ALMA correlator fiber optic patch panel info



Judging from the photos below, each of the three "ALMA-x" rack contains 8 rows of 8 connector module units (cassettes) = 64, and 64*3racks = 192 units, plus 1 row with one or 2 units each, total = 196 units. Each connector has all 8 fibers terminated. The ACA rack has 3 rows of 8 units = 24 units, plus 1 row with one unit, total = 25 units. There are 22 ACA pads and 170 12m pads, for a total of 192 pads. Quoting from the ACAS documentation:
    • "The external cables are terminated directly at the rear of the ALMA-B/ACA Patch Panel Racks. In order to allow the simultaneous correlation of the scientific data generated by the ACA antennas in the ALMA-B correlator and in the ACA correlator, the DTS signals coming from the ACA stations are optically split and routed to both the ACA Patch Panel and the ALMA-B Patch Panel. The splitters are located in the ACA Patch Panel Rack. The other signals (LO and M&C) are not split."
  • The photos above suggests that there is enough room in this room for a second patch panel devoted to the WSU's use of the spare fiber from each antenna?

WSU needs

  • Will need rack space in current AOS patch panel room for EDFAs to use when antennas are on distant pads, EDFA is 1 inch wide (by 4U) per signal
  • CLOA was built for 80 antennas. Plan is to plumb that many through to OSF.
  • The HIL has taken up some space since these photos were taken. Christophe will ask BE group to take new photo, and measure available spare size for racks.
  • Will need short cables to go from the new WSU/EDFA rack to go to the termination point of the new ~200-core AOS-OSF fiber. Where is that termination point of the current 48-core fiber?
  • What is needed at OSF?
    • straight connection to AT ingest, which requires an interface card from 400G to 100G multimode.
    • 2 spare racks have been set aside in correlator design/budget (40 racks total, standard 19 inch) which could hold these cards (35 per rack), which CJ thinks is enough for 66 antennas.
    • Additional cooling is a concern. 12kW has been assumed in correlator proposal.
    • Additional rack(s?) needed for upgraded ACAS
    • Only yearly maintenance envisioned to clean fibers, check power levels, like the CLOA room
    • Will need termination point of 200-fiber cable elsewhere, coiling up the unused ones, and allowing the 80 to continue to the correlator room.
    • What is power usage of all telecommunication system?



CAI mapping

-- ToddHunter - 2021-10-19

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
2004-04-26-AOS-TB-Design-Development-package.pdfpdf 2004-04-26-AOS-TB-Design-Development-package.pdf manage 29 MB 2022-01-31 - 14:30 ToddHunter  
2016-10-18ALMA- 2016-10-18ALMA- manage 1 MB 2022-02-09 - 16:52 ToddHunter  
2020-09-30_CORL- 2020-09-30_CORL- manage 2 MB 2022-01-30 - 14:43 ToddHunter  
ALMA- ALMA HIL Simulation Environment and Infrastructure A.4.pdfpdf ALMA- ALMA HIL Simulation Environment and Infrastructure A.4.pdf manage 1 MB 2022-01-31 - 14:22 ToddHunter  
ALMA-20 01 02 00-60 00 00 00-A-ICD.pdfpdf ALMA-20 01 02 00-60 00 00 00-A-ICD.pdf manage 250 K 2022-02-01 - 10:07 ToddHunter ICT baseline correlator to Site
ALMA- - AOS PATCH PANEL-1.docdoc ALMA- - AOS PATCH PANEL-1.doc manage 6 MB 2022-02-18 - 09:28 ToddHunter Proper use for AOS Fiber Optic Patch Panel Procedure
ALMA- - AOS PATCH PANEL-NM1_sBLO.pdfpdf ALMA- - AOS PATCH PANEL-NM1_sBLO.pdf manage 882 K 2022-02-18 - 09:34 ToddHunter  
Entregables-ALMA-9-scaled.pngpng Entregables-ALMA-9-scaled.png manage 3 MB 2021-10-19 - 11:38 ToddHunter  
ICD_HIL_Fig2.pngpng ICD_HIL_Fig2.png manage 1 MB 2022-01-29 - 19:25 ToddHunter  
ICD_HIL_Fig4.pngpng ICD_HIL_Fig4.png manage 321 K 2022-01-29 - 19:25 ToddHunter  
OSF_patch_panel_diagram.pngpng OSF_patch_panel_diagram.png manage 203 K 2022-01-29 - 19:32 ToddHunter  
acac_acas.pngpng acac_acas.png manage 101 K 2021-10-19 - 12:07 ToddHunter  
patchPanelDiagram.pngpng patchPanelDiagram.png manage 309 K 2021-10-20 - 09:36 ToddHunter  
patchPanelNeilPhillipsTalk.pngpng patchPanelNeilPhillipsTalk.png manage 697 K 2022-02-09 - 17:06 ToddHunter  
patchPanelNeilPhillipsTalk2.pngpng patchPanelNeilPhillipsTalk2.png manage 2 MB 2022-02-14 - 11:03 ToddHunter  
patchPanelNeilPhillipsTalkZoom.pngpng patchPanelNeilPhillipsTalkZoom.png manage 6 MB 2022-02-14 - 11:02 ToddHunter  
room128.pngpng room128.png manage 174 K 2021-10-19 - 11:54 ToddHunter AOS building diagram
Topic revision: r11 - 2022-02-19, ToddHunter
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