2006-05-24 ALMA Calibration Group Examples Document Review

Table of Contents:


  1. EdFomalont
  2. MarkHoldaway
  3. RobertLucas
  4. JeffMangum
  5. AnthonyRemijan
  6. Sakiuchi
  7. Shigehisa Takakuwa
  8. Dick Sramek
  9. BaltasarVilaVilaro
  10. Jack Welch
  11. AlWootten

Review of Amplitude Calibration Example

  • Dick Sramek : What is cycle times and duration for relative amplitude calibration measurements? A single amplitude calibration system measurement will take something like 10 seconds. This relative amplitude calibration system measurement will need to be done every 5 to 30 minutes, where the shorter interval is necessary at high frequency. Will insert this into relative amplitude calibration sequence description. (DONE: JeffMangum)
  • Dick Sramek : Shouldn't one try to measure the relative flux calibration as a function of time using measurements of a strong calibrator? Yes. Will insert this into relative amplitude calibration sequence description. (DONE: JeffMangum)
  • Baltasar Vila Vilaro : Won't insertion of the solar filter for amplitude calibration of solar observations require longer integration times on the loads? Yes. Will add a bit to the solar calibration description point to make this clear. (DONE: JeffMangum)
  • Mark Holdaway : For single dish measurements, amplitudes for all sources, not just point sources, will need to be converted to Janskys. Correct. Will change wording. (DONE: JeffMangum)
  • Al Wootten : Document could be clarified with a "timing diagram". Correct.

Review of Phase Calibration Example

  • Baltasar Vila Vilaro : To derive a check of phase calibration bootstrapping at high frequencies should do strong calibrator target frequency measurements every 20-30 seconds. This would represent a repeat of the current "instrumental sequence". Will change wording to reflect this. (DONE: JeffMangum)
  • Al Wootten : Document could be clarified with a "timing diagram". Correct.

Next Review

On 2006/06/08 we will review the bandpass and pointing calibration example documents.

-- JeffMangum - 25 May 2006

This topic: ALMA > WebHome > AlmaSci > AlmaCal > CalExamples > CalExampleReview20060524
Topic revision: 2006-07-10, JeffMangum
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