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The NRAO "Public Wiki", built on the FOSWiki system, is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based collaboration platform. It can be used to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base or any other groupware tool. For users of NRAO's separate Staff Wiki, note the different background in the top bar above.

Registered and (manually) approved "known" users can edit any of the pages in this site except for certain restricted areas. For documentation and tutorials about how to use this platform, visit WelcomeGuest. If you want to collaborate, you can get things started by Registering.

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NRAO Main Webs (does not include subwebs)
WebDescription of webUsed to...Links
ALMA The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) ...collaborate on issues relating to ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array
CDL Coordinated Development Laboratory ...collaborate on issues of electronic and receiver development across the Observatory
CICADA Configurable Instrument Collaboration for Agile Data Acquisition ...collaborate on CICADA hardware/firmware development
Ccs Public Documentation for Computing and Networking ...provide our external collaborators with documentation
Cville NRAO Charlottesville ...collaborate on issues specific to NRAO's Charlottesville, VA location.
DSAA Scientific and Academic Affairs at NRAO ...collaborate on Scientific and Academic issues with NRAO staff.
EVLA Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) ...collaborate on issues relating to all phases of the EVLA project
FASR Wiki for the Frequency-Agile Solar Radiotelescope ...collaborate on FASR development
HPC High-Performance Computing ...collaborate on HPC topics such as clusters, GPGPU, cell processing, etc.
KPAF Collaboration on the K Band Focal Plane Array ...collaborate on the K Band Focal Plane Array
Library The NRAO Library External Collaboration Area ...collaborate with our partners and others on various Library technologies and topics
Software Collaboration on NRAO Software ...collaborate on development, deployment, maintenance, and use of NRAO software.
Splat Documentation on the Splatalogue ...find out everything you might need to know about the Splatalogue
VLBA VLBA Collaborative Resources ...collaborate on VLBI: observation preparation, data reduction, and more

Main Web Utilities

Topic attachments
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This topic: Main > WebHome
Topic revision: 2014-05-13, PatrickMurphy
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