified atmospheric transmission level in a specified spw (see CASR-520)
  794. lsrkRangeToRest -- Converts an LSRK frequency (or range) to rest frame
  795. lsrkRangeToTopo -- Converts an LSRK frequency (or range) to TOPO frame
  796. lsrkToRest -- Converts an LSRK frequency to rest frame
  797. lsrkToTopo -- Converts an LSRK frequency to TOPO frame
  798. LSRKRangesToTopoRanges -- Takes a frequency selection string or cont.dat file and generates selection string for a list of ms
  799. lstrange -- lists the range of LST, UT, MJD for the whole ms, and for scans with ON_SOURCE intent (including the elevation range)
  800. lstToUT -- converts LST and date to UT
  801. MAD -- compute the median absolute deviation of a list
  802. MADoutliers -- finds outlier values and their locations in a list or array
  803. makeBriefCaltableName -- converts a caltable name to a brief version capturing the key parts
  804. makeDirtyCube -- picks an appropriate cell and image size and makes a dirty cube
  805. makeFixEphem -- makes a script for a multi-execution ephemeris observation
  806. visbilityOutliers.makeFlagTemplates -- The development version of hifa_bandpassflag and hifa_gfluxscaleflag
  807. makeGaussianForImage -- Take a CASA image as a template, and build an image with a single 2D Gaussian component at the specified location
  808. makeGaussiansForImage -- Take a CASA image as a template and a dictionary from imfit, and build images of each of the 2D Gaussian components and their sum
  809. makeNoiseCube -- fills a cube's pixels with Gaussian noise
  810. makePSF -- uses imagehelper toolkit to determine PSF for 1 or a group of measurement sets (to emulate hifa_imageprecheck)
  811. makePtgfile -- Builds a pointing file from a measurement set suitable for use in simobserve
  812. makeSimulatedImage -- use simobserve/simanalyze to generate a simulated image of a point source or uniform disk in a specified direction and with a specified flux density
  813. makeTimeStamp -- builds a current timestamp string like '2017-05-06T17:15:37'
  814. mapSpwChannelToTsysChannel -- Finds Tsys channel that corresponds to a specified spw and channel
  815. maskBlankChannelsInImage -- Sets the mask for all channels of a cube whose min==max
  816. maskChannel -- Masks the specified channel(s) in a cube
  817. maxBandwidthWithoutSmearing -- Computes widest bandwidth for averaging that will not cause smearing
  818. maxBaselineForRequestedResolutionFromASDM -- computes the maximum baseline required to achieve the requested resolution of the science targets in an ASDM, accounting for elevation projection
  819. maxTimeWithoutSmearing -- Computes longest time averaging that will not cause smearing
  820. meanAirmassForScan -- Computes mean airmass for (the first field in) one scan in a measurement set
  821. meanAirmassForSource -- Computes mean airmass that a source was observed at in a measurement set
  822. meandate -- Computes mean day of a list of YYYYMMDD's
  823. meanepoch -- Computes mean epoch floating point value of a list of YYYYMMDD's
  824. meanObliquity -- compute the mean obliquity for the specified date
  825. meanVisibility -- Computes vector average visibility for a field/intent/spw combination in one EB
  826. medianFrequencyOfIntent -- Returns the median of the mean frequencies (in Hz) of the spws observed with the specified intent (default = OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE)
  827. medianTsysForFieldFromTsysCaltable -- computes median Tsys spectrum a Tsys caltable
  828. medianTsysForFieldFromSyscalTable -- computes median Tsys spectrum from measurement set
  829. medianTsysForRestFrequency -- Returns the median Tsys for the spw that contains the label for the specified rest frequency
  830. mergeConfigs -- Merge two or more antenna configuration files, registering them using pads in common
  831. mixedDishDiameters -- Checks if more than one antenna diameter is present in a measurement set.
  832. mjdListToDateTime -- Takes a list of MJD values and converts it to a list of python datetime structures.
  833. mjdNanosecondsToMJDandUT -- convert MJD in nanoseconds to MJD in days and the UT date and time string
  834. mjdSecondsToFlagTimestamp -- convert MJD in nanoseconds to a string like '2018/01/05/10:03:54.479'
  835. mjdSecondsToMJDUT -- converts MJD in seconds to MJD in days and a UT date/time string
  836. mjdSecondsListToDateTime -- Takes a list of MJD seconds and converts it to a list of python datetime structures.
  837. mjdsecToDate -- Converts MJD seconds to the date string that contains it (YYYY-MM-DD)
  838. mjdsecToDateString -- Converts MJD seconds to the equivalent date/time string that appears in a CASA log
  839. mjdsecToDDMonthYYYY -- Converts MJD seconds to DD-MonthName-YYYY
  840. mjdsecToTimerange -- Converts two value of MJD seconds into a UT date/time string suitable for the plotms timerange argument
  841. mjdsecToTimerangeComponent -- Converts a value of MJD seconds into a UT date/time string suitable for one component of the plotms timerange argument
  842. mjdsecToUT -- converts MJD in seconds to a string of format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UT"
  843. mjdsecToUTHM -- converts MJD in seconds to a string of format "HH:MM"
  844. mjdsecToUTHMS -- converts MJD in seconds to a string of format "HH:MM:SS"
  845. mjdToChileTime -- converts MJD to a datetime structure in Chile/Continental timezone (ALMA)
  846. mjdToDate -- Converts MJD to the date string that contains it (YYYY-MM-DD)
  847. mjdToDatestring -- Converts MJD to a date and time string
  848. mjdToEasternTime -- converts MJD to a datetime structure in Eastern time
  849. mjdToJD -- converts MJD in day to JD in days
  850. mjdToLocalTime -- converts MJD to a datetime structure in any specified timezone
  851. mjdToMountainTime -- converts MJD to a datetime structure in US/Mountain timezone (VLA)
  852. mjdToPredictcomp -- Converts an MJD into a string suitable for the epoch parameter of predictcomp
  853. mjdToUnixtime -- Converts an MJD into unix time in seconds
  854. mjdToUT -- converts MJD to date and UT
  855. mjdToYear -- converts MJD to floating point year
  856. modifyAntennaDiameter -- Change the dish diameter column in the ANTENNA table of a measurement set
  857. modifyCorrType -- Change all appearances of a CORR_TYPE value in the POLARIZATION table of a measurement set to a different value
  858. modifyImfitEstimates -- Modifies a line in an existing imfit estimates text file
  859. modifyIntents -- replace all appearances of one intent in the STATE table of an ms with another
  860. modifyPPR -- modifies a pipeline processing request xml file (PPR) in a variety of ways
  861. modifyReferenceFrequency -- Modifies the REF_FREQUENCY column of the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table of a caltable
  862. momdiffSNRFromCasalog -- Searches the casa log for the findContinuum message that gives the SNR of the final momDiff image
  863. montage -- runs the ImageMagick command montage on a list of images
  864. montagePngs -- takes 2, 3 or 4 pngs (or other single-page image types) and puts them onto one page as a new png
  865. montageTwoPdfs -- takes two multi-page PDFs and places their corresponding page numbers onto the same page
  866. montageTwoPngLists -- take two lists of png files (or other single-page image types) and pair them side-by-side, on successive pages
  867. mosaicFieldOrder -- Returns the mosaic target field IDs in time order of first OBSERVE_TARGET observation
  868. mosaicSensitivity -- computes the sensitivity at the center of a hexagonal mosaic relative to a single pointing
  869. mosaicOverlapFactor -- computes the peak sensitivity of a arbitrary pattern mosaic relative to a single pointing
  870. mostRecentMoves -- checks the antennaMoves.txt file for the most recent move of each antenna in an ms
  871. mostRecentPipelineParentDirectory -- finds the parent directory of the most recent pipeline run of a NA user
  872. mostRecentPipelineWorkingDirectory -- finds the working directory of the most recent pipeline run of a NA user
  873. mousExport -- Exports first or all EBs from the archive for a science MOUS
  874. multiTaskExecutionTimes -- calls taskExecutionTimes for a list of tasks and returns a dictionary
  875. multiTaskExecutionTimesGlob -- calls multTaskExecutionTimes for all the directories in a pipeline execution area
  876. nameforspw -- Reads the spw name from the spectral window table (obsoleted by msmd.namesforspws in casa>4.2.2)
  877. nearestCalibratorToScienceTargets -- Computes the nearest calibrator to each science target in a measurement set
  878. nearestCalScanForTime -- Determines the calibrator scan which has the nearest central time to the specified time
  879. nearestScanForTime -- Determines the scan which has the nearest start or end time to the specified time
  880. nextHighestIntegerEvenlyDivisible -- Finds a number of channels that is evenly divisible into the total number of channels in an spw
  881. nodeFromLogfile -- Reads the Lustre node name used by a pipeline run from its CASA log file
  882. nonPointingNonAtmosphereScans -- Returns list of scan numbers that do not have pointing or atmosphere intents (or other specified combinations of intents)
  883. nonzeroGainPhase -- Looks for deviations from zero phase for a specified antenna in a caltable (all spws)
  884. nonzerGainPhases -- Runs nonzeroGainPhase on all the hifa_session_refant tables in a pipeline working directory
  885. nonzeroPixels -- Counts the number of non-zero pixels in a CASA image
  886. normalizeImage -- normalize the intensity scale of a CASA image to a specified value
  887. numberOfChannelsInCube -- returns the number of channels in a CASA image cube
  888. numberOfPolarizationsInSyscalTable -- returns the number of polarizations in the first row of the SYSCAL table
  889. numberOfPolarizationsInSyscalXML -- returns the number of polarizations in the first antenna, spw, scan combination in the SysCal.xml file
  890. observatories -- Returns a list of all observatory names in the CASA repository
  891. obslist -- prints the antenna station coordinates in local offsets from the Center of Array, and computes longest/shortest baselines
  892. onlineChannelAveraging -- infers the channel averaging factor for ALMA data from Cycle 3 and beyond
  893. orthogonalDistanceRegression -- perform linear fit accounting for uncertainties in both axes
  894. outlierChannelsInPSF -- Returns a list of channels in a cube that are outliers in beam area or axial ratio
  895. overlayCuts -- Extract a single row or column from two CASA images and overlay them.
  896. overlayHolographyCuts -- Extract a single row through the peak of a list of images and overlay them
  897. overlayPadDistanceHistogramForCycle -- for Christophe Jacques
  898. overlayTrx -- Overlay the Trx spectra from two different datasets for the same antenna/spw/pol
  899. overlayTsys -- Overlay the Tsys spectra from two different datasets for the same antenna/spw/pol
  900. o2sounder -- Loads a CSV file from the O2 sounder and generates profiles, plot or movie
  901. padEllipsoidalHeightFromASDM -- Returns the height above the Earth ellipsoid model in meters of the pad in a specific ASDM
  902. padHeightRange -- finds the range of pad heights in the local tangent plane for a measurement set or configuration file
  903. padPlotLimits -- Expands the current pylab plot limits by specified fraction on each edge
  904. padSeparation -- Computes the separation of two ALMA pads, in meters
  905. padToPadPositionAngle -- Computes the azimuth in degrees from one ALMA pad to another (in the local tangent plane)
  906. padUsageHistogram -- Draws histogram of number of times an antenna has been placed on each pad
  907. parallacticAngle -- Compute the instantaneous parallactic angle for a source
  908. parallacticAngleForField -- Compute the range and mean parallactic angle for a field in a measurement set
  909. parallacticAngleForFieldAcrossMOUS -- Compute the range of parallactic angle for a field in a list of measurement sets
  910. parallacticAngleForPipelineRun -- Compute the range of parallactic angle for a pipeline run (does not separate multiple sessions)
  911. parseAngleArgumentToDegrees -- Converts a string with rad/deg/arcs/arcm units to floating point degrees
  912. parseAntenna -- given an antenna argument and a measurement set, returns a list of selected antenna IDs
  913. parseAntennaArgument -- called by parseAntenna
  914. parseAntennaASDM -- given an antenna argument and an ASDM, returns a list of selected antenna IDs
  915. parseBasebandArgument -- takes a scalar, integer list or string list of baseband IDs and returns an integer list
  916. parseCalibratorServiceWarning -- translate warning code from calibrator web service into readable text
  917. parseFieldArgument -- Takes a field specification, converts to names, then find all field IDs associated with those names.
  918. parseFitpsf -- Parses the beamsize from the tuple returned by imager.fitpsf
  919. parseFrequencyArgument -- converts a frequency string with units into floating point value in Hz
  920. parseFrequencyArgumentToMHz -- converts a frequency string with units into floating point value in MHz
  921. parseFrequencyArgumentToGHz -- converts a frequency string with units into floating point value in GHz
  922. parseGencalAntpos -- reads a text file, locates the first gencal antpos command, and returns the values of the antenna and parameter
  923. parseImadvise -- Parses the cell size from the tuple returned by imager.advise
  924. parseImfitShape -- returns 6 values from a 'shape' dictionary returned by imfit
  925. parseSpw -- Parses the spw argument (integer or string or list) and returns an integer list of spw IDs
  926. parseTimerangeArgument -- Converts 'HH:MM HH:MM' to [MJDsec1, MJDsec2] for a measurement set
  927. parseUvrange -- converts a uvrange string (in meters or klambda) into min and max baseline length (in meters)
  928. partialpolScans -- converts a flagcmds.txt file into list of scans that contain partially-flagged polarization products
  929. peakJanskyPerPixel -- finds the peak intensity of an image in Jy/beam and converts to Jy/pixel (for simobserve)
  930. phaseClosureRelationships -- Returns number of phase closure relationships for a specified number of array elements
  931. pickCellSize -- Computes the recommended image cell size (and total size) for a dataset's science spws
  932. pickDishDiameter -- Returns a statistical value of the dish diameter in a measurement set (min, max, median)
  933. picklePipeRun -- Save information about a pipeline run (R. Indebetouw)
  934. pickPixelSize -- Returns the best pixel size to use with the specified convsupport parameter for the SF option of sdimaging
  935. pickTicraImage -- Picks the TICRA model image to use for a specified frequency and antenna type
  936. pipe692outliers -- Parses casa log for outliers in rms phase vs. baseline length plot of hifa_spwphaseup
  937. pipelineAntpos -- Counts number of positions corrections in a pipeline run's antennapos.csv file
  938. pipelineBandpassSolint -- Finds the frequency solint used per spw per ms in a pipeline MOUS
  939. pipelineBDFlags -- Parses the statistics table of the hifa_flagdata weblog page to return a per-EB dictionary of percent flags "Before task" of an MOUS
  940. pipelineCheckCaltable -- Checks for presence of reference and target fields for fluxscale
  941. pipelineCubeRMS -- Emulates the rms calculation shown in the pipeline weblog
  942. amc.pipelineDuration -- Computes the duration based on the calibPipeIF*.log file
  943. pipelineEBs -- Returns list of EBs from a weblog main page
  944. pipelineEclipticLatitude -- Returns a sorted list of ecliptic latitudes for the science targets in a pipeline run
  945. pipelineFindIndexHtml -- Finds the index.html file in a pipeline weblog
  946. amc.pipelineHostname -- Pulls the hostname from the casa log (available in casa 5.1p1 and beyond)
  947. pipelineImageRms -- Emulates the pipeline's calculation of image (or cube) rms
  948. pipelineImageTheFluxCalibrator -- Attempts to image the flux calibrator in a pipeline working directory
  949. pipelineImview -- Generates png of CASA image in the same color palette and layout as the ALMA pipeline
  950. pipelineIsMosaicAndTimePerPointing -- parses weblog for whether an MOUS contains mosaics, computes observing time per pointing, and number of pointings
  951. pipelineMakeRequest -- Sets up the correct bash path and runs pipelineMakeRequest on an NRAO CV Lustre node
  952. pipelinePointingsFromHtml -- Returns number of science target pointings from a weblog
  953. pipelineRobust -- Pulls the robust value from the CASA log as written by hifa_imageprecheck
  954. pipelineScienceBand -- Extracts the receiver band number from a pipeline weblog
  955. pipelineSevere -- Checks a casalog for a specified string and returns matching lines
  956. pipelineSpwTypes -- Returns dictionary keyed by spw ID with values of 'TDM' or 'FDM'
  957. pipelineTaskExecutionTimes -- Assembles and prints a list of time intervals from a CASA log of a pipeline run
  958. pipelineTimeOnSource -- Returns observing time on source from a pipeline weblog
  959. pipelineTsysFlagDerivative -- Emulates the pipeline's h_tsysflag stage's derivative heuristic returning a dictionary of the expected min/max of the flagging view
  960. pipelineTsysFlags -- Parses casa log for number of flags found for a specified hifa_tsysflag metric
  961. pipelineVersionFromLogfile -- Reads the pipeline version used by a pipeline run from its CASA log file
  962. pipelineVersionFromWeblog -- Reads the pipeline version from a pipeline weblog
  963. pipelineWvrgcalFlaggedAntennas -- Reads the wvrgcal generated messages in a pipeline casa log file and returns a dictionary
  964. pixelsPerBeam -- Computes the number of pixel areas per resolution beam area of an image
  965. planet -- queries the JPL Horizons telnet server (or CASA) for the position, rate and angular diameter of a solar system body, with an option to run predictcomp
  966. planetFlux -- calls Bryan Butler's solar_system_setjy module to compute flux density vs. time or frequency
  967. planetPlots -- generates plots of uv amplitude vs. uv distance for a grid of ALMA configurations and frequencies for each planetary body
  968. planetRangeAcceleration -- runs planet twice in succession with a 1 hour time interval to compute radial velocity change (i.e., range acceleration in km/s/s)
  969. planetTemperature -- Estimates the expected antenna temperature of a planet based on its model in casa
  970. planetVelocityChange -- Measure change in radial velocity across EBs in a multi-EB MOUS
  971. plotAllPads -- Plots all ALMA pads on a radially-logarithmic scale, with colorization and orientation options for the labels
  972. plotAntennaAmbientTemperatures -- retrieves antenna temperatures from TMCDB and plots them vs. time and height
  973. es.plotAntennas -- plots the ALMA antenna configuration of a measurement set, including pad names
  974. plotantsFromASDM -- plots the ALMA antenna configuration of an ASDM (and optionally the weather stations) in linear and/or logarithmic fashion
  975. plotantsLogarithmic -- plots the antenna configuration of a measurement set in a logarithmic polar fashion
  976. plotantsTwoPanel -- Creates a 2-panel plot of the antenna configuration, with a zoom to the central array
  977. plotApexPWV -- retrieve and plot PWV measured at APEX
  978. plotAtmosphere -- plots the model atmospheric transmission, opacity or sky temperature vs. frequency for specific observatory and/or weather condition using matplotlib
  979. plotAtmosphereAcrossScienceSpws -- plots the model atmospheric transmission across all spws using plotms showatm option
  980. plotAzimuth -- plot the azimuth vs. time for a specific antenna in a dataset
  981. plotbandpass -- faster version of plotcal for bandpass tables, with useful overlay capabilities
  982. plotbandpassStats -- runs plotbandpass(channeldiff=5) several times and plots the MAD vs. channel averaging factor
  983. plotBaselinesOneScan -- makes multi-panel plotms plots of all requested spws on a per-baseline basis
  984. plotBaselinesPerScan -- makes multi-panel plotms plots of all baselines with specific antenna(s)
  985. plotBaselinesSorted -- makes single-panel plotms plots of all baselines, sorts them by baseline length and builds a big PDF
  986. plotcalCompare -- places two sequences of plotcal plots side-by-side onto each page of a multi-page PDF
  987. plotCalibratedData -- a wrapper for plotms that plots calibrated data
  988. plotCalibratedDatasets -- a wrapper for plotCalibratedData that runs it for multiple measurement sets in succession
  989. plotCalibratedSpectrum -- a wrapper for plotms that plots the calibrated uv spectrum of the bandpass calibrator (or other intent)
  990. plotconfig -- plot any standard telescope configuration of observatories known to casa, or custom config file
  991. plotconfigs -- overlay telescope configuration files
  992. plotDailyWeather -- runs plotWeatherFromDatabase on a series of days and generates a movie and multi-page PDF
  993. plotDecorrelation -- plot the decorrelation vs. baseline length from the CalPhase.xml file of an ASDM
  994. plotElevation -- plot the elevation vs. time for a specific antenna in a dataset
  995. plotElevationSummary -- uses plotms to create a field-color-coded summary of elevation vs. time for a measurement set
  996. plotExtremeBaselinePerAntenna -- plots the extreme (min, mean, median, or max) baseline length per antenna on an ASDM or config file
  997. plotFluxcsv -- plots the contents of a pipeline-generated flux.csv file
  998. plotGfluxscale -- Reads a pipeline-generated aquareport.xml and plots the derived flux densities and assumed catalog values for first derived calibrator
  999. plotIERSpredict -- Read and plot the X, Y, and dUT columns from the IERSpredict table, with error bars
  1000. plotLowGains -- Plots GainAmp vs. antenna name on a per-spw basis
  1001. plotMedianTsysForFieldFromTsysCaltable -- computes and plots the median Tsys spectrum of a Tsys caltable
  1002. plotmosaic -- shows relative location of pointings in an .ms
  1003. plotmosaics -- runs plotmosaic on a list of datasets
  1004. plotmsGrid -- plots values on a per-antenna average basis in a grid
  1005. plotmsPhaseAmplitude -- uses plotms to make a 2-panel plot of amplitude and phase (or any 2 quantities)
  1006. plotmsSolutionAndSNR -- uses plotms to make a 2-panel plot of any quantity, along with SNR
  1007. plotmsSpwOverlay -- uses plotms to overlay multiple spws, optionally smoothed to a common channel width
  1008. plotmsTargetflag -- makes the same plotms plot for 2 versions of the same measurement set
  1009. plotmsTwoColumnsVsTime -- uses plotms to make a multi-panel plot
  1010. plotObservatories -- plots the IRTF X,Y coordinates on a polar projection of all observatories in the CASA repository table
  1011. plotOxygenSounder -- gathers and plots the level zero products from the oxygen sounder by querying
  1012. plotPadDistanceHistogramForConfig -- for Christophe Jacques
  1013. plotPadDistanceHistogramsForCycle -- for Christophe Jacques
  1014. plotParallacticAngle -- Plot the parallactic angle vs. time across the sky for an radec
  1015. plotParallacticAngleAcrossMOUS -- Plot the parallactic angle vs. time across the sky for a calibrator in a list of measurement sets
  1016. plotParallacticAngleForPipeline -- Plot the parallactic angle coverage of the polcal for a pipeline run (does not separate multiple sessions)
  1017. plotParallacticAngleSummary -- Plot the parallactic angle vs. time for all sources in a measurement set
  1018. plotParallacticAngleSummarys -- Plot the parallactic angle vs. time for all sources in a list of measurement sets
  1019. plotPhaseCheckTargetOnSky -- plots the relative positions of the phasecal, check source, and first science target of an ASDM
  1020. plotPhaseSolutions -- plot a series of selfcal solutions to explore phase vs angular separation of target and calibrator
  1021. plotPointingResults -- plot the pointing results written by TelCal to the ASDM_CALPOINTING table
  1022. plotPointingResultsFromASDM -- plot the pointing results written by TelCal to the CalPointing.xml table
  1023. plotPointingTable -- plots the azimuth and elevation vs. timestamp for one antenna from the MS POINTING table
  1024. plotPointingTableAngleVsAngle -- plots a map of the DIRECTION or TARGET column of the MS POINTING table
  1025. plotPWV -- plot PWV vs. time for your ms (from each antenna's WVR)
  1026. plotPWVFromADSM -- plot PWV vs. time for your ASDM (median of all antennas over specified time interval)
  1027. plotPWVFromASDMs -- plot PWV/medianPWV vs. pad height for a list of ASDMs
  1028. plotPWVHistogram -- plots a histogram of the antenna-based PWV measurements for an ALMA dataset
  1029. plotRefantScore -- plots a histogram of the refant total score from the CASA log of a pipeline run
  1030. plotResampledWeatherFromTMCDB -- gets and plots weather from the TMCDB from specified range of days
  1031. plotSamplersWithTsys -- plot autocorrelation of ATM Cal sky subscan and corresponding Tsys vs. channel on a per-antenna, per spw basis
  1032. plotSBGain -- plot the sideband gain ratios from the SYSCAL table of a measurement set.
  1033. plotSBGainFromASDM -- plot the sideband gain ratios for your ASDM
  1034. plotSensitivityImprovement -- plots a grid of results from sensitivityImprovement
  1035. plotSpectrumFromMask -- generates summary spectrum plot added to pipeline weblog in PIPE-198 for Cycle 7
  1036. plotspw -- Like plotspws, but for showing only one spw across multiple measurement sets
  1037. plotspws -- Makes a plot summarizing the location of the non-channel-averaged TDM and FDM spws in an ALMA dataset.
  1038. plotSunDuringTrack -- plot the solar location during the specified dataset
  1039. plotTcal -- plot the Tsys, Tsky or Trx columns of the SYSCAL table of an ALMA ms
  1040. plotTrx -- plot the Trx column of the SYSCAL table of an ALMA ms (wrapper for plotTcal)
  1041. plotTsky -- plot the Tsky column of the SYSCAL table of an ALMA ms (wrapper for plotTcal)
  1042. plotTsys -- plot the Tsys column of the SYSCAL table of an ALMA ms (wrapper for plotTcal)
  1043. plotWeather -- plot weather conditions vs. time for your ms
  1044. plotWeatherFromASDM -- plot weather conditions vs. time for your asdm
  1045. plotWeatherFromDatabase -- gathers and plots weather conditions from or from the TMCDB
  1046. plotWeightsPerAntenna -- generates per-antenna plots of data weights
  1047. plotwvr -- reads the CalWVR.xml table from the ASDM and generates a plot of pathCoeff vs. solution number
  1048. plotWVRSolutions -- plot WVR caltable phase solutions on a baseline basis for a specified spw
  1049. pngWidthHeight -- Gets the width and height of a png image (in pixels)
  1050. pointingTableMedian -- Computes the median value of a tuple column in the POINTING table
  1051. popularPadHistogram -- Makes a histogram after calling popularPads
  1052. popularPads -- Determines the number of notional 12m configurations that each non-ACA pad appears in
  1053. primaryBeamArcsec -- compute the primary beam in arcseconds from an ms and spw, or by specifying frequency or wavelength
  1054. primaryIntentLetter -- translate a single scan intent into a single character
  1055. printBaselineAngularScale -- converts a baseline length into an angular scale at the specified frequency
  1056. printBaselineUVDistance -- converts a baseline length into a uv distance at the specified frequency
  1057. printFluxesFromASDM -- calls readFluxesFromASDM and prints the results in a table
  1058. printLOs -- print the values of LO1, LO2 and YIG for each spw in an ms
  1059. printLOsFromASDM -- print the values of LO1 and LO2 frequencies and compute TFB LO and YIG frequency for each spw in an ASDM, and show the window function used for each spw (i.e. Hanning vs. uniform)
  1060. printPngListFromCSVFile -- prints all png files whose names are present in a CSV-format file
  1061. printSwVersionFromASDM -- Reads and prints the contents of the ASDM's Annotation.xml table
  1062. printTsysFlags -- prints the flags found in a Tsys table (ignoring the N edge channels)
  1063. projectCodeForMOUS -- looks up the project code for an MOUS
  1064. projectCodeFromSB -- looks up the project code, MOUS, EB, and ALMA region from an SB uid
  1065. projectCodeFromDataset -- looks up the project code, SB name and ALMA region from an ASDM or measurement set name
  1066. ami.projectCodeFromWorkingDir -- extracts the project code and pipeline start time from a pipeline working directory
  1067. properMotion -- reads the proper motion from the SOURCE table of a measurement set
  1068. properMotionASDM -- reads the proper motion from the Source.xml of an ASDM
  1069. properMotionConversion -- converts between arcsec/yr and rad/s
  1070. psfDynamicRange -- computes ratio of peak to highest sidelobe in central channel of cube
  1071. qa0flags -- Summarize the QA0 flags in the FLAG_CMD table of a measurement set
  1072. radecOffsetFileToRadec -- converts an absolute position and a file of relative offsets into a file of absolute positions
  1073. radecOffsetToRadec -- converts an absolute position and offset into a new absolute position
  1074. radecToEcliptic -- uses CASA measures tool to convert from equatorial to ecliptic coordinates
  1075. radec2deg -- converts an RA, Dec string in sexagesimal format to degrees
  1076. radec2direction -- converts an RA, Dec string in sexagesimal format to a casa direction dictionary
  1077. radec2ra -- convert an RA/Dec string in sexagesimal format to just the RA part
  1078. radec2rad -- convert an RA/Dec string in sexagesimal format to radians
  1079. radialVelocity -- reads the SYSVEL column of the SOURCE table for the specified source and spw
  1080. rad2direction -- converts an RA, Dec from a radians tuple or list into a casa direction dictionary
  1081. rad2radec -- convert an RA/Dec (or component0 from an imfit dictionary) from radians to sexagesimal
  1082. rads2radec -- convert a list of RA/Dec from radians to sexagesimal
  1083. rarad2hms -- Convert radians of right ascension to sexagesimal HH:MM:SS
  1084. ratioImageStdPerChannel -- runs imageStdPerChannel for two cubes and plots the spectral ratio of the selected imstat statistic
  1085. readAntennaPositionFromASDM -- returns a dictionary of antenna positions read from an ASDM
  1086. readAntennasFromASDM -- returns a list of antenna names (and optionally their stations) in the Antenna.xml file of an ASDM
  1087. readAntennasFromCalPosition -- returns a list of antenna names from a CalPosition.xml file as written by tc_antpos
  1088. readCalData -- Provides the mapping from cal data ID to scan number by reading the ASDM_CALDATA table of a measurement set
  1089. readCalDataFromASDM -- Builds a dictionary relating the calDataId to the scan number of an ASDM.
  1090. readContDateAggregateContinuum -- Reads the aggregate continuum bandwidth from a _findContinuum.dat file
  1091. readContDatFileType -- Determines if a cont.dat file came from the pipeline or from a manual run of
  1092. readContDatLSRKRanges -- Reads the LSRK frequency ranges from a _findContinuum.dat file
  1093. readFitsMultiBeamTable -- reads the CASA beam table from a FITS cube and computes the median shape and position angle
  1094. readFluxCSV -- reads the flux.csv file of a pipeline run and returns a dictionary
  1095. readFluxesFromASDM -- Read the flux densities from the Source.xml file of an ASDM.
  1096. readIERSeop2000 -- Read columns from the IERSeop2000 table
  1097. readIERSpredict -- Read columns from the IERSpredict table
  1098. readNonStandardHeader -- Reads the pixel information from a CASA image that does not have a spectral axis (workaround for CAS-5901)
  1099. readPipelineContDat -- Reads a cont.dat file and returns a dictionary keyed by spw ID
  1100. readPointingModelFromASDM -- Reads the pointing model for one (or all) antennas of an ASDM
  1101. readpwv -- assembles the dictionary returned by readwvr into arrays containing the PWV measurements
  1102. readRefantScoresFromCasalog -- Reads refant flagging and total scores from a CASA log for a specific ms and returns dictionaries
  1103. readSeeingFromASDM -- returns a dictionary containing information from the Seeing.xml file
  1104. readStationFromASDM -- Reads one or all stations from the ASDM, dictionary keyed by station number
  1105. readStationsFromASDM -- Reads one or all stations from the ASDM, dictionary keyed by station name
  1106. readStationFromASDMKeyedByAntennaName -- Reads one or all stations from the ASDM, dictionary keyed by antenna name
  1107. readSysCal -- Reads the SysCal.xml file of an ASDM searching for duplicate entries
  1108. readTcal -- Read the Tcal, Trx, or Tsys spectrum from the ASDM for a specific antenna, spw, and time
  1109. readTimesFromAnnotationTable -- Reads the parameter optimization entries for integration time from ASDM Annotation.xml
  1110. readTMCDBVersionAntennaHistory -- Reads the history of updates for an antenna
  1111. readTMCDBVersionPadHistory -- Reads the history of updates for a pad
  1112. readwvr -- reads the CalWVR.xml table from the ASDM and returns a dictionary
  1113. rebuildWeblog -- Regenerates the weblog from a pipeline execution
  1114. receiverTrxSpec -- Returns the Trx specification for the specified ALMA band
  1115. receiverTrxOT -- Returns the Trx used by the OT for the specified ALMA band
  1116. recenterOTPointings -- takes a Cycle 4 format OT pointings file and recenters it on a new direction
  1117. receptorAngles -- Prints the receptor angles associated with each antenna in the FIELD table of a measurement set.
  1118. recoverImfitEstimates -- Extracts estimates used by imfit from the CASA log into a text file (in case you changed it in the meantime)
  1119. refantScoreHistogram -- Builds histogram of refant total score and flagging score from a CASA log (see also plotRefantScore
  1120. refraction -- Computes the refraction angle for the specified elevation and weather
  1121. removeLines -- Removes all lines of an ASCII file that contain a specific string
  1122. removeAntennaFromCaltable -- Removes all rows in a caltable associated with an antenna
  1123. removeFieldFromTsysTable -- Removes all rows in a Tsys table associated with a specific field ID or field name
  1124. removeImageIfPresent -- Removes a file or directory if it is present
  1125. removePhasecalsFromSyscalTable -- Removes the rows from a SYSCAL table associated with phase calibrators (or other specified intent or specified scans)
  1126. removePhasecalsFromTsysTable -- Removes the rows from a Tsys table associated with the phase calibrators
  1127. removeScanFromCaltable -- Removes all rows from a caltable associated with a specified scan number
  1128. removeTargetMSfromList -- Removes all from a list of measurement sets
  1129. removeTsysSpike -- interpolate a Tsys table across a spike or other unwanted feature
  1130. removeWhiteSpace -- removes spaces, tabs and newlines from a string
  1131. renameAntennas -- renames all, or a list of, antennas in a measurement set (helpful for simulations)
  1132. renameMsInCalTable -- Change the name of the MSName keyword in the header of a caltable
  1133. renameSourceInASDM -- Renames a source in all 5 relevant .xml files of the ASDM
  1134. repairAtmcalStateIDs -- Repairs the stateId entries in the Main.xml file of an ASDM for all the AtmCal scans
  1135. repairSidebandRatio -- prepares an ASDM for running casapy-telcal's tc_sidebandratio() command to recompute SB gains and then runs it
  1136. repairSysCal -- prepares an ASDM for running casapy-telcal's tc_atmosphere() command to recompute Trx/Tsys and then runs it
  1137. replaceFinalAppearanceOfSubstringInString -- replace the final appearance of a substring with a different string
  1138. replaceMonth -- Replaces a 3-character month string with its 2-character integer string
  1139. replacePipelineStage - replaces the stage number string in a pipeline-generated filename
  1140. replaceTsys -- copy a scaled version of the Tsys values for one antenna, one spw, one polarization, to another
  1141. replaceTsysScan -- copy the Tsys values for one antenna, one spw, one polarization, one scan to a different scan
  1142. replaceTsysScanFromSQLD -- replaces existing Tsys values in a caltable with those from the SQLDs (located in an ASDM SysCal.xml table)
  1143. representativeFrequency -- gets the representative frequency for an ALMA measurement set
  1144. representativeFrequencyFromASDM -- gets the representative frequency for an ALMA ASDM
  1145. representativeSpw -- gets the representativeWindow value from the SBSummary.xml file of a measurement set (see also surmiseRepresentativeSpw)
  1146. requestedResolution -- gets the min/max acceptable angular resolution from a measurement set
  1147. requestedResolutionFromASDM -- gets the min/max acceptable angular resolution from an ASDM
  1148. resetVisibilities -- Sets the visibilities (data column) of a measurement set to a single user-supplied value
  1149. resetweights -- Set the data weights in a measurement set to a user-supplied factor
  1150. restFrameFreqRangeForSpw -- Gets rest frame frequency range in Hz for an spw
  1151. restFrequencies -- Returns a dictionary of spw rest frequencies for an ms
  1152. restFrequenciesASDM -- Returns a dictionary of spw rest frequencies for an ASDM
  1153. restFrequency -- read the spectral line rest frequency for the source and spw (originating in the OT)
  1154. visibilityOutliers.restoreCorrectedAmpFlagStage -- Prints commands to prepare a pipeline calibrated ms for testing with vo.makeFlagTemplates
  1155. restToLSRK -- convert rest frequency to LSRK frequency
  1156. roundFigures -- Rounds a value to N significant digits and outputs a float
  1157. roundFiguresToString -- Rounds a value to N significant digits and outputs a string
  1158. roundMeasurementToString -- Rounds two values to the same number of significant figures and generates a string
  1159. roundRadec -- Rounds a sexagesimal RA, Dec string to a specified precision (number of digits after the seconds decimal)
  1160. ami.runImstat -- Runs imstat with simultaneous mask and annulus options
  1161. runFixsyscaltimes -- Runs the casarecipe::almahelpers fixsyscaltimes and broadcasts the output messages to the CASA log
  1162. runPipeline -- Generates a small script to run the pipeline from PPR, pausing and running correctMyAntennaPositions and getALMAFluxcsv before restarting
  1163. runPredictcomp -- A convenient wrapper for running the casa task predictcomp
  1164. ruzeEfficiency -- Computes Ruze efficiency for wavelength, surface rms
  1165. sbnameForMOUS -- Looks up the SB name for a science MOUS
  1166. scaleChanwidth -- Scales the channel width of an spw in a measurement set
  1167. scaleEffectiveBandwidth -- Scales the effective bandwidth of an spw in a measurement set
  1168. scaleEffectiveBandwidthASDM -- Scales the effective bandwidth of an spw in an ASDM
  1169. scaleEffectiveResolution -- Scales the effective resolution of an spw in a measurement set
  1170. scaleEffectiveResolutionASDM -- Scales the effective resolution of an spw in a measurement set
  1171. scaleweights -- Scale the data weights in the WEIGHT column in a measurement set by a factor
  1172. scaleWeightSpectrum -- Scales the data weights in the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column in a measurement set by a factor
  1173. scaleWeightsPerAntenna -- Scales the data weights individually on each antenna in a measurement set by an individual factor
  1174. scansForIntent -- Returns a list of scans for a specific intent in a measurement set
  1175. scienceScanTimeFromWeblog -- Reads the scan start/end times for science targets from weblog
  1176. searchFlux -- Search the ALMA calibrator catalog for a specific source to get its measured flux densities
  1177. searchFluxForMS -- Search the ALMA calibrator catalog for all non-science targets in a measurement set
  1178. searchFluxPolarization -- Search the ALMA calibrator catalog for recent observations of polarization calibrators
  1179. sensitivity -- Calculate sensitivity of various telescopes (this is a wrapper for simutil's calculator which matches the ALMA OT)
  1180. sensitivityAdjustment -- Computes the formula from CAS-8534
  1181. sensitivityImprovement -- Computes the expected improvement in sensitivity from making ALMA images with combined channels
  1182. setBeam -- Set the restoring beam in the header of a CASA image
  1183. setFieldTime -- Sets a cell in the TIME column of the FIELD table of an ms
  1184. setImageUnits -- Sets the units of the first two axes of an image to the specified angular unit using imhead 'put'
  1185. setMeasFreqRef -- modifies the MEAS_FREQ_REF column of a SPECTRAL_WINDOW table of an ms, which encodes whether the frequency frame is TOPO or LSRK, etc.2018/01/05/10:03:54.479
  1186. setObject -- Sets the OBJECT (and FIELD) keywords in a FITS image
  1187. sevenMeterAntennasMajority -- returns True if the majority of antennas are <= 7m diameter
  1188. sevenMeterAntennasOnly -- Checks for 'CM' in antenna names, and returns False if at least one is not
  1189. sevenMeterAntennasMajorityASDM -- returns True if the majority of antennas in an ASDM are <= 7m diameter
  1190. sevenMeterAntennasOnlyASDM -- Checks the antenna diameters in an ASDM and returns True if all are less than 8m
  1191. sfBeam -- compute the effective restoring beam obtained from the casa command sd_imaging using the SF gridding function
  1192. sharedPads -- finds pads that are shared by specified list of configurations
  1193. shiftChannelSelection -- shifts a CASA channel selection string by a specified number of channels
  1194. sidebandToNetSideband -- convert from the [-1,+1] convention to the measurement set convention [+1,+2]
  1195. sidebandToString -- converts -1, +1 to 'LSB', 'USB'
  1196. singleDishSpectrum -- computes calibrated spectra from a single dish measurement set in a variety of ways
  1197. smooth -- smooth data using a specified window and size
  1198. smoothbandpass -- smooths an existing bandpass table with options for window length and type (Ed Fomalont)
  1199. smoothSpectralWindowTable -- resamples the vector columns of a spectral window table by taking means
  1200. smoothTsys -- filters and decimates all spws in a Tsys caltable to emulate lower resolution measurements
  1201. smoothTsysSpw -- filters and decimates a single spw in a Tsys caltable to emulate lower resolution measurements
  1202. snrFromCaltable -- builds a dictionary of statistics of the SNR in a caltable
  1203. snrToPhaseRmsDegrees -- converts the S/N of a visibility into rms phase in degrees
  1204. solutionsFromCaltable -- reads amplitudes, times, antenna IDs for a time-based 'T' solve
  1205. sortByObservationDate -- sorts a list of measurement sets by their observation start date/time
  1206. spectralindex -- performs least-squares fit to the output from fluxscale, computes uncertainties, and produces a plot
  1207. splitListIntoContiguousLists -- Converts [1,2,3,5,6,7] into [[1,2,3],[5,6,7]], etc., and (optionally) trim and recombine
  1208. splitListIntoHomogeneousLists -- Converts [1,1,1,2,2,3] into [[1,1,1],[2,2],[3]], etc.
  1209. spwForRestFrequency -- Finds the spw that contains the defined rest frequency closest to a specified value
  1210. spwPhaseupFromWeblog -- Finds whether mapping or combine was used for each vis, and which spws have relevant solutions
  1211. spwsForFields -- calls msmd.spwsforfield for each field in a list and returns the union
  1212. spwsForNames -- returns a list of spw IDs corresponding to a list of spw names
  1213. spwsForObsID -- returns a list of spw IDs observed in the specified Obs ID (and optionally scan number/list)
  1214. spwsForScan -- returns a dictionary keyed by scan number, with values equal to the non-chanavg, non-WVR, non-SQLD spws
  1215. spwToLSRK -- converts TOPO frequencies in a measurement set to LSRK for a specified field
  1216. spwType -- Determines the type of ALMA spw based on the number of channels
  1217. SQLD -- a class to read the baseband total power detector coefficients from the computing logs web interface and apply them to a measurement set to convert from counts to dBm
  1218. stripTaskFromLog -- remove all messages from a specific task(s) from a casa log file
  1219. strDate2MJD -- converts date in string format (YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-dd) to MJD
  1220. strongTsysLines -- returns dictionary containing number of strong features in each Tsys spw
  1221. strongTsysLinesInSpw -- returns number of strong features in the specified Tsys spw
  1222. subtractDays -- subtract a specified number of days from a date string
  1223. subtractGaussianFromImage -- Subtract a 2D Gaussian from an image
  1224. analyzemsimage.summarizeFindcont -- builds a multi-panel png for the findcont joint masks and mean spectra from a pipeline run, or pair of serial/parallel pipeline runs
  1225. analyzemsimage.summarizeFindconts -- runs summarizeFindcont for a list of pairs of pipeline runs
  1226. summarizeFlagFile -- Summarizes flag file per spw and per field
  1227. summarizeImfitResults -- Computes the median and MAD of a dictionary list of imfit fit results
  1228. sun -- computes the azimuth and elevation of the Sun at a specified time (or "now"), for any observatory known to CASA
  1229. sunrise -- computes the sunrise and sunset in mjd seconds for the specified date and observatory
  1230. surmiseConfiguration -- determine the most closely matching ALMA configuration from a measurement set (also works for VLA and other interferometers)
  1231. surmiseConfigurationFromASDM -- determine the most closely matching ALMA configuration from an ASDM (also works for VLA)
  1232. surmiseConfigurationFromImage -- determines nominal ALMA configuration that would produce the beam of the specified image
  1233. surmiseCycle -- determine the ALMA cycle from the date of a measurement set
  1234. surmiseCycleFromASDM -- determine the ALMA cycle from the date of an ASDM
  1235. surmiseCycleFromImage -- determine the ALMA cycle from the date of an image
  1236. surmiseEffectiveResolution -- determine the effective resolution of a channel in an ALMA measurement set
  1237. surmiseOnlineChannelAveraging -- determine the level of channel averaging in an spw of an ALMA measurement set
  1238. surmiseRepresentativeSpw -- gets the spw that contains (and whose center frequency is closest to) to the representative frequency of a measurement set (see also representativeSpw)
  1239. swapPhasecalChecksourceIntents -- swaps all appearances of CALIBRATE_PHASE with OBSERVE_CHECK_SOURCE
  1240. amc.tailCalibPipeLogfile -- searches the specified directory tree for the newest calibPipeIF.*log file and runs "tail -f" on it
  1241. amc.tailPipelineCasaLogfile -- searches the specified directory tree for the newest casa log file, optionally containing an applycal call on a specified ASDM, and runs "tail -f" on it
  1242. ALMA.TargetRADecFromWeblogtargetRADecFromWeblog]] -- Reads the RA/Dec of all science targets from the weblog
  1243. taskExecutionTimes -- computes the time taken to execute a task in a casa log file
  1244. tcleanMemoryFromLogfile -- computes the median value of Available memory in a casa log containing tclean commands
  1245. tcleanMemoryFromLogfiles -- computes the median value of Available memory in several casa logs
  1246. tcleanVelocityParameters -- determines nchan, start, width, restfreq parameters for tclean for an MOUS
  1247. testFlagRowColumn -- Tests whether the FLAG_ROW column is consistent with the FLAG column
  1248. timeDifference -- compute the time difference between two observations (two .ms)
  1249. timeDifferenceASDM -- compute the time difference between two ASDMs
  1250. timeOnSource -- compute the total time spent integrating on-source for each specified field
  1251. timeOnSourceFromWeblog -- Reads time on science targets from weblog
  1252. timeOnSourceSD -- compute the total time spent integrating on-source and off-source on the science target in a single dish dataset
  1253. timePipelineImaging -- Parses the CASA log to build a dictionary of tclean run times
  1254. timeTargetflag -- Parses the CASA log to compare time required for various pieces of hifa_targetflag
  1255. timeTclean -- Times the various parts of tclean autoboxing for Major Cycle 2 from a CASA log file
  1256. topoChannelToLSRK -- convert a visibility channel TOPO frequency to LSRK frequency
  1257. topoToLSRK -- convert topocentric frequency to LSRK frequency
  1258. topoToLSRKForField -- Reads date, observatory, equinox and direction from an ms and converts a TOTO freq to LSRK
  1259. topoToRest -- convert topocentric frequency to rest frequency
  1260. transferWeights -- transfers the weights from one measurement set to another
  1261. transferWeightsWithinMS -- transfers the weights from one spw to one or more other spws (in the same measurement set)
  1262. transition -- read the spectral line transition name for the source and spw (originating in the OT)
  1263. transitions -- returns a dictionary of spectral line transitions keyed by spw of the science spws of a specified ms
  1264. transitTime -- Compute the time of transit on a certain date for an RA, or a field from a measurement set
  1265. transitTimeUnix -- Compute the unix time in seconds of transit on a certain date for an RA, or a field from a measurement set
  1266. es.tsysAverage -- computes and plots the average (per-spw) Tsys spectrum for an ALMA Tsys caltable
  1267. tsysFromListobs -- Returns the number of Tsys scans on phasecal and science targets from a listobs text file
  1268. tsysFromMOUSListobs -- Returns the number of Tsys scans on phasecal and science targets in each EB of a pipeline-reduced MOUS
  1269. tsysOffSourceRADec -- Computes RA/Dec of the Tsys reference position
  1270. tsysspwmapWithNoTable -- finds the Tsys spw corresponding to a specfied spw without the need for a tsys caltable
  1271. tunnel -- open an ssh tunnel to a server in Chile, e.g. for accessing the calibrator catalog
  1272. twoSourceDataset -- modifies the intents of a two-source measurement set so that it can be run through the script generator
  1273. uidToUnderscores -- converts a colon/slash delimited uid to underscore-delimited, preserving any initial path
  1274. unifyFieldTimes -- Copies the time for a field in the FIELD table from one ms to a list of others
  1275. uniqueValuesInASCIIFileColumn -- reads in a list of ASCII files, parses 1 or 2 columns and returns a dictionary of the unique values in those columns
  1276. unixTimeToDateString -- converts a unix time (in seconds) to "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UT"
  1277. unixtimeToSiderealTime -- converts a unix time in seconds to sidereal time at specified observatory
  1278. unpackWeblogs -- unpacks the tarball weblogs contained in a list of directories
  1279. unwrapCasaCommandLog -- Takes an ASCII file and unwraps the long lines (without breaking words)
  1280. updateImfitEstimates -- Reads logfile produced by imfit and updates an estimates file for peak intensity and x and y
  1281. updateSBSummary -- Changes values in the ASDM_SBSUMMARY table of a measurement set
  1282. updateSBSummaryASDM -- Change values in the SBSummary.xml file of an ASDM
  1283. updateSBSummaryMOUS -- Change values in the ASDM_SBSUMMARY table of a list of measurement sets according to a text file
  1284. upsampleSpectralAxis -- Resample's the spectral axis of a cube by a specified factor (using imregrid)
  1285. uvcontfitCaltable -- Examine values in a caltable generated by uvcontfit
  1286. uvplot -- Makes a uv plot with points mirrored about the origin (similar but inferior to plotuv in casa)
  1287. uvplotHeterogeneous -- Makes a 4-panel Vwave vs. Uwave plot of heterogenous ALMA dataset
  1288. uvplotMultiEB -- Overlays the uv coverage of multiple EBs by calling plotms repeatedly
  1289. uvrangeFromVisstat -- Calls visstat followed by visstat2uvrange to return min/max uvrange in meters
  1290. uvrangeFromVisstats -- Calls uvrangeFromVisstat on a list of measurement sets and reports the aggregate range
  1291. uvspectrum -- Uses plotms to generate a (baseline-)averaged uv spectrum
  1292. uvtaperProtection -- Preliminary algorithm for tapering the effect of outlier antennas in an ms
  1293. uvtaperProtectionASDM -- Preliminary algorithm for tapering the effect of outlier antennas in an ASDM
  1294. uvwDifference -- compute the difference in uvw's between two (nearly) identical ms's
  1295. validateReceptorAngle -- Compares the receptor angles for the first science spw of a measurement set against the default values for the corresponding ALMA band
  1296. validCalibration -- checks if all science spws were also observed with the specified calibration intent
  1297. velocityRange -- computes LSRK velocity range of the visibility data of an spw
  1298. velocityRanges -- computes relative channel shifts among measurement sets
  1299. velocityResolution -- computes the velocity resolution of spw(s) of a measurement set
  1300. version -- returns the CVS version number of
  1301. versionsFromWeblog -- reads the CASA and pipeline versions from the weblog main page
  1302. virtualSpwsNeeded -- returns the number of EBs that require virtual spw mechanism for a specified pipeline working directory
  1303. visHistory -- returns and/or searches the history of a measurement set
  1304. vislistFromWeblog -- reads list of measurement sets from weblog
  1305. visstatBinnedUVSpectrum -- calls visstat N times to build up an N-channel spectrum
  1306. visstatParse -- Computes mean timestamp of data selected by visstat
  1307. visstat2uvrange -- computes the global min/max uvrange over all spws from a dictionary returned by visstat2(axis='uvrange')
  1308. waterPartialPressure -- converts relative humidity and temperature into partial pressure of water vapor
  1309. waterVaporPressure -- computes vapor pressure of water at a particular temperature using the Antoine equation
  1310. waveNumberPerAtmosphereToMHzPerMillibar -- converts air broadening coefficient to different units
  1311. waveNumberToFrequency -- converts wave number to frequency in GHz
  1312. weatherCorrelation -- plots one ALMA weather station quantity vs. another for one station.
  1313. weatherCorrelationMontage -- calls weatherCorrelation for all ALMA stations and assembles result into relative location on Chajnantor
  1314. amc.weblogDuration -- returns the duration string shown in the pipeline weblog main page
  1315. widestChanwidth -- returns the widest channel width for the specified list of spws in a measurement set
  1316. windowFunction -- returns the FWHM or effective bandwidth (in channels) for the chosen ALMA correlator window function
  1317. worstMomDiffSNRFromCasalog -- Searches the casa log by calling momdiffSNRFromCasalog for each findcont.residual cube of a pipeline run
  1318. wvrAmplitudes -- returns the median and maximum values of each WVR channel per antenna, for a specified field
  1319. wvrCorrelation -- computes the covariance between the WVR data channels and the astronomical autocorrelation, scaled to the variance of the WVR data
  1320. wvrdata -- Looks in CalPhase.xml of an ASDM to determine if it contains WVR-corrected data or not
  1321. wvrgcalStats -- runs wvrgcal once for each source ID with --statsource set and generates a table of RMS and discrepancy statistics
  1322. es.wvr_stat_all -- runs es.wvr_stat once for each spw/pol combination, and assembles all the plots into a PDF
  1323. xyz2long -- A convenient wrapper for simutil.xyz2long to convert the specified ITRF location to degrees of latitude and longitude
  1324. yearFraction -- computes the epoch (e.g. 2016.02344) for a specified date time string
  1325. yigHarmonic -- returns the YIG harmonic used in the WCA of the specified ALMA band
  1326. yigRange -- returns the required tuning range in Hz of YIG in the WCA of the specified ALMA band
  1327. ymdhmsToMJD -- converts the date and time specified via 3 to 6 integers into MJD

Additions from others

  • InterpolateTsys -- Stuartt Corder
    • related CASA recipes:
      • tsysspwmap
        • from recipes.almahelpers import tsysspwmap
        • tsysspwmap(vis='', tsystable='')
      • fixsyscaltimes
        • from recipes.almahelpers import fixsyscaltimes
        • fixsyscaltimes(vis='')
  • stuffForScienceDataReduction -- a class containing methods to correct antenna positions, etc. (Eric Villard)
    • generateReducScript -- generate a script to reduce ALMA data
    • generateQA2Report -- generate a QA2 report for ALMA Cycle 0 or Cycle 1 data
    • correctMyAntennaPositions -- print out the exact gencal command you need to run to apply the most recent position offsets applicable to your array configuration
    • wvr_stat -- QA2 function to determine the phase rms before and after application of wvr
  • ValueMapping -- A class which provides details on the mapping of various parameters of an ms to each other, which is used by many of the functions above (Stuartt Corder)

Other utilities for EVLA, etc.

Easy access in Charlottesville or Socorro

  • create a file in your home area: ~/.casa/ which contains:
import sys
import analysisUtils as au
  • start casa
  • Now you can access all functions, for example: au.plotbandpass()

Easy access for users outside of NRAO

  • download the tar file analysis_scripts.tar
  • unpack it in a designated area, such as your home directory -- it will make a subdirectory called analysis_scripts
  • edit your file ~/.casa/ to contain the following lines:
import sys
import analysisUtils as au
  • start casa
  • Now you can access all functions, for example: au.plotbandpass()

-- ToddHunter - 2011-10-07

  • analysisUtils.py_history.png: generated by tt.plotLinesOfCodeVsTime(filename='') history.png
Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment manage 5 K 2012-10-19 - 16:10 ToddHunter Example script using specfit to fit multiple Gaussians to multiple pixels in a cube
analysisUtils.py_history.pngpng analysisUtils.py_history.png manage 61 K 2018-05-18 - 14:59 ToddHunter  
Topic revision: r923 - 2024-03-19, ToddHunter
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