VEGAS Tests 18 September 2013


  • Astronomical tests of Mode 4


  • Start at 8:50pm, L-band
  • Scans 222-226 AutoPeakFocus
  • Scans 227 Lmode4specOffOnExGal - Off
  • Scan 228 - Aborting: No data received from vegas_hpc_server
  • Scan 229 Lmode4specOffOnExGal - same again. Try turning manager off and on again - goes into Activating for a long time (minutes)
  • Scans 230 Lmode4specOffOnExGal - Off
  • Scans 231 Lmode4specOffOnExGal - On
  • Scans 232 Lmode4specOffOnExGal - Off
  • Scans 234-238 AutoPeakFocus 3C295 --->>> Filler stops working at this point!
  • Scans 239-240 Lmode4specOffOnCal
  • Scan 241 Lmode4specfreswN1961

  • Switch to C-band
  • Scan 242 - 246 AutoPeakFocus W3OH - baselines are terrible!
  • Scan 247-248 Cmode4specOffOnRRL
  • Filler starts again - I had a suspended version left running

  • Switch back to L-band
  • Scan 249 Lmode4specfreswGal20
  • Finish at 10:45pm

Data Analysis


  • % cd /home/scratch/rprestag/vegas/TGBT13B_502_1
  • % sdfits-test TGBT13B_502_16
  • % gbtidl-test
  • GBTIDL -> dirin, ""
  • GBTIDL -> summary
  Scan           Source      Vel    Proc Seq    RestF nIF nInt nFd     Az    El
   227            N1961   3934.0   OffOn   1    1.420   1  177   1   10.4  20.0
   230            N1961   3934.0   OffOn   1    1.420   1  176   1   11.6  20.4
   231            N1961   3934.0   OffOn   2    1.420   1  169   1    0.0   0.0
   232            N1961   3934.0   OffOn   1    1.420   1  169   1   12.7  21.0
   233            N1961   3934.0   OffOn   2    1.420   1  170   1   12.7  21.0
   239            3C295      0.0   OffOn   1    1.420   1   20   1  316.5  27.2
   240            3C295      0.0   OffOn   2    1.420   1   20   1  316.1  27.9
   241            N1961   3934.0   Track   1    1.420   1  138   1   14.5  22.0
   247               W3    -40.9   OffOn   1    5.000   1  166   1   35.0  35.9
   248               W3    -40.9   OffOn   2    5.000   1  167   1   35.0  35.9
   249            Gal20      0.0   Track   1    1.420   1   18   1  225.3  28.0

GBTIDL -> flag, [230,231,232,233],bchan= 16384,echan= 16384, idstring="ADC"
GBTIDL -> sclear
GBTIDL -> getps,230,plnum=0,units="Jy"
Blanked spectra: ignored 2 integrations
Scan:   231  units: Jy  tau:0.008  ap_eff:0.710   Tsys:  14.46    14.42
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
GBTIDL -> accum
GBTIDL -> getps,230,plnum=1,units="Jy"
Blanked spectra: ignored 2 integrations
Scan:   231  units: Jy  tau:0.008  ap_eff:0.710   Tsys:  15.25    15.23
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
GBTIDL -> accum
GBTIDL -> getps,232,plnum=0,units="Jy"
Blanked spectra: ignored 2 integrations
Scan:   233  units: Jy  tau:0.008  ap_eff:0.710   Tsys:   7.48     7.01
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
GBTIDL -> accum
GBTIDL -> getps,232,plnum=1,units="Jy"
Blanked spectra: ignored 2 integrations
Scan:   233  units: Jy  tau:0.008  ap_eff:0.710   Tsys:   7.48     6.99
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
GBTIDL -> accum
GBTIDL -> ave  
% ACCUMAVE: Average of :       4 spectra

write here

GBTIDL -> nfit, 9
GBTIDL -> setregion
Use the left button to mark the region and the right button to exit
GBTIDL -> baseline
GBTIDL -> boxcar,4
GBTIDL -> setx,3400,4500
GBTIDL -> setx,3000,5000
GBTIDL -> sety, -0.02, 0.1
Postscript file written: 

GBTIDL -> tmp_data = getdata()
GBTIDL -> tmp_data = tmp_data*2.54
GBTIDL -> setdata, tmp_data
GBTIDL -> sety, -0.02, 0.2

save here

GBTIDL -> getfs, 241, units="Jy"
Blanked spectra: ignored 1 integrations
Scan:   241  units: Jy  tau:0.008  ap_eff:0.710   Tsys:   6.33
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
Postscript file written: 
GBTIDL -> boxcar,4
GBTIDL -> setx,3000,5000  
GBTIDL -> sety,
Postscript file written: printed on lp
GBTIDL -> sety,0.12,0.19
GBTIDL -> $gv
GBTIDL -> sety,0.12,0.24  
Postscript file written: 

Rick's result for comparison


GBTIDL -> getps,239
Scan:   240  units: Ta (K)  Tsys:   5.21     6.01
GBTIDL -> sety,0,5 
Postscript file written: /home/scratch/rprestag/vegas/TGBT13B_502_16/3C295raw.p


GBTIDL -> getfs, 249
Scan:   249  units: Ta (K)  Tsys:  10.24
GBTIDL -> setx, 1410,1430
GBTIDL -> setx, 1.410,1.430
GBTIDL -> setx, 1.415,1.425
Postscript file written: /home/scratch/rprestag/vegas/TGBT13B_502_16/


GBTIDL -> sclear
GBTIDL -> getps,247,plnum=0
Scan:   248  units: Ta (K)  Tsys:  12.29    15.82
GBTIDL -> accum
GBTIDL -> getps,247,plnum=1
Scan:   248  units: Ta (K)  Tsys:  13.00    16.40
GBTIDL -> accum
GBTIDL -> ave
% ACCUMAVE: Average of :       2 spectra
GBTIDL -> recombh
GBTIDL -> sety,40,60
GBTIDL -> sety,40,46
GBTIDL -> sety,42,46
GBTIDL -> setx,5.008,5.012
Postscript file written: /home/scratch/rprestag/vegas/TGBT13B_502_16/





W3 (C-band)

Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment
W3raw.pdfpdf W3raw.pdf manage 25 K 2013-09-19 - 08:07 RichardPrestage W3 C-band raw position-switched data
N1961scale.pdfpdf N1961scale.pdf manage 30 K 2013-09-19 - 08:04 RichardPrestage N1961 scaled position-switched data (pdf)
N1961rawFSzoom.pdfpdf N1961rawFSzoom.pdf manage 31 K 2013-09-19 - 08:05 RichardPrestage N1961 zoomed frequency-switched data
N1961rawFS.pdfpdf N1961rawFS.pdf manage 163 K 2013-09-19 - 08:05 RichardPrestage N1961 raw frequency-switched data
N1961raw.pngpng N1961raw.png manage 36 K 2013-09-19 - 08:01 RichardPrestage N1961 raw position-switched data
N1961raw.pdfpdf N1961raw.pdf manage 169 K 2013-09-19 - 08:02 RichardPrestage N1961 raw position-switched data (pdf)
N1961proc.pdfpdf N1961proc.pdf manage 31 K 2013-09-19 - 08:04 RichardPrestage N1961 processed position-switched data (pdf)
Gal20raw.pdfpdf Gal20raw.pdf manage 28 K 2013-09-19 - 08:07 RichardPrestage Gal20 raw frequency-switched data
3C295raw.pdfpdf 3C295raw.pdf manage 166 K 2013-09-19 - 08:06 RichardPrestage 3C295 raw position-switched data
This topic: CICADA > WebHome > GreenBankSpectrometer > CICADAGreenBankSpectrometerAug2013TestPlan > CICADAGreenBankSpectrometer2013Sep18
Topic revision: 2013-09-19, RichardPrestage
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